Chapter 166 Experience Baby! The first king-level elf! Wind speed dog!!

On the highway.

While driving, Ye Mengyao began to tell Gu Yu about what had happened during this time.

“My father is on a mission again!” He also told me that he wanted to see you when he came back this time. ”

“Sister Leng was hired by my father to train with me.”

“Sister Leng’s strength is very strong, and the best at it is the steel elf, and now she is preparing to establish a steel department.”

Through Ye Mengyao’s description, Gu Yu had a preliminary understanding of the Leng sister who would help him train next.

Sister Leng’s full name is Cold as Frost.

Born in the Leng family, he is also a Heavenly King-level trainer at present.

The Leng family is a second-rate force in the Dragon Kingdom.

At his peak, there was also a Dragon Kingdom Heavenly King.

But times are different.

Due to the excessive number of trainers, the Four Heavenly Kings were extremely inward-rolled.

Yuan Hanhai’s main force is a champion-level elf, and the trainer who can compete for the championship position can only be the day king.

In this case, the average Heavenly King-level trainer, if there were no few champion-level elves, would not be able to compete for the position of the Four Heavenly Kings at all.

Therefore, the Heavenly King-level trainer who was cold as frost appeared to be in a very awkward position and could not go up.

Going to the small Southeast Asian country next door to the king of the day, there is no meaning.

After all, most of these small countries are not as large as a province in the Dragon Kingdom.

Cold as Frost finally decided to be a Taoist master in the Dragon Kingdom.

The master of the dojo is also a descendant of the Dragon Kingdom Elf Alliance.

Therefore, there was the matter of Ye Hongyi asking Leng Rushuang to help train Ye Mengyao.

The two walked and talked, an hour later.

Ye Mengyao drove to a villa located outside the sea.

The villa covers an area of 3,000 square meters, three stories high, the overall appearance is blue, and some cyan tiles are embellished.

As soon as the two entered the villa, Gu Yu heard a slightly mocking voice

“I said how Meng Yao canceled the afternoon training today, it turned out that she went to pick up her lover!”

Then Gu Yu saw a beautiful woman coming out of the villa.

The woman was wearing half-amputated sleeves and shorts, and a long leg like white jade was so exposed.

Paired with a woman, second only to Ye Mengyao’s face.

Instantly exude endless charm!

When Ye Mengyao heard the woman’s words, two red flowers instantly appeared on her face, but she did not refute it.

The woman looked at Gu Yu for a while, and then smiled: “I don’t know if Mengyao ever mentioned me, my name is cold as frost.” ”

“Gu Yu, your name, I have heard it countless times during this time!”

“I’m also looking forward to training with you, the successor of the Heavenly King!”

Although the name cold as frost, it gives the first feeling of a woman who is cold as frost.

But after the real meeting, Gu Yu still felt that the contrast was a bit big.

“I’m also looking forward to the next training.”

After greeting Leng Rufeng, Gu Yu visited the villa under the leadership of Ye Mengyao.

The focus is on the elf training room.

The elven training room covers an area of nearly 800 square meters, part of which is located underground.

It is full of equipment for all kinds of elf training.

Elf treadmill, elf barbell, elf bike…

Due to the weight of some elves, they far exceed those of humans.

Therefore, the elves must use special exercise equipment.

Because it is a special device, the price can only be described as high.

Gu Yu conservatively estimated that after the equipment in this training room was sold, there would be no problem in changing a secret treasure.

“Gu Yu, I know that your elves are not very convenient to show to outsiders, and the training room on the basement floor will be used for you.”

“You see if there’s anything missing, and if there’s anything missing, I’ll have someone send it over.”

Hearing Ye Mengyao’s words, Gu Yu once again felt the delicious taste of soft rice!

While sighing, Gu Yu opened his mouth: “At present, there is no shortage of anything, if there is a need I will open my mouth.” ”

At this time, the maid of the villa also came over.

“Miss, dinner is ready, you can eat with Mr. Gu and Miss Leng.”

Ye Mengyao nodded, and then the three of them had dinner together.

July 4.

This was the first day Gu Yu started training.

In the morning, he took all the elves in the training room to start training on the physical aspects of the Kirby Beast training speed, combined with strength training and reaction training.

Menas trains for physical fitness, combined with strength training and speed training.

The monarch snake trains mainly strength, with speed training and physical training.

Gera Aura trains strength, with a combination of reaction training and physical training.

In addition to the relatively special elves such as Ghost Si and Kosmogu, Gu Yu’s elves all began to carry out targeted training.

In the afternoon, I train with Cold as Frost.

Cold as frost training, in general, is three parts.

Explain the battle skills.

Teach skills through elves.

Actual combat.

However, since the training has just begun, the third event has not yet begun.

Time passes by day by day.

During this time, most of Gu Yu’s elves had learned new skills.

Pockies learned to be self-motivated.

Wind speed dog learns shadow doppelganger.

Kirby Veterinary Society exploded in large letters.

The monarch snake learns to dig holes.

Menas learns the Dragon’s Waves.

Training until July 24th.

Cold as frost felt that time was almost ripe, so he announced the next plan.

“After this period of training, the strength and state of your elves have improved a lot.”

“Starting this afternoon, let’s do practical training!”

