Chapter 190 The Seventh Badge is in Hand! Be an internet celebrity dojo owner!!

Tall posture, beautiful face, charming eyes…

“A woman is more dangerous than Su Qingjun!”

The first moment she saw Candice, Ye Mengyao’s intuition made her come to a conclusion.

“Don’t let Gu Yu have too much contact with this woman!”

While thinking, Ye Mengyao opened his mouth silently on the surface.

“Gu Yu, it’s time for us to go to lunch.”

Candice also took his eyes off Gu Yu and turned his head to look at Ye Mengyao.

At the moment of seeing Ye Mengyao, a trace of surprise appeared on his face.

“This girl is so pretty!”

Although Candice herself is a beautiful demon, I have to say that Ye Mengyao is really beautiful!

Beautiful face, noble temperament like an iceberg…

Listening to Ye Mengyao’s words, Gu Yu quietly breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

“It can be said that you can get rid of Candice, a woman with bad intentions!”

At this moment, Candice’s voice sounded.

“A female classmate is so pretty!”

“My name is Candice. Vivian, a teacher of an exchange student at the University of Melbourne, what is the name of this classmate? ”

“My name is Ye Mengyao and I am Gu Yu’s girlfriend.”

“If nothing else, Gu Yu and I would have left for lunch first.”

Ye Mengyao’s answer seemed to be no problem.

But there was a hint of warning in his voice, and his eyes were fixed on Candice as he finished speaking.

Combined with Ye Mengyao’s words, the difference can be translated.

Gu Yu is my person, you stay away from Gu Yu.

Candice’s true identity is the king of the Divine Organization, and naturally she is not a fool.

After hearing Ye Mengyao’s subtext, his face was slightly stiff, and his smile suddenly stiffened.

“No, I wish you a pleasant meal!”

Xia Pengyu on the side saw the scene of the picture and secretly thought, “Candice is indeed ill-intentioned, but with Ye Mengyao present, Candice is doomed to be impossible to succeed!” ”

Looking at the back of Gu Yu’s three people leaving, Candice’s brow frowned slightly.

“Are the intelligence services all waste?” Even Gu Yumian didn’t know such a beautiful girlfriend! ”

“I thought I could quickly take down Gu Yu so I could end this mission.”

“Now it seems that engaging in pi good is a protracted battle!” What a troublesome task! ”

“It seems that if you want to get Gu Yu, you have to think about getting Ye Mengyao.”

On the other side, Ye Mengyao took Gu Yu away.

Immediately began to warn Gu Yu: “I tell you, that woman named Candice is very dangerous, and you still have to contact her!” ”

“I know.”

Gu Yu was naturally aware of the danger of Candice.

Ye Mengyao snorted softly, obviously sleepy in disbelief.

“Ahem! If you really knew, you wouldn’t have exchanged contact information with that woman! ”

“Yuezhu, let’s go, trap Gu Yu this guy!”

Looking at the second daughter who accelerated her pace, Gu Yu shook her head helplessly: “This creature of a woman, no matter what kind of personality it is, how powerful her strength is, will be jealous!” ”

Due to Ye Mengyao’s jealousy, coupled with Gu Yu’s difficulty in having too much contact with Candice during this time.

November 2.

Gu Yu sat on the high-speed train to Hangzhou.

Hangzhou has the only Taoist museum in Zhejiang Province.

The Juli Dojo of the Fighting Department.

Gu Yu’s purpose in coming to the question was to obtain the Giant Power Badge.

When Gu Yu arrived, he found that Ning Yue, the owner of the Juli Daoist Hall, was not in the Daoist Hall because of dealing with some things.

The person in charge of the battle of the Daoguan was replaced by Ning Qiyun, the ‘Battle Princess’ who had fought with Gu Yu and was now a group friend.

After Ning Qiyun knew Gu Yu’s intentions, he immediately said that he did not want to fight.

“Gu Yu, your strength is too perverted!”

“Although I would love to fight with you, I don’t want to find abuse!”

“This is the Giant Force Badge, given to you!”

After speaking, Ning Qiyun took out a small badge of thumb and handed it to Gu Yu.

From the appearance, the Juli Badge is a small fist set all over red.

Gu Yu took the Juli badge and asked doubtfully, “Is this really good?” ”

“What’s good, my dad isn’t here, and I can’t beat you.”

“You don’t think you can’t beat me, do you?”

Ning Qiyun said with a look of indifference.

Gu Yu nodded and accepted the Juli Badge.

For the first time.

Gu Yu felt the power of his connections!

Replaced by other trainers, even if the strength is strong, it is estimated that it will go through a cutscene.

When he got here, he didn’t even use the cutscenes.

And it is not just the Juli Dojo that does not have to go.

After obtaining the Juli badge, Gu Yu immediately boarded a plane to Jinling City.

This time, the dojo he circled to challenge was the Aoki dojo of the grass system.

That is, the Taoist Hall of the Su Qingjun Family.

Su Qingjun has now graduated and officially began to try to take over the dojo.

After seeing Gu Yu, Su Qingjun directly chose to concede.

“Gu Yu, you said earlier that you were going to challenge the Taoist Hall, and I will mail the badge directly to you, saving you a run!”

Gu Yu still knew how to speak.

As the owner of the Taoist Museum, is it really good to say this?

It seemed to see what Gu Yu had in mind.

“I don’t have a habit of being abused, and you’re such a pervert to be crushed by you.”

“I’m going to lose a lot of face!”

Su Qingjun’s voice was full of emotion, while asking the staff to take the Aoki badge.

