The broken glass on the bridge and the crispy chips of the commercial vehicle's bumper were flying everywhere.

Li Yu's car was less than 20 meters away from the accident site. When he noticed that the commercial vehicle was out of control, he stepped on the brakes immediately.

When the commercial vehicle rushed down the Sanxian Bridge, Li Yu immediately opened the door and got out of the car, and walked two or three steps to the position where the commercial vehicle rushed down on the bridge.

Looking down, it seemed that the commercial vehicle did not immediately enter the car because the windows were closed, and it had not sunk yet.

It was just because of the rain last night, the river was fast, the car fell into the middle of the water, and was now rapidly going downstream, the car was also slowly sinking, it was estimated that there would be another two or three minutes, and when the car sank to the bottom, it would be too late to say anything!

Seeing this, Li Yu took off his coat and pants in a few seconds and prepared to jump into the water to save people.

If it had been two days ago, he had not yet awakened the system, and he would not dare to say anything, but now that his body has been integrated with the giant force talent, his physical fitness has increased five times, which is beyond ordinary people, and it is natural to jump into the water to save someone.

After all, everyone has a heroic dream, not to mention that saving a life is better than building a seven-story pagoda, this is a great opportunity to gain merit.

At this time, there were cars stopping one after another around, and some people got off

Seeing Li Yu's actions, they were shocked.

"It's over, this bridge is too high, there's no way to jump into the river to save people, little brother, don't be brave!"

A middle-aged man with glasses couldn't help but persuade.

However, just as he finished speaking, Li Yu suddenly jumped up and jumped down from the 20-meter-high bridge, and jumped into the river below with a splash.

The streamlined torso gave Li Yu great control over his body. The moment he entered the water, he hardly made much splash.

On the bridge.

"Oh my god, this is not how you act like a hero!"

The middle-aged man was stunned. It was over. Another life was going to be lost.

If you are not a professional, jumping from such a high place is already quite dangerous at the moment of entering the water, not to mention saving people in this rapids.

This young man is really too impulsive!

"He dared to jump off the Sanxian Bridge. This kid is too brave!"

"Who said it? There was only one person in the accident. Now, another person has been killed!"

Pedestrians on the road got off the car one after another, looking at this scene and pointing and talking.

"What should we do? Call the police?"

The person who said this was a young girl, who was also the unlucky person who was scared by the sound of a flat tire and crashed the car into the bridge.

"What kind of police should we call! What's the use of the police here?"

"120! 120!"

"Ambulance is useless! Fire truck!"

Everyone took out their mobile phones and called the alarm center, rescue center, and fire center.

Everyone talked at once, mixed with the voices of people calling for help, and reported the situation on the scene to several departments.

At this time, the surging river water made Li Yu unable to move a step. His strength was soaked in the water, and before he could exert any strength, the water that was close to his body cut off more than half of it.

The vehicle was also carried by the turbulent river water and kept drifting to the lower end of the river.

Fortunately, he had a strong physical fitness. Relying on his strong physical fitness, Li Yu quickly approached the commercial vehicle.

He found that although the car had been hit, there were no holes in the windows, only the windshield had cracks. Li Yu could clearly see the situation inside the car through the glass. The airbag of the commercial vehicle had been deployed, and a woman with short hair on her neck in the driver's seat had fainted.

The river water continued to pour into the car from the chassis and had submerged the seats.

There was also a long-haired woman in the back seat of the car, who was tied up with a seat belt and was also unconscious and immersed in the river water!

The water that kept pouring in had submerged half of the commercial vehicle at this moment. The two people inside, especially the woman in the driver's seat, had most of their bodies in the water because of the sinking of the front of the car.

'Fortunately, the river water did not fill the car completely, otherwise it would be troublesome! ’

Towards the rear window, Li Yu grabbed the roof with his left hand and smashed it with his right fist!

With a bang, the rear window glass shattered along the center point where Li Yu's fist hit it!

Then, he reached in and unbuckled the woman's seat belt in the back seat, pulled half of her body out of the window, and temporarily leaned her against the window.