After saying that, Cold as Frost opened the three elven balls.

A level 64 Emperor Nabo.

A giant pincer mantis of magnitude 66.

A class 68 aluminum steel dragon.

The height of the aluminum steel dragon is close to 2 meters.

It has the appearance of a bipedal standing monster, the whole body is composed of aluminum metal The head and body have a clear connection, the structure of the whole body is relatively clear, and the tail resembling part of the body is a whole protrusion.

The body has some curved stripes, palms, lower abdomen and feet are composed of metal substances of different colors.

【Aluminum steel dragon (steel) (dragon)】



【Properties: Light metal (its own weight will be halved)】

【Character Talent: Naughty (+ Attack, – Special Attack)】

【Individual Qualifications: HP(31), Attack (31), Defense (27), Special Attack (31), Special Defense (31), Speed (31)]

[Skills: Glare, Metal Claw, Rock Crushed, Grinding Claw, Metal Sound, Wide Area Destruction, Dragon’s Tail, Iron Wall, Dragon Claw, Cannon Light Cannon, Metal Explosion, Destruction of Dead Light, Sword Dance, Tarzan Pressure Roof, 100,000 Volts, Electromagnetic Waves, Piercing Sound, Light Wall, Reflection Wall, Rock Collapse, Guarding, Ghost Face, Sleeping, Dreaming, Hard Support, Hitting, Splitting Tile, Dragon Wave, Dragon Head, Gyro Ball, Rock Blockade, Iron Head, Sharp Stone Attack, Invisible Rock, Heavy Impact, Stomping Foot, Loud Roar, Fraud, Singing, Electromagnetic Wave, Splitting, Mirror Reflection, Dark Attack Key, Iron shoe light】

【Carrying: Metal film】

【Potential: Heavenly King】

[Metal film: After the special metal film is carried, the power of the steel properties will be increased. 】

It can be said that this aluminum steel dragon is worthy of the Heavenly King-level elf.

Luxurious skills, top-of-the-line carry-on.

“None of your elves have king-level strength, and in the next period of time, you can use three to fight one, or two to one, and cooperate with each other to attack my elves.”

“You can choose to simulate a field match, we don’t command each other, we can also simulate the game.”

Hearing the words that were as cold as frost, Gu Yu’s eyes flashed a fine light.

“Aren’t these three elves just three experience babies?”

As long as the elven world cooperates well, one plus one can be completely greater than two!

In consideration between elves, because of the restraint of the attributes.

For example, the giant pincer mantis has four times the weak fire.

In this case, Gu Yu only needed to select three or two elves to have a certain degree of cooperation.

There is a good chance to defeat the King-level elves.

In the Yin Wind Mountain, Gu Yu was the Heavenly King-level Dark Night Demon Spirit that he had defeated.

“I’ll come first!” I chose to simulate field battles. ”

Hearing Gu Yu’s words, Leng Rushuang nodded, and then sent out a giant praying mantis.

Gu Yu sent Menas, Wind Speed Dog and Pokkis.

And then…

Cold as frost makes you feel careless!

At the beginning of the game, the wind speed dog directly pounced on the giant pincer mantis.

The wind speed dog that came to the front of the giant pincer mantis cast its flame teeth and bit at the giant pincer mantis.

The giant pincer mantis was four times weaker in fire, and after being bitten, it must have been seriously injured.

Therefore, there is no time to perform the sword dance, and you can only use high-speed movement to dodge.

Above the sky, the magic flame of Pokékés then fell.

Because of its fire-igniting characteristics, the Wind Speed Dog was not afraid of the fire system move at all, and pounced on the giant pincer mantis with magical flames.

The giant pincer mantis had no choice but to keep hiding.

Eventually, the giant pincer mantis decides to tackle Pokékis first.

Just flew in front of Pokkis, Pokékis directly charmed.

This giant pincer praying mantis, because it is male, is directly controlled by Pokkis’s charming skills.

Then Pokkis—a stroke of mental strength knocked the giant pincer mantis to the ground.

The wind speed dog cast a large character explosion, and Menas cast the dragon’s wave to directly hit the giant pincer praying mantis.

Pokékis was also afraid that the giant pincer mantis had not been completely knocked down, and directly made up a magic flame.


With a burst of explosions, the giant pincer mantis lay directly in the deep pit caused by the explosion.

【Ding! Pokékis defeats the Giant Pliers Mantis and gains 40,000 XP! 】

【Ding! Menus defeats the Giant Pliers Mantis and gains 30,000 XP! 】

【Ding! Wind Speed Dog defeats the Giant Pliers Mantis and gains 60,000 XP! 】

Looking at the giant ploughing mantis that fell to the ground, the corners of the mouth of the cold frost twitched slightly, and a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes.

“Gu Yu’s battle coordination of these elves is so good!” Compared to Mengyao’s elf, it is a few grades stronger! ”

“But my words have been exported, and it is not easy to change my mouth now!” This time it was really careless! ”

Gu Yu has always been on various adventures in the secret realm.

Even the elves have a record of defeating the king-level elves, and it is natural to fight the king-level elves.

In the next period of time, Gu Yu’s elves frantically began to brush up on experience.

The wind speed dog with the most experience finally became Gu Yu’s first Heavenly King-level elf!

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