The more you look at the more powerful the dragon is, the more you can see it.

Jiang Li used the Eye of Detection on the Super Blood Wing Dragon in front of him.

[Race: Super Blood Wing Dragon (Mage Form)]

[Gender: Female]

[Strength: Level 65 (Intermediate Quasi-King Level)]

[Attribute: Dragon + Flying]

[Domain: Dragon Domain]

[Feature: Flying Skin]

[Talent: King Level]

[Skills: Dragon God Dive, Destructive Death Light, Dragon Star Cluster, Self-Sacrifice Collision, Flame Fist, Lightning Fist, Ice Fist, Crushing, Ultimate Impact, Dragon Dance, Dragon Wave, Storm...]

Jiang Li looked at this powerful data panel and sighed inadvertently.

No wonder he could kill that gym-level Gyarados in one second.

After all, a quasi-King-level Pokémon, coupled with the power of super evolution.

It is enough to kill everything in one second, even a King-level Pokémon.

With this super-evolved Bloodwing Dragon, it is also enough to fight.

After all, super evolution is the highlight of a Pokémon's life, tapping their strongest potential.

Under normal circumstances, super-evolved Pokémon can challenge across levels.

If a quasi-King-level Pokémon undergoes super evolution, then his overall strength can reach the King-level.

This is the conclusion that the Huaxia Alliance has drawn after so many years of research on super evolution.

This makes Jiang Li want to get Charizard's Super Evolution Stone even more.

After all, if his Charizard can super evolve, with the strength of ordinary level 21-30) it can challenge the elite level (31-40) across levels.

Looking at this Major General Xiyue, he finally rode the Bloodwing Dragon away amid the cheers of the people.

Jiang Li thought that he also wanted to have a dragon-type quasi-god, and he had a hunch that this day would not be far away.

After experiencing all these things, Jiang Li was no longer in the mood to continue playing.

He was going to go back to the hotel to rest, and because of the Gyarados attack.

The staff at Oriental Pearl Tower also refunded the tourists' ticket money.

It was like they had a free meal.

Back in the hotel, Jiang Li kept checking the local news in Magic City.

He found that it was only on the front page of the local news, and there was no report in other places.

It seemed that this matter was common, but it was.

As an international metropolis and the outlet of the eastern region of the Huaxia Alliance, Magic City is often invaded by various elves. If there were no strong trainers sitting here.

It would have been in chaos a long time ago. Maybe the madness of Gyarados was very rare in the eyes of Jiang Li and others.

But in the eyes of Major General Xiyue and others, it was a very common thing. They would probably deal with the same thing every once in a while.

Afterwards, Jiang Li learned the reason why Gyarados attacked the city.

It turned out that a trainer forcibly captured the partner of the attacking Gyarados when he was capturing Pokémon in the East China Sea.

That is, a very rare Milotica, and it also injured their children.

This angered the Gyarados and made him attack the building madly.

Because the captured Milotica was directly imprisoned in the building.

The mad Gyarados also came from the sea, following the breath upstream to the Huangpu River.

Finally, he felt that his partner was in the building, so he went crazy and wanted to attack the building.

The final result was that the trainer who forcibly captured Milotica.

Because his deeds endangered public safety, and he did not remedy the situation after the Gyarados went crazy.

Instead, he watched the Gyarados attack the building madly, thinking that he would not be investigated.

But the net of heaven is vast and nothing can escape it!

The trainer who forcibly captured Milotic was caught by the local police.

Although the Gyarados's attack on the high-rise building did not cause any casualties,

However, due to the intimidation of Gyarados, many people were in a hurry to escape, resulting in a crowded stampede and many people were injured.

Some people are still in the intensive care unit.

Moreover, the shield that offsets the attack of the Gyarados's destruction ray requires a lot of resources once it is opened.

It is estimated that the loss is more than 100 million.

So the trainer was sentenced to 10 years in prison and deprived of his qualification as a trainer.

This trainer is really unlucky. He suffered such a fate after catching a Milotic.

But the key is that he is not responsible at all

None, if he had stood up to stop Gyarados from destroying the city when Gyarados was madly attacking the city, he would not have ended up like this. Even his qualification as a trainer was stripped away, and he could only become an ordinary person in the future. The Gyarados also paid a painful price and died tragically in the Huangpu River. The next morning, Jiang Li finished his breakfast at a breakfast stall in the Magic City. He went directly to the arena for the last round of auditions. When he arrived at the competition venue, Jiang Li saw that many staff members had heavy dark circles under their eyes. He heard that the first round of auditions lasted until two or three o'clock in the morning yesterday, and it was not until then that it ended. "Jiang Li, Wang Jie, Zhao Liu... Please hurry up and compete on stage if your name is called..." With the staff's weak response, Jiang Li and other contestants appeared directly. "Come out, Charizard!"

"Come out! Snorlax!"

"Come out! Bulbasaur..."

At the referee's command, everyone sent out their own Pokémon.

After their Pokémon appeared, everyone began to be alert.

To prevent other Pokémon from attacking, these were the ones who stood out in the last round.

Those who can come here are all very capable, so it is impossible for them to unite.

All of them are fighting alone, each for their own.

"Pikachu uses 100,000 volts!"

"Frog, be careful to dodge!"

Soon, a small group fight broke out among the group.

"Water Elves use Water Tail!"

Soon someone set their sights on Jiang Li's Charizard, under the command of a gentle-looking girl.

A Vaporeon, who looked like a water Pokémon, rushed towards the Charizard flying in the sky.

He mobilized the water energy in his body, and when he stood up and jumped, he swung a whip like a stream of water.

Jiang Li used the Eye of Detection to look and found that the strength of this water spirit had reached level 25, which was the middle level of the ordinary level.

"Charizard, use Dragon Tail!"


Charizard immediately mobilized the dragon energy in his body and injected them all into his tail.

He used the first-level Dragon Tail on the water spirit that bounced up.

With a swish, the water spirit that bounced up was directly slapped away by Charizard's Dragon Tail.

He fell heavily to the ground, and the water spirit's water tail hit Charizard, but it was not hurt at all.

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