Chapter 132 Gamble with Each Other! Big Purple Fat Man Comes On!!

【Myo frog flower (grass) (poison)】



[Feature: Lush (when the HP is reduced, the power of the grass attribute’s move will increase)]

【Personality Talent: Introverted (+ Special Attack, – Attack)]

[Individual Qualifications: HP(31), Attack (31), Defense (31), Special Attack (31), Special Defense (31), Speed (31)]

【Skills: Falling Colorful, Vine Whip, Impact, Cry, Grow, Petal Dance, Parasitic Seed, Flying Leaf Fast Knife, Poison Powder, Hypnotic Powder, Seed Bomb, Sweet Aroma, Photosynthesis, Tarzan Topping, Daylight Beam, Earthquake, Sleeping, Fighting, Holding, Sludge Bomb, Ultimate Sucking, Holding, Venom Impact, Grass Knot Knot, Dream Talk, Flying Leaf Storm, Charming]

【Carrying: None】

【Potential: Champion】

This was the first time Gu Yu had seen the opponent of the Royal Third Family, who had the qualification of a champion!

Look at the qualifications and luxurious skills of the frog flower.

Thinking back to Su Chen and Su Ying’s elves, Gu Yu could only say that the treatment gap was too big!

While thinking, Gu Yu preemptively took the shot.

“Monarch snake! Flying Leaf Storm! ”

“Myo Frog Flower! Seed Bomb! ”

Su Qingjun’s reaction was also very fast.

[Seed Bomb: Throws a large seed with a hard shell and drops it from above to attack the opponent.] 】


The monarch snake shouted, and a sharp blade-like blade flew out of its body, turning into a tornado and pounced on the frog flower.

The frog flower also attacked at the same time.

A bowling ball-sized seed that flies out of the huge red 2 flowers on the frog flower!

A graceful arc was drawn in mid-air and fell towards the monarch snake.

“Monarch snake! Hold on! ”

“Myo Frog Flower! Hold on! ”

The voices of the two sounded almost at the same time.

Two huge white shields appeared in front of the two elves, blocking each other’s attacks.

“A tentative attack, neither side caused any damage to each other, it looks like this game is going into a protracted battle!”

The sound of live commentary sounded on the field.

Gu Yu’s expression was very calm, and for him, dragging into a protracted battle was not a bad thing.

The monarch snake will take over the skill of the thing, and all opponents are clear.

It is Su Qingjun who should be anxious now.

Once the monarch snake is allowed to cast a few more flying leaf storms.

After using the baton skill to increase the wind speed dog, the game is over!

“Myo Frog Flower! Flying leaf fast knife! Then test Tarzan to the top! ”

[Flying Blade Quick Knife: Fly out of the blade and cut off the opponent to attack. Easy to hit the point. 】


The frog flower shouted, and a dozen leaves flew out.

Turning into a dozen sharp blades, he went straight to the monarch snake.

At the same time, the frog flower exerted its limbs and jumped directly high.

Clang! Clang! Clang!

It sounded like the sound of swords colliding.

The Flying Leaf Quicksword is blocked by a huge shield formed by the Guard skill.

But the huge shield was also shattered as a result.

At this time, a shadow also enveloped the monarch snake.

“Monarch snake! Shadow Twin! Highly toxic! ”

[Highly toxic: Causes the opponent to fall into a highly toxic state. As the turn progresses, the damage from poisoning increases. 】


The huge body of the frog flower fell from its mouth, smashing the ground into collapse.

The figure of more than a dozen monarch snakes appeared in the same place, and at the moment when the Myo Frog Flower landed, the mouth of the blood basin was wide open, and the purple light above the teeth flashed, and went straight to the Myo Frog Flower.

“Myo Frog Flower! Earthquake! ”

Miao Frog Flower heard Su Qingjun, jumped directly, and then stepped on it hard!


The rock field cracked and shook violently at the same time.

After the monarch snake was hit by the earthquake, the color of pain involuntarily appeared on his face.

The doppelganger was also destroyed by the shock wave of the earthquake.


Enduring the pain, the snake teeth of the monarch snake bit into the left leg of the mysterious frog flower.

The poison system was originally twice the restraint grass system, but because of the poisonous properties of the frog flower, it can only cause twice as much damage.

The Ground Skill can only deal half the damage to the Monarch Snake.

In exchange for injury, this time it was the monarch snake who earned!


Myo Frog Flower cried out in pain and directly cast the Flying Leaf Quick Knife.

A dozen blades flew out, turning into more than a dozen sharp blades, directly knocking the monarch snake away.

With a thud, the monarch snake fell to the ground.

“Monarch snake! Pick up the baton! ”


The baton receiving skill was cast by the monarch snake, leaving a blue ball of light in place in an instant.

Then the red light of the elven ball wrapped around the monarch snake.

“Myo Frog Flower! Grow! ”

Su Qingjun did not replace the elf, but chose to let the magic frog flower grow.

As Myo Frog’s body grows, both attacks and special attacks increase.

At this time, the wind speed dog was also replaced by Gu Yu, and after absorbing the cyan light group formed by the baton skill, the special attack was greatly improved!

“Wind speed dog! Move at high speed! Then cast a big blast! ”

“Myo Frog Flower! Pay attention to the figure of the wind speed dog and cast a grass knot! ”

The orders were given almost simultaneously.

The wind speed dog turned into a phantom and went straight to the Myo Frog Flower.


The frog flower shouted, and the originally bare ground, the grass broke through the soil, and then grew rapidly!