In an instant, a clear and plain face without makeup came into view, and the three thousand black hair that had escaped from the hair bundle at some point was also pulled by Li Yu.

Scattered shoulders floating in the air!

After a glance, Li Yu suddenly felt familiar, but he couldn't remember where he had seen her.

However, Li Yu didn't have time to think about where he had seen her, so he went around to the window of the driver's seat on the other side again, smashed the car glass with a punch, unfastened the seat belt of the woman in the driver's seat, and dragged her out directly from the car.

He held her body with one hand, swam to the long-haired woman in the back seat again, and pulled her out with one hand.

So far, both women have been rescued from the car.

Li Yu held up a woman with each hand, and paddled towards the shore with his legs in the water.

The amazing thing is that although Li Yu was dragging people with each hand, he could not sink in the turbulent water just by relying on his leg strength.

And the paddling speed was also very fast.

It was about 30 meters away from the shore, and Li Yu took the two to the shore in a short time.

The rescue was successful!

This scene stunned everyone on the bridge.

"Fuck, this guy is awesome, he is so good at swimming, he can save two people by himself?"

"Yeah, look at this speed, this physical fitness is definitely not comparable to ordinary people!"

"That's right, the handsome guy just smashed the car window with one fist, when did the car window become so fragile?"

"I don't think anyone will dare to ask who to save first when the mother and wife fall into the water! Of course, both of them should be saved! Didn't you see that this guy succeeded!"

"Oh, I forgot to take a video. If this is posted on the Internet, it will definitely be popular!"

"Why are you all standing there, hurry down and help!"

"I'll go get a blanket from the car, they must be frozen!"

"I remembered that there is hot tea in the car, I'll take it to warm up that guy!"

People on the bridge were talking, and some people gathered on the shore under the bridge.

With the help of passersby, the two women were successfully pulled ashore.

[Save a life, merit +1000 points]

A system prompt sounded suddenly.

It turned out to be a thousand points of merit! The merit of saving people is really high!

This wave is worth it! It's worth it!

Li Yu suddenly felt extremely happy in his heart.

As a good boy who grew up under the red flag, saving people can make people happy physically and mentally, not to mention that there are merit points rewarded by the system now. He feels that he is about to be sublimated!

And with the first aid measures of passersby, the two women who were unconscious soon woke up.

Blankets and hot tea were stuffed into the hands and wrapped around the body by enthusiastic people.

"Awesome, brother! You actually saved people!" People surrounded Li Yu, and they admired him very much.

"Fortunately, I am good at swimming."

Drinking the hot tea given by passersby to warm up, Li Yu replied modestly.

"Has the ambulance been called?"

"Don't worry, we've notified everyone!"

At this time, Li Yu looked at the two women who had woken up.

The short-haired woman was still in shock and didn't speak for a while.

The long-haired woman seemed to have come to her senses. She listened to the various explanations of the passers-by around her and looked at Li Yu.

She knew that the young man in front of her was her savior.

"Thank you!" The long-haired woman said gratefully, with a trembling voice in her cold voice.

Obviously, she had just reacted from the accident. Although she pretended to be calm, her inner fluctuations were still very intense.

It was just that her style had always been like this, so she could only pretend to be calm.

"You're welcome. Are you okay?" Li Yu looked at the other party. Although she had just come out of the water, her pretty face was as beautiful as a lotus out of clear water.

"Well, I'm fine. You saved my life, and I will definitely repay you." The woman said sincerely: "My name is Jiang Qingxue. Let's leave contact information. What's your name?"

Seeing her stubborn look, Li Yu couldn't refuse and told her his name and contact information.

Jiang Qingxue wrote it down carefully.

At this time, the ambulance finally came. Li Yu looked at the other woman who was still in shock and said to Jiang Qingxue: "You should go to the hospital for a check-up first. I will leave first if I have something to do."

After that, Li Yu left without stopping.

Jiang Qingxue looked at his leaving back, her eyes flickered inexplicably.

The passers-by around him gradually dispersed.

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