Chapter 182 The Movements of the Divine Organization! The third king-level elf! Pokkis!!

Looking at the Dragon Shrine chat group, Xia Pengyu’s question.

Gu Yu was not an accident.

After all, when it comes to divine beasts, even ordinary people will be curious, let alone a Heavenly King-level strength trainer?

“Number Eight: In the midst of the Mystery I met the High Priest of the Divine Organization called Thunder Heavenly Fang, and while I was fighting with him, I woke up the sleeping Reggielock.”

“Number Eight: I sensed something was wrong, and directly let the elves leave with teleportation, and Lei Tianfang and his men would not be so lucky.”

This statement was what Gu Yu had long thought.

The excuse to say that Gurado had woken up from his slumber and fought with Reggielock.

And when Gurador wakes up, it will certainly face a volcanic eruption, such a large-scale natural disaster, it is impossible to have no trace.

Otherwise he couldn’t have said that Reggie Locke had been awakened by him, right?

“Number Three: It turned out to be Thunder Heaven Fang, which is the strongest among the High Priests of the Neng God Organization!” Moreover, Lei Tianfang also brought his men. ”

“Number Three: Number Eight confronts Thunder Sky Fang in this situation, and this powerful old man is ashamed of himself!”

“Number Seven: The most important thing is that Big Man Eight can still escape from the hands of the Divine Beast!” At the very least, this strength is not inferior to that of the Dragon Kingdom Heavenly King! ”

“Number Six: Awesome! The eighth big man Pi is only powerful, but also cultivating all kinds of new elves, is this ready to attack the king or champion? ”

“Number Seven: Sleeper! And this thing?! Is the number eight big guy in reality Shitu identity?! ”

“No. 3: It is really the back wave of the Yangtze River pushing the front wave, and the front wave dies on the beach!” Old man I can only sigh! ”

Shock King or Rat is the champion…

“This group of friends is thinking too much!”

Gu Yu looked at this group of free-playing group friends, and had to say that the brain hole of the group friends was really not too big.

“Number One: @Number Eight, I probably know about Taklama’s secret realm, the reward I promised is already on the way to Number Five, you can go to Number Five to get it.”

“Number One: Has Reggie Locke fallen back into a deep sleep?”

“Number Eight: Falling back into a deep sleep.”

“Number One: I’m going to leave now, you and the God Organization, when I come back, you will come back to the garden with me.”

“Number Eight: Good.”

After the chat, Gu Yu immediately began to prepare for a rest.

At this time, Gu Yu had already returned to the guest room of the Vice Hanhai Hotel.

Rest until 3 p.m.

Gu Yu got up and went out, and when he met Chen Hong, he chattered and told Chen Hong what had happened during this time.

“Gu Yu, if you can survive from the Taklamakan Secret Realm this time, it is really a great fate!”

“In the central area, it is said that there was a great battle around the god beasts.”

“To this end, the alliance also sent the Yuanhan Sea Heavenly King and Yan Nian Yan Heavenly King, and the two Heavenly Kings set out to the secret realm to investigate the situation.”

“When the regiment is good, it will be another big war!”


Yuan Hanhai came to the Taklamakan Secret Realm?

Gu Yucai came out of the secret realm of Taklamakan and did not pay attention to various news hotspots.

Naturally, it is not clear about this matter.

“If that’s the case, I’ll wait for Yuan Hanhai to come out of Korla City!”

“I am being targeted by the Divine Organization, so I still have to tell Yuan Hanhai in person that it is best.”

“Just take advantage of the time to let Pokkis level up and take another Dokan badge in an instant.”

Turkey and Australia.

As the world’s largest island nation, the sparse population of the earth is one of the labels of the earth and Australia, but few people know that the headquarters of the God Organization is the earth and Macao country.

Melbourne Mining Group, as the largest mineral export company in Turkey and Australia.

It is also one of the bases of God’s organization.

Melbourne Mining is located in a meeting room on the 28th floor.

Three men and two women are in a meeting together.

A blond man in a suit at the head slammed the table.

With a thud, the walnut wood table E, cracks appeared in an instant.

“What the hell did that waste of Thunder Heaven do in the secret realm of Taklamakan?!”

“Divine Beast Shot! The Dragon Kingdom Heavenly King also rushed over! ”

“We don’t have much power in the Dragon Kingdom, and many of the forces that cooperate with us are only cooperating.”

“Next time, I can accurately find Gu Yu’s opportunity in the secret realm, and I know when it will be!”

Hearing the blond man’s angry voice, the red-haired woman next to her spoke.

Red-haired female Tian, tall and tall, with skin better than snow.

The most important thing is the woman, who has a pair of eyes full of charm.

It makes her seem to seduce men all the time, and it affects men’s nerves.

“Archbishop Anubis, it doesn’t help to be angry now.”

“Thunder Heaven Fang has not come out now, and the Dragon Kingdom Heavenly King has entered the Secret Realm.”

“Whether the regimental manager Lei Tianfang got the juvenile Gera Ola or not, it is basically impossible to hand it over to us.”

A hint of reluctance flashed in Anubis’s eyes, but then he flashed a look of helplessness.

“Bishop Akatsuki is right, what is the result of the state management, we have all failed this time!”

“Gera Aura, now refuses to give in, and the half-finished God Ball can only bind Gera Aura for a short time.”