“Gu Yu and Su Qingjun both have great confidence in their elves, and want to bet on their skills to successfully hit each other!”

“I don’t know, whose hand did the deer die in the end?”

The on-site commentary is also very curious.

The damage caused by the grass skill to the wind speed dog is indeed limited, but the Frog Flower itself will have a lot of poison skills and other skills.

As long as the wind speed dog is tripped by the grass knot, the poison skill hits the wind speed dog, and the wind speed dog enters the poison state.

Magic frog flower can consume all kinds of wind speed dogs!


If the wind-speed dog doesn’t tripped over the knots of grass, then it’s the end of the Frog Flower!

And that’s the case today.


The wind speed dog turned into a phantom and came to the front of the mysterious frog flower, and then directly jumped high, and the golden flame in his mouth began to condense.

A golden flame in the shape of a large character erupted from the mouth of the wind-speed dog and went straight to the Myo Frog Flower.

“Myo Frog Flower! Hold on! ”

Su Qingjun’s reaction was also very fast.

But it’s too late!


A golden flame rose up in the snow, drowning the frog flower.

The Magic Frog Flower had just been poisoned, and after the Wind Speed Dog absorbed the baton skill, the special attack was greatly improved.

Plus the Magic Frog Flower twice as weak fire.

One move to explode the flame directly to defeat the Myo Frog Flower!

【As the golden flame is extinguished, the body is scorched black and the mysterious frog flower falls to the ground and does not bite!】 Wind Speed Dog defeats Myo Frog Flower and gains 40,000 experience points! 】

“The frog flower can’t stand it!” Winner! Gu Yu! ”

As the referee announced the results of the match, the Heavenly King Arena was again a tidal wave of cheers!

Su Chen and Su Ying on the sidelines did not have any smile on their faces, on the contrary, their faces were somewhat solemn.

Because, they know very well that the next Su Qingjun may be the strongest Su Qingjun!

On the field.

After Su Qingyun recovered the Myo Frog Flower, he sent out his second elf.

A big purple fat man!

Geng Ghost!

Geng’s eyes were red, with some thorny protrusions on his back.

Dark purple in appearance, the tail is short and pointed.

Just as Su Ying said, although Su Qingjun is the heir of the grass system Aoki Dojo, in terms of attributes, he is more like a poison trainer.

【Ghost (Ghost) (Poison)】



[Features: Cursed Body (when attacked, it sometimes changes the opponent’s move to a fixed state)]

【Character Talent: Cheerful (+ Speed, – Special Defense)】

[Individual Qualifications: HP (31), Attack (31), Defense (31), Special Attack (31), Special Defense (22), Speed (31)]

[Skills: Hypnosis, Strange Light, Tongue Licking, Black Gaze, Shadow Fist, Sludge Bomb, for, Resentment, Curse, Curse, Misfortune Is Not Alone, Night Shadow, Raid, Shadow Ball, Fate, Provocation, Trickery, Shadow Claw, Hidden Spirit Attack, Evil Not Alone, Poison Strike, Ghost Fire, Sunny Day, Hold On]

【Carrying: None】

【Potential: Heavenly King】

This Geng Ghost continued the style of Su Qingjun’s elves.

Hypnosis, Strange Light, Pick and Control skills, plus Ghost Fire, Poison Strike and other skills with collateral damage effects.

As long as you can’t kill Geng Ghost with one blow, you will be consumed alive by Geng Ghost

【Geng Ghost! Sneak Attack! 】

[Sneak Attack: Disappear somewhere in Turn 1, attack your opponent in Turn 2.] You can attack regardless of the guardian. 】

This is the effect of the Sneak Strike in the game.

If there really is such a skill in reality, it can only be described as a magic skill.

After all, first disappear, then attack.

The opponent’s attack can’t hit you, and your attack hits the opponent at will.

It’s almost like a bug!

Reality is naturally impossible to disappear out of thin air, so the effect of this skill in reality is also very different from the game.

“Geng Ghost!”

The Geng Ghost shouted, and his body instantly turned into a shadow and merged into the Rock Warrior Field.

The shadow seemed to be a black streamer, heading straight for the wind speed dog in the distance.

“Wind speed dog! Mysterious Guardian! Then cast the high-speed movement! ”

As soon as Gu Yu’s voice fell, the surface of the Wind Speed Dog’s body was instantly covered by a mysterious force.

Qiao Wei, the leading teacher of Sun Yat-sen University, saw the wind speed dog perform mysterious protection, and his face was gloomy as if he could drip water.

After casting the mysterious guardian, the skills such as the hypnosis and the strange light of the ghost are completely useless in the face of the wind speed dog.

“Su Qingjun only has three quasi-Heavenly King Elves, Rose Leiduo and Miao Frog Flower have already fallen, if Geng Ghost falls again…”

Thinking of this, Qiao Wei looked at the center of the arena with a worried face.


The wind speed dog screamed and turned into a phantom to avoid the ghost.

“Spray the flames!”

With Gu Yu’s order.

The fire energy in the dog’s mouth began to gather.

In the next instant, golden flames erupted from the mouth of the wind-speed dog.

Turning into a sea of flames, he went straight to the Geng Ghost.

Geng Ghost himself is also a crispy type of elf.

If you are really hit by the spray flames, you will be seriously injured if you don’t die.

“Geng ghost! Sneak Attack! Dodge the jet flames! Then cast the Shadow Orb! ”

[Shadow Ball: Throws a cloud of black shadows to attack.] Sometimes the opponent’s special defense is lowered. 】

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