The next few days, Li Yu seemed to have a lot of free time because his videos and live broadcasts were removed from the shelves.

With Ajian as his income, he has been earning more than 10,000 yuan a day recently. Li Yu estimates that he can become a millionaire or even a multi-millionaire just by relying on the income from Ajian's novels.

And Qin Shu, the source of his short videos and live broadcasts, must be dealt with in time, otherwise this guy is afraid that he will jump to the sky.

Or find an opportunity to let An Ye take action and kill this guy?

Li Yu thought secretly in his heart.

However, he temporarily rejected this idea. Qin Shu was a mean person, but he was the heir of the Qin family in the Magic City after all, and he had connections behind him. If he had any accidents, it would probably involve many things.

As someone who had conflicts with him, he would inevitably face official investigations, and he would be in trouble at that time.

Of course, if he was really irritated, Li Yu would never be soft-hearted.

He now had a big killer like Dark Night, a tentacle monster, and King Kong, which could be used in many ways. Self-protection was definitely no problem.

After a rare few days of leisure, Li Yu immediately became busy again, because the grafted trees of Ah Tao planted in the yard were about to bear fruit.

Because many customers had made reservations when selling peaches during the live broadcast before, this batch of peaches did not need to be put up for sale at all, which was equivalent to being sold out and could be shipped directly.

So in the next few days, Li Yu and Tian Weiwei were busy packing peaches and shipping them, until all the peaches were packed and sent out, then they could rest.

And Tian Weiwei was exhausted these days. She had hardly done much physical work before, but now she was not lazy at all when she worked.

Fortunately, Li Yu had genuine peaches grown by A Tao. Every time he finished his work, he would give them to Tian Weiwei without hesitation. After eating the peaches, she felt that her physical strength was quickly restored and she began to become full of energy again.

In this process, Tian Weiwei's body was also strengthened a lot unconsciously.

After all, A Tao's genuine peaches have the effect of strengthening the body. Although they cannot make people become supermen all of a sudden, the effect of long-term practical use is much better than long-term exercise and fitness.

"Brother Yu, I have packed the peaches these two days. The video has not been unblocked yet, and the videos we shot cannot be posted for the time being. I plan to go home for a few days. My parents miss me." That day, Tian Weiwei said to Li Yu after helping to feed the cats and dogs.

Li Yu was slightly stunned: "Are you going back? Well, you have been in Hucheng for many days, it's time to go back to see your parents."

These days, he is used to Tian Weiwei's daily company. When he heard that the other party was going home for a few days, he suddenly felt a little uncomfortable.

People, after all, are social animals.

With a slight sigh in his heart, Li Yu got up and packed a few genuine peaches of A Tao, handed them to Tian Weiwei and said: "Take these fruits back to uncles and aunts, and say hello to them for me."

"Well. Brother Yu, I will come again in two days." Tian Weiwei didn't pretend, put away the fruit bag and left.

Before leaving, Tian Weiwei quietly tiptoed and kissed Li Yu on the side of his face: "Brother Yu, this is a farewell ceremony."

After saying that, she drove away with a red face.

Li Yu touched the place on his side of his face where he was kissed and was stunned.

This girl is getting bolder and bolder.

After Tian Weiwei left, the spiritual creatures in Li Yu's house who had been holding back for a long time began to chatter again.

Ajian: "My great master, I have been studying the ideas you gave me these days, and suddenly found a new topic. Please listen to me tell you in detail..."

Atao: "Master, when can you upgrade me? Atao will definitely evolve better abilities!"

King Kong: "Master, I want to eat metal!"

The spiritual creatures are extremely active.

After Li Yu communicated with them for a while, the phone rang.

It was Jiang Qingxue who called.

After the call was connected, Jiang Qingxue's cold but pleasant voice came from inside: "Li Yu, what are you busy with? Are you free later?"

"What's the matter, Mr. Jiang? I'm free." Li Yu replied.

"If you are free, come to the city and have dinner together later. I'll talk to you about something by the way." Jiang Qingxue said.

"Okay, send me the location." Li Yu agreed.

After hanging up the phone, Li Yu cleaned up the house.

, and told the spirit creatures, and then drove King Kong towards the city.

Along the way, Li Yu was familiar with the road, and King Kong was already driving on the road automatically without controlling the direction and accelerator.

This is much more flexible than the current autonomous driving technology.

After a while, Li Yu arrived at the place where he and Jiang Qingxue had agreed to meet, which was a high-end western restaurant.

After entering and finding the seat, he saw Jiang Qingxue already sitting there waiting.

"So early, Mr. Jiang." Li Yu sat down and looked at Jiang Qingxue sitting opposite. Today, she was wearing a beige long dress, and her face with a little light makeup looked cold and charming.

"I told you not to call me Mr. Jiang, just call me Qingxue." Jiang Qingxue snorted and scolded.

Li Yu smiled slightly: "Okay, Qingxue, then what exactly do you, the big boss, want to talk to me about?"

Jiang Qingxue shook her head and said nothing, picked up the menu and said: "Don't rush to talk about things, let's order first."

Seeing that she was keeping it a secret, Li Yu stopped asking and urging her, casually ordered a steak and a cup of coffee, and chatted with her about family matters.

The two talked about Li Yu's cats and dogs, peach orchard fruits, and Li Yu's plan to expand the yard to make a farm. Jiang Qingxue said that she had helped contact and arrange the engineering team, and it would be arranged in the next few days.

Li Yu is not short of money now. The last official reward of 5 million has been received, plus the 1 million given by Jiang Qingxue, and the money he has earned recently, at least more than 6 million, it is not a problem to expand his home into a farm.

Talking about the farm, Jiang Qingxue expressed envy in her words: "I really hope that one day I can put down my burden and live a good life in a beautiful place like you."

"With your current assets, you can do it even if you retire." Li Yu smiled.

"But it's not that simple. I am the president of the group now and can't leave easily. Moreover, the development of Jiang's Group currently has many difficulties and challenges that must be solved. Before these things are solved, I can't let go easily." Jiang Qingxue shook her head helplessly.

"Okay, but don't make yourself so tired. Tell me if you need my help. Although my ability is limited, I will help if I can." Li Yu encouraged.

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