The two of them had a long time to meet.

She knew from the previous chat that Li Yu liked to take in stray cats and dogs, and this gathering was an opportunity she had finally found.

"If you are not at work, find a part-time job online to make some money." Li Yu's attention was not on this matter, but on the place Shu Qi mentioned, "Don't talk about me, let's order food first, and then we will go to that place to find stray cats and dogs after dinner."

"Okay!" Shu Qi looked at Li Yu's face full of smiles, and her heart became happy, "I am curious, no matter how many stray animals there are, as long as you meet them, will you take care of them?"

"Yes!" Li Yu answered as a matter of course, "I want to help those displaced animals so that they will no longer suffer."

Hearing this, Shu Qi smiled with satisfaction.

For dinner, they had a good meal with all kinds of delicious dishes.

After eating and drinking, they went to find cats and dogs.

Li Yu pulled Shu Qi away, unable to wait any longer.

The location Shu Qi gave was relatively remote. They drove to it, and it was getting darker and darker in front, and more and more desolate around.

"Are you sure it's this place?" Li Yu couldn't help asking.

"Yes, I remember this road."

Li Yu nodded and accelerated.

He couldn't wait to find those stray animals.

Finally, the car drove to an open area, and at a glance, it was black.

Shu Qi rolled down the window to check, and I didn't know what she was looking at so seriously.

Finally, she exclaimed: "I remember this big pit! That place is just ahead, let's drive over quickly."

"Okay." Li Yu didn't doubt him and started the car.

After a while, they came to an abandoned factory building.

This is an abandoned factory. All four walls have been corroded, revealing mottled bricks and tiles.

In the dark night, the gloomy abandoned factory is creepy.

Li Yu kept the lights on, and Shu Qi opened the door.

The two trotted into the abandoned factory. It was pitch black all around, but because of the lights, they could still see clearly under their feet.

Li Yu walked in front, and Shu Qi followed closely behind. The factory was empty, with rusty traces everywhere, and no signs of human survival.

They searched in the factory, but found bloodstains at a corner.

"Blood?" Li Yu looked around vigilantly, and found nothing unusual, so he squatted down to check, "It looks like it's been a long time, and the blood has coagulated."

After Li Yu looked carefully for a while, he said again: "But it can still be seen that this is fresh blood, but it has just coagulated not long ago."

Was someone or an animal injured here?

Shu Qi suddenly remembered something.

"Speaking of this, I heard that mad dogs often appear in this area. Could there be an accident?"

They had a bad feeling in their hearts. After looking at each other, they followed the blood trail to find it.

The further they went inside, the more they could hear the faint sound.

"Meow~ Meow~"

The kitten's milk voice came intermittently, desolate, helpless, and desperate.

Shu Qi and Li Yu's hearts were instantly clenched.

Following the kitten's cry, they came to a dilapidated iron door. There was a small concave hole on the right side of the iron door, and a small cat that looked only three months old was lying inside.

"There are actually kittens here, and there are several of them." Shu Qi said in surprise.

Li Yu was also surprised. He had never thought that there would be kittens here, let alone that kittens would be raised in such a dirty and messy environment.

"There must be a big cat raising them. Look carefully."

As he said, Li Yu shone the flashlight around, looking for the big cat, but he didn't find it.

The bloodstains he found when he first came in came to his mind, and his bad premonition in his heart became stronger.

If the big cat was injured, judging from the degree of blood loss, it would definitely die soon!

When animals are about to die, they will leave the people or things they care about most, just to avoid their bodies attracting natural enemies or dangers.

Just now they followed the bloodstains to find the little cat, and when the bloodstains stopped, they went straight and found the little cat. Maybe the blood had coagulated and stopped dripping at that time, and the big cat went to another place. This situation is not impossible.

Thinking of this, Li Yu searched around the place where the bloodstains disappeared.

After searching for a while, Li Yu's flashlight suddenly shone on the ground in a corner, and there were bloodstains.

He walked over and turned to look, and he found it.

We're here!

The worst happened, the mother cat has gone to Meow Planet.

The body has begun to stiffen, and what is shocking is that the mother cat's belly was actually bitten.

From this point of view, it is impossible for humans to do it.

In order not to harm the little cat, the mother cat knew that she would not survive, so she ran to a place far away from the little cat to wait for death.

The mother cat had no other choice. Before going to Meow Planet, it was still worried about its children and could not close its eyes. The cat's eyes seemed to be covered with a layer of gauze, which was tears.

God knows how desperate it was at that time!

"Oh my God..." Shu Qi also came over after hearing the sound. Seeing this scene, she blamed herself, "If I had come to find this place when I knew it, maybe the mother cat would not have encountered such a thing..."

"It's not your fault. The mother cat lost her life due to excessive blood loss. According to the time calculation, the mother cat had already met with an accident before you contacted me." Li Yu patted her shoulder to comfort her.

After burying the mother cat's body, they put all the kittens into the pet box.

Finally, they came to the mother cat's grave and let her soul rest in peace.

I hope the mother cat can see that her child is not in danger, but is fortunately adopted by humans and has a happy cat life.

After doing everything, the two walked to the door with the kitten.

A fierce dog barking suddenly came from a dark place, and then a dark shadow pounced over.

Looking closely, it was a large dog.

But he had a fierce look, his hair was standing on end, and he would bite anyone he saw. It was a mad dog at a glance!

Shu Qi screamed in fear.

Seeing that the mad dog was about to bite Li Yu, she quickly stood in front of him.

The mad dog didn't seem to be afraid of humans. It jumped hard and pounced on her, with its sharp teeth flashing coldly.

Did she know what she was doing!

Li Yu didn't bother to question Shu Qi, and immediately pulled Shu Qi's hand to avoid the mad dog's bite.

He was not afraid of facing the mad dog alone, but Shu Qi was still at the scene. If he took action, she might be in danger in the chaos.

After avoiding the moment of fear, Li Yu stuffed the pet box in his hand to Shu Qi and asked her to go back to the car first.

"But, what are you going to do?" Shu Qi trembled with fear.

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