The size of the bottle cap of the Aoki emblem, the whole body is carved from cyan jade, and from the appearance, it looks like a six-petal flower.

With the example of the Juli Daoist Hall, Gu Yu naturally accepted the Aoki badge.

Then he asked, “Is Su Tianhe’s predecessor in the Taoist Hall?” If you can, as a junior, you want to visit it. ”

Su Qingjun shook his head: “My grandfather is not in the Taoist Hall, after returning from the last expedition, now he wants to organize another expedition, and now he is going out to find his teammates.” ”

Hearing Su Qingjun’s words, Gu Yu’s eyes flashed a fine light.

“Circle up and go on an expedition again.”

After leaving the Aoki Dojo, Gu Yu took a plane to Ontario.

The insect cicada Mingdao Hall is located in Huangshan City.

The insect system has always belonged to the weaker lineage of the Elven Field.

Most of the insect elves are not of high race value, and they are crispy.

If you don’t count the Divine Beast, consider the rarity.

After all, the number of Vulcan Moth Race Elves is indeed too rare.

And MEGA evolution has not yet been announced.

The insect system may be considered the strongest elf at present, and the most powerful spirit of the insect system is generally considered to be the giant pincer mantis.

The giant pincer mantis can also be said to be bad.

But take fire as an example.

Wind speed dogs, nine-tails, flame monkeys, flame chickens and other elves are not weaker, even stronger than the giant praying mantis.

This shows that the insect system is weak.

Zuo Hongxin, the owner of the Cicada Ming Taoist Museum, wanted to fight with Gu Yu fiercely.

Directly dispatch a level 46 hunting butterfly and a level 58 giant pincer praying mantis.

But the insect system is really too weak.

Hunting butterflies themselves are fast, although they can fly, but they do not pose a threat to wind dogs.

Coupled with twice the weak fire, the wind speed dog made a big word explosion, directly killing the hunting phoenix butterfly.

The speed of the giant pincer mantis is fast, but the speed of the Heavenly King-level wind speed dog is faster, and the flame teeth are directly killed by the giant pincer mantis that is four times weaker in a second.

Gu Yu directly used the wind speed dog to complete one through two, ending the speed game.

When Zuo Hongxin sent out the cicada badge, he was also very emotional.

“Really a hero out of a teenager!”

“The future is yours to map out some young people!”

“I’m looking forward to your performance in the qualifying round!”

I really didn’t say I was going to qualify!

Looking at Zuo Hongxin, Gu Yu was also very helpless.

The cicada badge is about the size of a thumb, emerald green throughout, and looks like a green cicada.

This was also the seventh badge that Gu Yu had received.

After accepting the badge, Gu Yu said goodbye to Zuo Hongxin.

Then I boarded a plane to Chengdu, Sichuan Province.

This time, the dojo he challenged was the goblin clan of the Tianfu dojo.

Tianfu Taoist Museum is located in the center of Chengdu, on a 22-storey Tianfu Building.

It is different from the general dojo noodle.

The Tianfu Daoist Hall is the most commercialized of all the Daoist halls in the Dragon Kingdom.

The whole Tianfu Building, there are supermarkets, elf shops, cinemas…

It can be said that all modern commercial places, the whole building is readily available.

Even the current Taoist museum owner Meng Shirui is a popular Internet celebrity anchor in the old network.

It is not an exaggeration to say that the Tianfu Daoist Hall really plays how to make money to the extreme.

The news that Gu Yu came to the Tianfu Taoist Hall to challenge was quickly told to Meng Shirui by the staff.

At this time, Meng Shirui is broadcasting live.

Meng Shirui, who had just gotten out of bed, was obviously still sleepy.

While yawning, he greeted the audience in the live broadcast room.

“Good morning!”

The bullet screen quickly began to respond to Meng Shirui.

“Good morning Mrs. Shirui!”

“What is the anchor going live today?!”

“Worthy of my wife!” Even yawning is so beautiful! ”


Meng Shirui can catch fire, which has a great relationship with his appearance.

Snow white skin, autumn water-like eyes, plus a beautiful face.

Saying that it is a down-to-earth posture, there is no problem.

Seeing the questions of the audience in the live broadcast room, Meng Shirui also began to hesitate.

“Live content?”

“How to train fairy spirits to teach?” Seems to have been broadcast live last week? ”


“I don’t know if there are any great trainers today who come to the challenge.”

“Why don’t I give you a live broadcast to my family’s breeding house today?”

“It seems that a group of elves are about to be born today.”

Meng Shirui’s voice had just fallen, and a knock on the door sounded.

“Come in!”

Meng Shirui’s voice just fell, and the door was opened with a creak.

“Owner, the successor of the Heavenly King has come to challenge the Daoist Hall, do you see if you have time now?”

Successor of the Heavenly King?!

Meng Shirui’s eyes flashed a trace of surprise and asked, “Are you talking about Gu Yu?” ”


After getting a positive answer, the first to explode was the bullet screen in Meng Shirui’s live broadcast room.

“Sleeper! Gu Yu has come to challenge the Tianfu Taoist Hall! ”

“Anchor I want to watch you broadcast Gu Yu’s flash fairy elf live!”

“Wife! I look after Yu’s divine beast, and also Menas! ”


Meng Shirui also got up quickly with excitement, her eyes were full of expectation, and the corners of her mouth showed a smile.

“Hurry up! Hurry up and take me to see Gu Yu! ”

“The blue fairy elf can finally see the deputy person with his own eyes!”

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