The only way to save the life is to use the power of the spirit.

When awakening the spirit and evolving the chameleon, after using merit to upgrade it to level 5, a talent fusion prompt popped up after a while.

[Discovered fusion talent: Invisibility and camouflage]

This is a talent from the chameleon.

Before this, when Li Yu was synthesizing and evolving the dark night, he also evolved a chameleon to level 5, but because he was in a hurry to synthesize and evolve, he synthesized it before the prompt popped up.

This time he waited for a while, and sure enough, a fusion prompt popped up.

However, fusing the invisibility and camouflage talent, like the poisonous talent, also requires 1,000 merit points.

After Li Yu's chameleon evolution, his merit points were less than 1,000, and he had to synthesize again, so he had to temporarily save the two talents of poison and invisibility.

Fortunately, the system has the function of saving talents that can be fused. Even if the chameleon is synthesized this time, the talent has been saved. Next time, as long as the merit points are enough, it can be fused.

In this way, he has saved four talents that need to be fused, namely the extreme adaptation of the water bear, the rejuvenation of the jellyfish, the toxicity of the bamboo leaf green, and the invisibility of the chameleon.

After saving the talents, Li Yu began to synthesize and evolve Xiaoqing and the chameleon.

There are about 800 merit points left, which should be enough.

Open the synthesis evolution interface.

Familiarly drag the virtual images of Xiaoqing and the chameleon into the two boxes, and then click Synthesize.

[Synthesis evolution requires 800 merit points, do you want to synthesize? ]


Li Yu's mind moved.

Suddenly, a flash of white light passed by, and Xiaoqing and the chameleon's bodies disappeared in front of his eyes, turning into white light and merging together.

After a few seconds, the white light changed and gradually showed a brand new form.

A four-legged snake with a green body and black mysterious patterns appeared in front of Li Yu.

Four-legged snake?

Li Yu carefully observed the new spiritual awakening object.

This four-legged snake looked unusual. Its body length alone was more than three meters. Its slender body was covered with mysterious patterns. It had four small claws under its body. Each claw had three toes, and the toenails glowed like a metallic light.

Its snake head still looked like Xiaoqing, but the scarlet snake eyes became more enchanting and brighter than before.

"Hiss, hiss, hiss... Master, I feel so strong!" Xiaoqing's voice was full of surprise and joy.

Li Yu smiled slightly, and he looked at the new Xiaoqing attribute panel.

[Spiritual Creature: Xiaoqing (One Synthetic Evolution)]

[Type: Hybrid]

[Level: Level 5]

[Talent: Poisonous, Invisible Camouflage]

[Evaluation: The patterns on its body hide ancient mysteries! ]

This evaluation is not simple!

Li Yu studied the patterns on Xiaoqing's body and found nothing.

"Xiaoqing, show us your ability of invisibility and camouflage!" he said to Xiaoqing.

Xiaoqing nodded and twisted her body slightly. The patterns on her body seemed to wriggle. Her whole body gradually became invisible in its regular wriggling.

Xiaoqing's figure soon disappeared from Li Yu's eyes.

Moreover, he carefully discovered that Xiaoqing's invisibility and camouflage seemed to be better than that of Dark Night. If you observe Dark Night's invisibility carefully, you can still see some unnatural light and shadows.

However, Xiaoqing's invisible camouflage seemed to be able to directly distort and refract the light, as if it had really become transparent, leaving no trace of light and shadow in the original place. Even with Li Yu's eyesight, he could not detect any abnormality.

They were all synthesized and evolved with chameleons, but the innate abilities after synthesis were divided into strong and weak.

Could it be that the chameleons used twice were not of the same species?

Or, were those mysterious patterns at work?

Li Yu could not figure it out for the time being. The function of synthetic evolution had great potential.

If you just continuously upgrade an ordinary creature, it may only make it bigger and stronger in size, but if it is synthesized with other creatures, it will be like two chemical agents reacting, and you will get all kinds of magical and incredible results.

Even if there are some subtle differences, it may cause great differences.

Li Yu thinks that this is also a synthetic evolution.


At this time, Xiaoqing retracted her invisibility ability and said to Li Yu pitifully: "Master, I'm hungry!"

Li Yu smiled: "Don't worry, I'll get you some food in a while, and you can go and do something after you finish eating!"

"Yeah! Master, I will definitely work hard after I'm full!" Xiaoqing nodded obediently.

After synthesizing Xiaoqing, Li Yu's merit points have bottomed out, with only a few dozen points left.

However, there is still an electric eel that has not been activated.

After opening the box, Li Yu saw that the size of this electric eel was about one meter. If he wanted to upgrade it to level 5, it would consume at least twice as much merit as Xiaoqing.

It is estimated that at least 5,000 merit points would be needed.

And he doesn't have that much merit for the time being.

"It's difficult, the merit points are still too short." Li Yu sighed slightly.

However, he decided to use the remaining few dozen merit points to activate the electric eel first.

After awakening the electric eel, Li Yu temporarily released it in a nearby pond.

He took out some food, fed Xiaoqing, and assigned it to the task of punishing evil.

Xiaoqing's invisible camouflage can hide well even during the day, so Li Yu now plans to punish evil during the day to earn more merit points.

In this way, Xiaoqing during the day and Dark Night at night, with clear division of labor.

Moreover, the evil punishment tasks sent out to perform are all for three-star sinners and above.

There are also level 5 tentacle monsters, which can also be responsible for teaching one-star and two-star sinners at night.

"Next, it will enter a period of rapid increase in merit points. You must hold back and save enough merit points to merge the talents that should be merged, and then evolve those that should evolve!" Li Yu imagined a bright future, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

However, at this time, in the Qin Family Manor in the Magic City.

A funeral was being held.

Jiang Qingxue and her parents had arrived early.

Qin Hai, who is nearly sixty years old, is now dressed in plain clothes, standing in the mourning hall, stroking Qin Shu's urn with one hand, with a haggard and old face.

One by one, relatives, friends, partners and business partners came in to pay their respects.

The atmosphere was sad.

Suddenly, a sharp and piercing female voice sounded: "Qin Hai, you old thing are too much. After decades of marriage, you didn't even notify me of your son's funeral?"

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