The more time you spend playing, the more time you spend playing.

Li Yu also took the reality into full consideration.

Eight hours of gaming time is enough for ordinary people.

It is much more relaxed than the official rule that if you exceed the two hours, you have to pay a tax.

After all, there are 24 hours a day, eight hours of work, eight hours of sleep, and eight hours of gaming.

This is the most reasonable arrangement.

Of course, eating, exercising, etc. are indispensable in the middle.

It’s just that once the eight-hour gaming system came out.

Although it is already very relaxed.

It still immediately attracted a lot of dissatisfaction from players.

"Fuck! I make money by playing games now, and you tell me I can only play for eight hours! I have to pay tax for the extra two hours! Then I will starve to death?"

"No, I can't live without this game anymore. If I don't play for more than an hour, I will feel uncomfortable all over."

"No, no! I want to play games, I will die if I don't!"

There was a lot of wailing.

But Li Yu ignored it.

This is also for everyone's good.

Otherwise, if everyone is really immersed in the game, neglecting the work in the real world is not the biggest problem. The biggest problem may be the condition of the real body. Long-term indulgence in the virtual world will waste the body and lead to sudden death.

So, this is also to protect the health of the players.

However, despite the restrictions, everyone is still enthusiastic about this virtual reality game.

In addition to occasionally complaining about the official tyranny, the rest of the topics are basically some things in the game.

Even with the development of time, various organizations and sects have emerged in reality.

These organizations and sects actually exist in virtual games, and as the impact of games on people becomes deeper and deeper, they radiate to reality.

Many people who don’t know each other from all over the world, because they belong to the same sect in the game, will recognize each other in reality, and even have some real-world cooperation offline.

As virtual games are deeply rooted in people’s hearts, this game is no longer a simple game, but a platform for communication.

Once the role of this platform is expanded, the impact it produces will become more and more terrifying.

For example, two offline companies were originally in a competitive relationship, but the bosses of the two companies became friends in the game, then the offline competitive relationship will even turn into a cooperative relationship.

For example, two people have a large debt relationship offline, but in the game, they can repay it through the game virtual currency, and the offline debt relationship will be written off.

There are even more exaggerated ones. Because the official personnel have a mutual help relationship in the game, the official personnel will also help each other directly offline from the original non-intersection.

In short, the influence of this virtual game has gradually begun to spread to various fields.

The economy, politics, culture, and all aspects have begun to have a huge impact.

Long Hun saw this impact and was anxious.

Because the design of this bracelet game can really be said to be a killer for men, women, young and old.

Everyone can choose a favorite character in it to experience a completely different life, experience a different world and story.

And the game is also divided into regions, some areas are urban, some areas are fantasy, and some areas are ancient history. . .

Anyway, as long as you can think of something, there is always a game suitable for you!

Just ask, is it strong!

"No, it won't work if it goes on like this!" On this day, Long Hun realized that something was wrong.

Because he found that many of his armed men were addicted to it.

They were playing secretly without telling him.

They even took advantage of their positions to hide it from him, the boss, and didn't pay taxes!

If this goes on, how long can his authority last?

Once the armed department is lost, then he, the boss, will actually exist in name only.

So, after thinking for a long time, he finally issued an order at the risk of offending the gods.

"Confiscate all game bracelets! If you find one, you will be fined! No one is allowed to play!"

Of course, Li Yu's company can still be sold.

But he will investigate it!

Just ask, is this method awesome?

So, under the order of Dragon Soul, all departments had to cooperate and start to act.

The people's service staff in all regions went door to door in person.

Check and confiscate.

Once found, not only will they confiscate it directly, but they will also be fined a large sum of money on the spot!

Those who were confiscated wailed and cried out for injustice.

But it was completely useless!

Official regulations! There are certainly reasons for official regulations! If you want to reason, go to the official!

Some people were dissatisfied: "Why don't you confiscate Qingyu Technology!"

"Is it your turn as a commoner to point fingers at official matters? Who do you think you are? Do you deserve it?"

"I have the right to make suggestions! Just raise questions!"

"What rights do you have! Are you the strongest people's servant? Do you have a say? You are nothing, stop yelling here! Otherwise, you are hindering us! Believe it or not, I will catch you and shoot you right away!"

Accompanied by the sound of the gun being loaded.

Suddenly, those who were stubborn and those who were stiff-necked were all scared.

Well, just fine me, as long as you are still alive, it's okay, isn't it just not playing games, forget it, let's return to life.

People began to comfort themselves.

Of course, there were also some hot-blooded people who fought with the people who came to confiscate the money.

As a result, they were shot directly.

The news was blocked, and not even a little wind was revealed.

It was cremated on the spot.

It must be said that the efficiency is still very high.

In a blink of an eye, within a few days, it was visible to the naked eye that fewer people played games.

Li Yu had also noticed this a long time ago.

He couldn't help but frowned.

This Dragon Soul seemed to be really anxious.

He actually issued such a rule.

The tax regulation he issued before was regarded as a means of restriction. In a way, it was for the good of everyone. He turned a blind eye and ignored it.

But now this confiscation is really too cruel.

This is simply digging his foundation.

Li Yu was also angry.

Although he felt that this virtual game would indeed have a great impact on reality, he had further plans to make the game and reality fully achieve a mutually beneficial and win-win situation.

But now that this measure has come out, his subsequent development plans are all messed up.

"It seems that it is really difficult to do things in this country! Should I just do a big purge?" Li Yu thought in his heart.

With his current strength, he is already qualified to be a native of the motherland.

If you dare to mess with me, I will mess with you!

But unfortunately, his merits do not allow him to mess around.

Otherwise, it will really deduct great merits.

After thinking about it, Li Yu finally decided, forget it, since it can't be done here, then go to the south!

The south is his own territory, and the regulations are all made by himself. At that time, it can even radiate to other chaotic areas.

Well, let's start from the outside.

But at that time, the benefits that he planned to release in the follow-up plan can only be cheap to those who play games outside.

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