Chapter 162 Inventory Harvest! A change in the script of life!!

“Number Five: Number Eight, how can you be sure that this Night Demon Spirit was cultivated by humans, and you must know that in the Secret Realm, there are also Heavenly King-level Elves.”

“Number Eight: When I fought this Night Demon, this Night Demon used a lot of skills, and after I stunned the Night Demon, I found that I was carrying the Secret Treasure Curse Charm.”

“Number Six: Wild elf skills are generally relatively few, carrying the right props are very few, king-level, more skills, plus secret treasures, it can indeed be determined that it is cultivated by humans or trainers.”

“Number Seven: That’s weird! A king-level elf, is anyone willing to release it? If it is not released, then this matter is interesting! ”

“Number One: Interesting! This incident reminds me of a force! ”

“Number One: When I was in the Taklamakan Secret Realm, I also encountered something similar, Number Eight, after you defeated the Night Demon, did you look around and find anything?”

See the words of number one.

Gu Yu began to think.

“According to Regichkas, Gurado is asleep in the secret realm of Taklamakan.

“Even if the Dragon Kingdom didn’t know the location of all the Divine Beasts, it couldn’t be that the information of the Divine Beasts wasn’t clear at all.”

“Yuan Hanhai’s words obviously know some insider information…”

Thinking of this, Gu Yu made up his mind.

“Number Eight: I searched and found the sleeping Regichkas.”

“Number Seven:???”

“Number Five:???”

“Number Six:???”

“Number Seven: Did I hear you correctly?! Regiccas! So you discovered the sleeping place of the Pillar King Regichkas?! ”

“Number Seven: The most important thing is that you are still alive and back!” No! It should be said that the number eight big guy! Which big man in reality can retreat from under the hands of the Holy Pillar King! ”

“Number Seven: Reggie Ace’s blow almost killed me!” The legend of Regiccas created Reggias, with this kind of strength, number eight, not the champion, at least which king of heaven! ”

Looking at the number seven that made up his own brain, Gu Yu suddenly didn’t know how to reply.

“Is this the so-called Sand Zhou carving netizen?”

While thinking, Number One sent a message.

“Number One: The Pillar King!” Regiccas! Unexpectedly, this god actually slept in the Dragon Ridge Secret Realm, No. 8, you found Regichkas in the Yin Wind Mountain, right? ”

“Number Eight: Right.”

Number One: “I probably know which force is responsible.” ”

“Number Seven: Which Force?”

“Number One: Besides the guys from the God Organization, who else would send the Heavenly King-level elves to watch over the gods in their sleep?”

“Number Seven: The Divine Organization can’t even subdue the weaker Divine Beasts so far, so why should it spy on a top-level Divine Beast like Regichkas?”

“Number Four: Number Seven, your understanding of the God Organization is too shallow, in fact, the God Organization has a lot of relations with all countries in the world.”

“Number Four: Divine beasts, or gods, in addition to strength, have the ability to live forever.”

“Number Four: The fundamental reason why the Order of God is able to make a comeback is because of human beings, or the desires of human beings standing at the top of the pyramid.”

“Number Four: To some extent, the God Organization is some big people or the black gloves of the country, and Number Three knows so much about fighting against the God Organization, just because the forces behind Number Three have cooperated with the God Organization.”

Seeing Number Four’s explanation, Gu Yu’s eyes flashed a trace of emotion.



This is the eternal goal of mankind.

Qin Shi Huang sent Xu Fu to find the elixir.

Emperor Wu of Han also sent people to find Penglai.

These historical emperors are not exempt, and it is perfectly normal for the big men at the top of the pyramid to have such thoughts.

Whether in anime or in reality, ordinary elves will gradually grow old.

Even if the dragon elves live a long life, they will still grow old.

Only the Divine Beast will not gradually age as time passes.

“The God Organization is a black glove in a way, but it’s more of a cooperative way.”

“Hard work doesn’t necessarily have gains, but not hard work is certainly not rewarding.” These big men at the top of the pyramid must have understood this as well. ”

“However, I didn’t expect Number Three to have cooperated with the God Organization.”

At this time, someone in the Dragon Temple chat group spoke again.

“Number One: Number Eight, as far as I know, there is only one old guy in the God Organization who has a Heavenly King-level Night Demon Spirit, but that old guy should have left nothing to do.”

“Number One: When Number Three comes out of the secret realm, you can ask Number Three.”

“Number Eight: Good.”

By the time of the chat, the ship had docked.

Ride the wind speed dog away from the Dragon Ridge Secret Realm.

Just when Gu Yu had just left the secret realm, the system’s prompt sounded.

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for changing his life script successfully! 】

【Ding! System Bonus Keystone! 】

【Name】:Gu Yu.

[Graceful]: You are handsome and handsome, which will not only make women like you, but also make elves feel good about you.

[The Beginning of the Heavenly King]: Dangers and opportunities coexist, you have gained greatly, but because of this, you have buried hidden dangers for the future, get eight Daoist badges, prove your talent and strength, you will harvest more resources and help you grow faster.

