After the incident, the two sides of the river were in chaos.

Li Yu did not stay in the city for long. After talking to Jiang Qingxue on the phone, he took the King Kong back to the farm in the countryside.

Tian Weiwei was still busy, so Li Yu did not disturb her work. Instead, he sat in the yard, leisurely brewed a cup of tea, and told Xiaoji:

"Xiaoji, search for some evil deeds on the Internet for me, within the range of 300 kilometers nearby."

In reality, there are not too many people who do all kinds of bad things but still get away with it!

Maybe there are few such things around you, but you can see a lot of relevant information on the Internet.

In just less than a second, Xiaoji has sorted out hundreds of relevant information.

Li Yu looked at the first few of them.

"I am Zhang San, and I am reporting Li Si by real name. This person cheated me of my money in the name of cooperation, exploited legal loopholes, and became a deadbeat. The relevant departments cannot punish him severely. This person is a professional at cheating money in this way. I hope everyone will be vigilant. If anyone can help me, I will be grateful!"

"I am Wang Wu. I talked to someone online, but when we met offline, he was set up and blackmailed 100,000 yuan by the other party. The other party threatened that he could rank in the top five in the local underground forces, and he would kill me if I dared to call the police. I hate and fear now, and hope someone can help me."

"I am Sun Laoer. Some time ago, the relatives of the village chief occupied my family's fertile land. I had no way to appeal and was beaten. The relatives of the village chief threatened that he had connections with someone above him and I couldn't fight them. Now I am desperate."

"Is there anyone to help me? My child was taken away by human traffickers. I watched from a distance, but I couldn't catch up. Woo woo woo, my child!"

Looking at these news, Li Yu was secretly angry.

In today's harmonious society, many people actually don't see the things happening in the corner, but those injustices, bullying, and crimes do exist.

If things don't happen to you, you will never be able to experience the despair of no one to uphold justice.

Li Yu used to watch Douyin, browse forums, and read news, and occasionally saw similar incidents.

But some things will not be taken care of for various reasons. He was just an ordinary person before, and he could only sigh secretly, powerless, and even didn't want to pay attention to such news.

Now, he has an enlightenment system linked to merit.

When he found these news and messages again, he couldn't help but have an impulse to become a judge.

Those hidden crimes, if you don't take action, I will!

Some scum, you can't kill them, I will kill them!

The justice in this world will be corrected by me!

As the saying goes, if you have a sharp weapon in your heart, you will kill yourself.

The power that Li Yu has now can be said to be quite unsolvable.

If he really wanted to punish or kill someone, even the head of a big family would not be spared.

Looking at these infuriating news, Li Yu seemed to see a lot of merits waving to him.

Helping the poor requires a lot of money.

But to punish the evildoers, you only need to kill them.

Before, he taught villains a lesson, killed international criminals, and killed Qin Shu and his ilk. The merits he gained each time were much more than the hard work of spending time and energy to help the poor.

"There are so many damned people in the world, these are all merits!" At this moment, Li Yu was a little impatient.

"Xiaoji, check the authenticity of these news, and compile a more detailed report for each news for me. In addition, collect information from many aspects, and after multiple verifications, find all the information of the evil people for me!" Li Yu gave Xiaoji another order.

Xiaoji agreed quickly.

His super computing ability was fully displayed at this moment.

A large amount of online information was filtered, and real and useful information was selected. In addition, super hacker capabilities were used to invade various equipment websites to obtain more detailed information. After comprehensive comparison, an extremely accurate list was obtained.

Among them were photos, movement tracks, daily habits, etc. of the financial deadbeat Li Si. . .

And various detailed information about the villains of the underground forces, the village chief, the village chief’s relatives, human traffickers, etc., were listed one by one.

Not only that, Xiaoji also sorted out a list of people who helped the evil according to the network of these people.

And the various bad deeds of these people in daily life.

Then let Xiaoji judge the crimes of these people based on various information.

degree of evil.

Li Yu also gave Xiaoji some reference opinions, and finally Xiaoji sorted out a star rating standard.

The sin value ranges from one star to five stars.

Each star has a corresponding punishment intensity.

One-star sin is the lowest, and it needs to be taught a lesson that will be unforgettable for a lifetime.

Two-star sin, starting with vegetative state.

Three-star sin, death!

Four-star sin, torture to death!

Five-star sin, tentative, not yet decided!

After setting these standards, Li Yu decided to let An Ye take action tonight and enforce justice in the dark!

He wanted to see how much merit he could get?

. . .

Time soon came to night.

In a club in a county in Hucheng.

Li Si sang with a microphone in his left hand and held the lady with his right hand with unlimited passion.

After singing a song, the lady was touched all over by him.

A friend sitting next to him suddenly received a call. After answering the phone, he said to Li Si: "Brother, the person you cheated the day before yesterday is looking for people and connections to ask you for money. Just now, he was able to find me through his connections. How are you going to deal with this? Do you want to pay him back a few thousand to stabilize him?"

Li Si was slightly stunned, and then smiled disdainfully: "Oh? That idiot has some skills and connections. He was able to find you. But it’s okay. You don’t have to pay him back at all. Let him struggle slowly. It’s best to sue me. I have no money to pay back even after the final verdict. "

His friend hesitated and said, "But, it is said that the man's money was emptied of his parents' pension money and he also borrowed a lot of foreign debts. If this man is pushed to the limit... "

"Humph! Now we live in a harmonious society, he dare not be left alone. Even if he dares to do it, he will be the only one who will be in trouble! I can still sleep soundly! Haha, I have no house or car in my name, I am single, and my cards are not in my name. Am I afraid that he will mess with me? If he can get a dime out of me, I will call him uncle!"

His friend had no choice but to give him a thumbs up. He expressed envy: "Great! Really great! You are still a man with means, you can make money by taking advantage of such a loophole, but unfortunately I have a wife and children, so I can't take advantage of loopholes."

"That's right, if you really can't make it in the future, just be a deadbeat like me, you can easily get money, and you are not afraid of being sued!" Li Si said proudly.

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