The key is to make the game more interesting.

In terms of technology, Li Yu is very confident in Xiaoji.

After all, Xiaoji has copied the information database of the whole world and has the technical data of the whole world.

Even, Xiaoji can use the information data of the whole world to integrate and create some new technologies.

Xiaoji can also do this.

After all, it is not a simple artificial intelligence, but a life enlightened by Li Yu.

It is a creative existence like humans.

Of course, if Xiaoji can't do it, then evolve a few more times, or synthesize a few more times.

Anyway, for Li Yu, merit points are not a problem.

It's just that Xiaoji of level 10 is enough for the time being.

For now, let's make the virtual reality game first, and then arrange other projects.

As for the official intervention, Li Yu would never agree.

After a discussion between the two sides, the car finally drove around and returned to Qingshan Village Farm.

Li Yu got out of the car and returned to the yard.

"Hey, Brother Yu, why don't you let the old man come in and sit?" Tian Weiwei saw Li Yu get out of the No. 1 Dragon Guard's car, and the car drove away without stopping, and couldn't help but ask curiously.

"The old man had something to do, so he left first." Li Yu smiled.

"Oh, okay, Brother Yu, I want to do that." Tian Weiwei suddenly came over with a red face.

"Hehehe! Let's go!" Li Yu smiled.


Fire and fire!

. . . .

At this time, Xiao Jiu drove a black car towards Hucheng Airport.

The atmosphere in the car was terribly quiet.

Because the conversation between Long Hun and Li Yu just now did not ultimately lead to any cooperation.

At most, they only knew about the relationship between Li Yu and the gods, and some of the things that Li Yu was going to do next.

"Boss, it doesn't matter if we can't reach a cooperation, we just need to collect taxes, don't mind it." At this time, Xiao Jiu whispered to comfort.

"Hey, Xiaojiu, things are not as simple as you think!" The old man No. 1 Dragon Guard shook his head and said, "The reason why the boss wants to cooperate with Li Yu is that he doesn't want his company to dominate the country! You should also be able to see that the advent of this virtual reality technology is definitely going to subvert the entire world pattern. Do you think it's appropriate for such technology to be in the hands of an individual?"

"Or, do you think that Li Yu, who got this technology from the gods, can grasp it?"

Xiao Jiu sighed: "But, this is the technology of the gods, how can it be so easy for us to intervene?"

No. 1 Dragon Guard nodded: "Yes, it's too difficult! But the benefits here are really too great! Have you ever thought about what will happen in the end when this game bracelet continues to occupy the market?"

"National virtual game?" Xiao Jiu's brain is not stupid, and he thought of it quickly.

"Yes, if everyone is immersed in virtual games, or if everyone's time and energy are occupied by this virtual game, then who will go to work in the future? How can this society function?" Dragon Guard No. 1 said solemnly: "So, the boss's goal is to be able to join in and supervise."

"It's not easy to supervise!" Xiao Jiu smiled bitterly: "There is a god behind Li Yu. If we order to restrict the spread and use of this game, it will offend the god, right?"

"So, the boss came to communicate with Li Yu today, trying to express his position in this kind way!" Dragon Guard No. 1 shook his head: "Unfortunately, Li Yu refused. What does he want to do? Can't you guess it?"

"Uh? What does he want to do?" Xiao Jiu asked in confusion.

"Change!" At this time, Long Hun said two words with a gloomy face.

Xiao Jiu's expression changed.


This is a very rebellious word!

"If I guess correctly, the god wants to completely change his position in the country in this bloodless way!" Long Hun said coldly: "If he succeeds, will our Long Hun organization, or my words as Long Hun, still be useful in the future?"

"Uh, boss, it's not that serious, right?" Xiao Jiu said with a fluke.

"Hehe, this god is very ambitious! He has a Liu Junya in the south, who occupied the high ground in a bloody and cruel way and has now become the queen of that area! And now, he has a Li Yu in the country, who wants to occupy our area by seizing our weak spots! Can this be tolerated? Is this worthy of the passion of our ancestors? Ah?

"Long Hun muttered, and suddenly roared.

Xiao Jiu and Dragon Guard No. 1 trembled.

Long Hun's anger was really terrible!

Although they were the top figures in the country, in the eyes of Long Hun, who was in charge of all departments and weapons, they were just figures that could be removed at will.

"Then... What should we do?" After a long time, Xiao Jiu still asked with a stiff upper lip.

Long Hun took a deep breath and said lightly: "It's not easy for us to rashly confront the gods, but we have other ways."

"What methods?" Xiao Jiu asked.

"Issue a regulation that all people who play bracelet games must pay a game tax!" Long Hun said slowly: "Of course, this game tax cannot be collected too directly. We can use the time-grading method to tax people! For example, there are two hours of free time every day. If you exceed two hours, you must pay an additional game license tax to our official! ”

When the old man Dragon Guard No. 1 heard this, his eyes lit up immediately: "You are worthy of being the boss! It's really amazing! It's amazing!"

He murmured: "Li Yu doesn't let us participate, but he doesn't know that all the rules here are made by us! We can't do anything about him and the gods, can we do nothing about those ordinary people? Hahaha! What a great move!"

Xiao Jiu on the side couldn't help but ask: "Boss, will this rule cause unrest?"

Before Long Hun spoke, Dragon Guard No. 1 smiled and said: "Haha, no, don't worry, who dares to stand out among these little sheep in the country? Even if someone dares to stand out, there are plenty of ways to deal with them! They can do it! Moreover, don't you know that the obedience of our people has always been the best in the world! I believe they will cooperate at that time!"

"This... . . . Okay. "Xiao Jiu felt a chill in her heart.

Although she was the No. 9 Dragon Guard and held a high position, she was still young and didn't have that many thoughts. At this time, listening to the dark words of the boss and the No. 1 Dragon Guard, she felt that some of her beliefs were shaken.

"Hey, are we still people's servants?" She even doubted her identity in her heart.

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