“What do you think we should do next?”

A strong man with black hair sitting on the right hand side of Anubis was the first to say his own circle.

“In this situation, the root cause is that Terra Ola refuses to be accepted by us.”

“The progress of the Ball of God must be accelerated, and I must also enter the secret realm of Kilimanjaro to find more red jade.”

“Gu Yu’s side can’t give up, and we have to do it at the same time.”

“Lei Tianfang is my man, and once his mission failed, my responsibility is hard to blame.”

“I am willing to lead the team into the secret realm of Kilimanjaro to find more red jade.”

Archbishop Anubis smiled with satisfaction and nodded.

“Yes! Since Bishop Chak is willing to keep Kilimanjaro in secret, it couldn’t be better! ”

“How to solve Gu Yu is really a troublesome thing.”

“A priest-level trainer may not be Gu Yu’s opponent.”

“A high priest-level trainer, if he is careless, he may not be able to take down Gu Yu.”

“The safest thing is that one of us personally dealt with Gu Yu.”

Defeat, kill, and raw capture are three completely different concepts.

Take Lin Xuan as an example Tian Lin Xuan:???

Although in the National Collegiate Elf League, Gu Yu defeated Lin Xuan.

But to let Gu Yu kill Lin Xuan, it was still difficult to do the speed of the fast dragon too fast, if Lin Xuan was bent on running.

Unless Lin Xuan was killed with one blow, it would be at the speed of a fast dragon.

Even if it was a Heavenly King-level trainer, Duguo might kill Lin Xuan.

As for the raw catch, it is even more difficult.

To be alive means not to die.

You can’t let Lin Xuan die, you have to defeat all the elves of Lin Xuan, and you can let him escape.

The difficulty gap here is not generally large.

“I’ll go!”

“Gu Yu is a genius, a funny genius, and it would be a pity to die!”

“If we can be a member of our God’s organization, that is the best outcome.”

It was Bishop Akatsuki who spoke.

Listening to the words of Bishop Akatsuki, Archbishop Anubis nodded.

“Good! Then I will wait for the good news of Bishop Akatsuki! ”

October 7.

Taklamakan is secretly besieged outside the perimeter.

Gu Yu is taking Pokkis, Sticky Mei’er, to find desert dragonflies and rogue crocodiles to train for leveling.

“Sticky Beauty! Rain! ”

“Pokkis! Seize the opportunity to tackle desert dragonflies and rogue crocodiles! ”


As soon as Gu Yu’s voice fell, Sticky Mei’er immediately cast a begging for rain.

The dark clouds of the sky began to converge.

A moment later, the downpour fell.


Pokékis disappeared in an instant, and when he reappeared, he had already come to the desert dragonfly group.

Countless pink goblin energies appeared on the surface of the body.

The wings of the garden suddenly flapped, and the pink goblin wind blew directly into the surrounding desert dragonflies.

The desert dragonfly of the double weak goblin lineage, the moment it was hit by the goblin wind, countless screams sounded.





Then countless desert dragonflies slammed into the ground from mid-air.

【Ding! Pokékis defeats the Desert Dragonfly and gains 4000 experience points! 】

【Ding! Sticky defeats the Desert Dragonfly and gains 500 XP! 】

【Ding! Wave 220 Keith defeats the Desert Dragonfly and gains 4000 experience points! 】


【Ding! Sticky defeats the Rogue Crocodile and gains 500 XP! 】

【Ding! Sticky Mei’er upgraded to level 38! 】

The level training was close to a week, and even with the mixed point experience, it was upgraded to level 38.

Pokkis, as the main combat force, was directly upgraded to level 60, and he was only half a step away from the king.

Originally, Pokékis could have reached the Heavenly King level long ago.

However, among the sword tips of the King of Swords, it seems that some of them are steel energy.

After being absorbed by Ibu, the goblin energy was gone.

Otherwise, Pokkith, absorbing the goblin energy in it, could have become a king-level elf long ago.

However, Gu Yu took Pokkis to practice frantically.

Pokkis is also about to become a king-level elf!

【Ding! Pokkis defeats rogue crocodiles and gains 3000 experience points! 】

【Ding! Pokékis defeats the Desert Dragonfly and gains 4000 experience points! 】


【Ding! Pokékis defeats the Desert Dragonfly Leader and gains 60,000 XP! 】

【Ding! Pokékis upgraded to level 61! 】

Taklamakan is secretly besieged outside the perimeter.

The investigation team led by Yuan Hanhai and Yan Nianyan has returned.

Looking at the dense dark clouds not far away.

“Is this a trainee besieged by desert dragonflies and rogue crocodiles?”

“There should be a high probability that this is the case, otherwise it will not be raining.”

Although Yan Nianyan’s words were question sentences, they were very certain in their voices.

“Ask for rain, most likely to fight against sandstorm skills!”

Yuan Hanhai also agreed with Yan Nianyan’s words.

“The two major ethnic groups joined forces to besiege the trainer, and if the trainer is not strong enough, then there is no doubt that he will die.”

“I am the Heavenly King of the Dragon Kingdom, and in this case, I can’t see death without saving!”

While speaking, Yan Nianyan then released his own ace elf.


“Xanato! Teleportation, take me to a place covered in clouds. ”


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