[Both]: Not only with the talent of a top breeder, but also with the talent of a top trainer, in the future you will not only be able to become a top breeder but also a top trainer.

[Rich Son-in-Law]: Because of your excellent personal ability, you got to know Ye Mengyao, the first female champion of the Dragon Kingdom, and eventually fell in love with her, and merged into the Ye family to become Ye Mengyao’s husband, helping her train several champion elves, and helping her ascend to the position of champion The life script changed from “Famous Moving World” to “The Beginning of the Heavenly King”.

Looking at the key stone of the system reward and the change of the life script, Gu Yu smiled at the corner of his mouth.

The key to the evolution of MEGA is the resonance of the keystone on the trainer’s body with the superstone carried by the elves.

In the anime, it is set that only a deep enough bond between the trainer and the elf can trigger the hidden power of the two stones.

Thus allowing the Genie MEGA to evolve.

With the MEGA Evolution Stone and the Key Stone, Gu Yu has completed all the preparations for the MEGA evolution.

“Collect eight dojo badges?”

February 27.

Gu Yu boarded a plane to the Magic Capital.

After getting off the plane from the magic capital, he went straight to Suzhou City.

Shanshui Community, Building 4, Unit 3 401.

Looking at the familiar house number, Gu Yu took out the key placed under the foot pad.

Today is a weekday, parents are at work, not at home.

With a creak, the door was opened.

Then Gu Yu saw the Kirby Beast sleeping in the living room, and Ibu lying on the sofa.

Ibrahimovic heard the door open and subconsciously looked over.

After discovering that it was Gu Yu, he instantly shouted happily.


Then he rushed directly towards Gu Yu.

Directly jumped into Gu Yu’s arms and kept rubbing Gu Yu with his forehead.

Touching Ibu in his arms, Gu Yu was also very happy.

“Long time no see! Ibrahimovic! ”


The elves who heard the sound also came out of the house at this time.

The monarch snake crawled out of the room, and Ghost Si didn’t know where it came from.

The Kirby Beast also woke up from his sleep and rushed over to hug Gu Yu.

Bury Gu Yu’s head into his soft belly.


“Kirby Beast, let go of me quickly!”

Gu Yu once again experienced the feeling of room breathing.

Helplessly, the strength of the Kirby Beast was too great to break free.

It was hard to break free from the arms of the Kirby beast.

Gu Yu then released his elves.

With the appearance of elves such as wind speed dogs and menas, the room became very crowded in an instant.




Seeing his friends, Gu Yu’s elves were also very happy.

Since it was already noon at this time, Gu Yu first ordered a takeaway for himself.

Then start preparing lunch for the elves.

When the elves were cooking, Gu Yu also got the takeaway.

After lunch, Gu Yu inspected Li Oulu’s elf eggs.

Finding no signs of hatching, he ordered special baby elf milk from the Ibrahimovic family.

After all this, Gu Yu immediately began to take stock of the harvest of this secret realm trip.

Sticky Treasure evolved into Sticky Beauty.

Defeat the Night Demon to get a Curse Rune from the Ghost Treasure.

The Stone of the Pillar King given to Gu Yu by Regichkas.

Three items obtained by alliing with the three quasi-god races.

The tip of the sword of the King of Swords.

Great White Gemstone.

Fragments of the Infinite Void.

“If you don’t consider the hidden dangers of getting these props, my trip to the secret realm can be said to be full of harvest.”

“The evaluation on the script of life, saying that danger and opportunity coexist, is indeed not an exaggeration.”

“The Curse Rune made me sin against the Order of God.”

“Holding the Stone of the Sacred Pillar King, and at the same time becoming a Divine Beast for the sake of the Wind Speed Dog, I also have to check on the situation of those Divine Beasts.”

“If there is no pole, it is better to continue to sleep, and if it really makes a comeback, I will also help the three quasi-god races.”

While thinking, Gu Yu was more urgent for the improvement of strength.

Immediately began to work out, the next few elves to cultivate the plan.

For the next few days, Gu Yu spent the next few days making cultivation plans and observing the state of the elves.

July 1.

Suzhou City.

Shanshui Community.

In the morning, the golden sun illuminates the whole neighborhood.

Gu Yu was still asleep at this time.

To the left of the pillow is a shrunken Ibrahimovic.

To the right of the pillow, a small pillow was added.

Terra Ola was asleep.

Two elves with gas-made bodies like Cosmogu and Ghost are floating on the table sleeping.

On the table is an incubator containing the eggs of the Elf of the Richmond.

The wind speed dog was lying on the side of Gu Yu’s bed.

Vacant room, resting place in Menas and monarch snakes.

Two snakes, one white and one blue, huddled together.

From the living room to the hallway of the room was a sleeping Kirby beast.

Pokkis was lying on the couch with Sticky Mile to rest.

Everything looks so peaceful and peaceful!

Touch! Touch! Touch!

Suddenly, a slight crashing sound shattered the silence inside the house.

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