The more evil people are killed, the more they will be killed.

You know, in the past, when An Ye and Xiao Qing were asked to carry out various evil-eliminating activities, they had to go there in person, follow, or ambush, which was quite troublesome.

Sometimes, if the journey was a little far, at most three or five people could be punished in one night.

But now, A Jian can punish a hundred people every day through the Internet.

According to the average contribution of two or three hundred merit points by each evil person.

Then a hundred people would be two or three thousand merit points!

This efficiency is more than ten times faster than before!

Although Li Yu currently has more than 20 million merit points, who would complain about having too much money?

What's more, these merit points are important resources that can be transformed into strength.

So, next, Li Yu directly assigned some tasks to Ajian, letting it use its ability to eliminate evil.

It can be predicted that in the future, those evil people will usher in their doomsday.

After arranging Ajian, Li Yu planned to upgrade Xiaoji to level 10.

Xiaoji's predecessor was a mobile phone.

Its status in electronic products is much higher than that of keyboards.

And Xiaoji's ability is also unquestionable.

It is definitely the biggest contributor to Li Yu's ability to carry out evil-eliminating activities without being targeted.

So now, Li Yu plans to give Xiaoji a comprehensive upgrade to see if some new abilities can be born.

[Target search: Xiaoji]

[To upgrade to level 10, you need to consume 100w merit points! ]


How much?

Hearing this consumption prompt, Li Yu was stunned.

Xiaoji, a mere machine, is not as big as Ajian in terms of size. To upgrade to level 10, it actually requires so many merit points?

He couldn't believe it.

He hurriedly looked at the evolution requirements for each level.

Then he found that when upgrading from level 3 to level 9, it was still a normal consumption, at most tens of thousands of merit points.

Until the upgrade to level 10, it took nearly one million merit points all at once!

What the hell!

Are you sure the system didn't see that I had too many merit points and was cheating me?

Li Yu cursed.

However, he finally gritted his teeth and upgraded to level 10.

There was no other reason, mainly because of obsessive-compulsive disorder.

It was uncomfortable before level 10!


After a flash of white light.

The small machine had completely evolved.

Li Yu saw that although the appearance of the small machine had not changed, its internal structure had completely changed.

It was no longer a simple mobile phone, but a mass of energy that was difficult to describe in words.

Under the appearance of the mobile phone, the inside was filled with mysterious energy.

After Li Yu checked the panel of the small machine, he finally understood.

[Spiritual awakening object: small machine]

[Level: 10]

[Type: electronic products]

[Talent: super hacker, super computing power, super data, data mapping]

[System evaluation: It is evolving towards the God of Data. In the future, it will be omnipotent! ]

This system evaluation really shocked Li Yu.

God of Data?

Omnipotent in the future?

Such evaluation words are much higher than other evaluations!

So far, there has never been a level 10 spiritual awakening object that can make the system give such an exaggerated evaluation.

It can be seen that the two new talents born by this small machine are absolutely strong!

Li Yu immediately checked the talent of super data.

[Super data: record and store all data to form a database that belongs to you]

The explanation of this talent may not be understood by ordinary people.

However, people in the IT industry definitely understand how terrifying this ability is.

What is a database?

Simply put, the foundation of the current network activities in the world is the database!

In other words, it can also be called a server.

If there is no data in the database, then the so-called network will no longer exist.

A network without a database is like a house without a foundation, which will collapse in an instant.

And Li Yu's level 10 small machine now has the ability of super data.

This combined with its other two abilities will completely subvert the current world's network structure.

Because, the small machine can directly take all the network data of the entire world today through the power of super hackers and super computing power, and store it in its own super data.

This is equivalent to directly copying a world network server.


With this huge database, Li Yu has a completely unique online world!

A network world that is not affected by any external forces.

With excitement, Li Yu checked the ability of data mapping again.

[Data mapping: following the law of energy conservation, the combination of virtual and reality can make data appear intuitively in reality. ]

Li Yu didn't understand this explanation for a while.

Xiaoji immediately demonstrated it to him on the spot.

I saw a mysterious energy escaping from the body of Xiaoji, floating around Li Yu.

The next moment, a young lady wearing Heess dancing appeared in Li Yu's room.

Li Yu was shocked on the spot.

"Fuck! Xiaoji, you can actually make a person appear?"

Xiaoji replied: "Master, this is not a real person, it is virtual, but only you can see it, or in other words, only those who are allowed can see it."

Hearing Xiaoji's explanation, Li Yu reached out to grab the dancing lady in front of him, but grabbed nothing.

Then he looked at the mirror beside him and found that there was indeed nothing in front of him in the mirror, without any dancing lady.

Then he understood: "So that's it, this influence is your way of directly interfering with reality with data, which allows me to directly watch the image without any equipment, right?"

"Yes, Master, as long as my data energy contacts real objects, it can manifest the image of network data in reality."

Hearing this explanation, Li Yu couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

Then, he couldn't help but think of the most profitable network project in China: games!

If the two abilities of the 10th-level Xiaoji are used to develop games, wouldn't it be possible to develop online games with virtual reality technology in novels?

Wearing a gaming helmet or something like that, can you experience the same gaming experience as in the real world?

Damn it!

If this kind of game succeeds, wouldn’t it directly subvert the current online gaming landscape?

Currently, all games on the market need to be experienced through human-computer interaction.

That is, manual operation.

But once virtual reality technology comes out, it’s not manual operation, but brain operation.

This is definitely a dimensionality reduction attack!

In fact, it’s not just a dimensionality reduction attack on games, but also a dimensionality reduction attack on other industries that require human-computer interaction!

“Fuck it! It’s coming!” Thinking of this, Li Yu suddenly cursed excitedly.

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