The red country has been in a state of panic, and the situation has changed.

Just when Li Yu was indulging himself.

The official of the Red Country has received joint sanctions documents from countries around the world.

The document reads:

'The Red Country, in league with monsters, its anti-human and anti-civilization behavior has seriously threatened world peace. I hope the Red Country can hand over those monsters and the gods behind them, otherwise, sanctions will be imposed all over the world! Freeze all the assets of the Red Country people abroad, reject all commodity trade activities of the Red Country, cut off all technical cooperation, arrest all the Red Country personnel abroad, and so on. . . '

Each of these sanctions, taken separately, is a king bomb.

Each of them will bring a subversive blow to the Red Country.

All added up, it is a direct death sentence.

When Dragon Soul No. 0 received this document, his face turned green.

He couldn't help but curse: "Shameless! It's really shameless! Just based on speculation, you conclude that our country is in league with monsters? Is there any evidence? Is there still a king's law? Is there still law!?"

Immediately, he started a video conference and discussed with his dragon guards.

"Everyone, this is the most critical moment in history! Let's think of a way to get through this crisis!" Dragon Soul No. 0 frowned.

The dragon guards also felt desperate when they saw this sanctions document.

"Boss, these countries are really too much! Such severe sanctions are simply forcing us to death!"

"Counter sanctions, we must counter sanctions!"

"That's right, as a great country like us, we must never compromise! Damn it!"

The dragon guards were indignant.

Dragon Soul No. 0 smiled bitterly and said, "Hey, I also want to fight back fiercely, but over the years, globalization has penetrated into our bones, and the relationship between our country and the world has become inseparable. If we rashly become enemies with the world, we will be courting death!"

"This... Boss, but now we are defined as being in the company of monsters. They don't want to give us a chance to live. Why don't we kill them?"

"Yes, we must kill them, these bastards! They only know how to bully us. Why don't they go and cause trouble for those monsters and that god?"

Dragon Soul sighed and said, "Okay, it's meaningless to say this now. Let's think of a way to get through this crisis!"

"By the way, have all your assets abroad been frozen?" Dragon Soul suddenly asked.

The dragon guards were silent.

Someone hurriedly said: "You are kidding, boss, we don't have any assets abroad. Even if we have a little, it is insignificant. It doesn't matter if it is frozen!"

"That's right, our assets are all in China, don't be afraid!"

But when they said these words, their hearts were bleeding.

They do have a lot of assets in China, but more assets are actually abroad. Now they are all frozen, and the loss is absolutely heavy.

This is why they hope that Longhun can be tough.

Hope that in this way, other countries can unfreeze their assets.

After all, it's all money, and it's for the protection of Fuze's future generations.

After listening to everyone's words, Longhun smiled and nodded: "That's okay, a little property, it's frozen, but you have to take care of the people under you, I'm worried that they can't bear these sanctions and make trouble."

What Longhun is most worried about now is that in addition to the limited development of the country after the sanctions, there is also the stability of the hearts of the waiters under him.

After all, the people's servants are all very rich and have a lot of assets abroad. They may not be able to bear the blow of being frozen this time.

Once the people under his command are in chaos, it will be difficult to lead the team, and then it will threaten his rule.

"Don't worry, boss, those little guys still have iron rice bowls. They dare not make trouble if they can't make trouble! Who dares to make trouble? Don't want to live, shoot them!" Youlongwei said coldly.

"It's better not to get to this point, but the most urgent task now is to find a way to lift the sanctions against us by the outside world!" Longhun said again.

"Boss, why don't you send a letter of condemnation and protest to them first, and then try to unite some small forces to create world public opinion. If you can turn the public opinion around, maybe they won't dare to impose sanctions recklessly."

"Isn't it easy to unite small forces? Give them money.

We have plenty of money!"

"Yes, this is the only way now!"

The dragon guards were talking about suggestions.

Only Dragon Guard No. 9 Xiao Jiu remained silent. As the youngest of the dragon guards and famous for her fighting power, she actually had some doubts about everyone's suggestions.

However, she, who has never been good at making suggestions, didn't know what to say at this time.

However, in the end, she couldn't help but put forward her own opinion and said, "Boss, I think there is another way, that is to find out where the gods are and try to communicate with him. If the gods can be summoned, perhaps these external troubles can be completely solved."

However, as soon as Xiao Jiu spoke, Dragon Soul No. 0 frowned, and the other dragon guards also fell silent and said nothing.

The way they looked at Xiao Jiu was like looking at a fool.

Then Dragon Soul No. 0 said lightly: "No. 9, very good, your suggestion is good, don't mention it next time."

"? ? ? "Xiao Jiu had a question mark on his face.

"Now all countries in the world think that we are in league with monsters. This is a false accusation. If we really communicated with the gods, then if there is evidence left, wouldn't it be confirmed that we are in league with monsters? At that time, I am afraid that all countries in the world will directly declare war on us!"

"Now everyone has no evidence, so these sanctions seem severe, but in fact there is still room for maneuver. . . "

Dragon Guard No. 3 secretly sent a text message to Xiao Jiu to explain.

Because it was a video conference, the dragon guards were all over the world. At this time, Xiao Jiu opened the message and saw it and suddenly understood.

She hurriedly replied to Dragon Guard No. 3 with a thank you.

Dragon Guard No. 3: "You, don't be so direct in front of the boss in the future. Moreover, even if the gods really agree to the edict of peace, or even help us fight against the whole world, the boss will never agree. "

"Why? "Xiao Jiu asked in a message.

No. 3: "The reason is very simple. No one knows what methods the gods have. But there is one thing that is beyond the reach of mortals like us. If we appease the gods, how should we coexist with them? How should the boss coexist with the gods?"

"Oh! I understand!" Xiao Jiu suddenly realized.

This is because he is afraid of being threatened by the gods to rule!

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