The truth is that the truth is not real.

"W, are these records true?" After reading the information, Qin Hai looked at Wang Lili in disbelief.

"Don't you still believe in the organization's intelligence capabilities? What's more, these two records were made by the organization itself, how could they be false?" Mrs. W sneered.

"So, my son's accident is also related to this Li Yu?" Qin Hai murmured, but his tone was full of uncertainty.

Because he couldn't imagine that in today's society, a person could create so many accidents without leaving any traces.

Such a guy is really scary!

"I am almost certain that this Li Yu was behind the accident and killed my son!" Mrs. W said bitterly: "I must kill this man!"

"This man really deserves to die!" Qin Hai also nodded heavily.

"But this man is not so easy to deal with. I need to plan carefully and wait for the opportunity! And you must also contribute!" Mrs. W said.

"Well, after many years, Mrs. W and Mr. Q are finally going to join forces again?" Qin Hai couldn't help but sigh.

. . . .

On the other side, in the Qingshan Village Farm.

Li Yu didn't know that he had been targeted by Qin Hai and the others.

He was busy with merit.

The team's poverty alleviation and assistance work has been getting smoother and smoother. As long as their financial resources are improved again, they can expand the team. Now they can recruit a few new employees and let them follow Zhang Ya and Fatty Qian to familiarize themselves with the process and wait for the funds to be in place, so that the newcomers can go to the poverty alleviation and assistance alone and develop merit.

Xiaoqing and Anye were also constantly punishing the evildoers. With Xiaoji collecting intelligence and Xiaoqing and Anye repeatedly confirming, it was absolutely impossible for them to make mistakes. The merit points were being collected faster and faster.

Everything was developing steadily and rapidly.

Three days passed like this.

Li Yu's merit points had risen to more than 8,000.

An average of nearly 3,000 merit points per day.

This was because Xiaoqing and Anye were more cautious in their actions every day, punishing only two or three people a day.

If they were more efficient, the merit points would probably be more.

Even so, the punishment actions in the past few days have attracted the attention of the higher-ups.

Such accidental deaths suddenly occur every day in or around Hucheng City, and each case is very suspenseful and unbelievable.

This kind of thing happens very regularly every day, so how could it not attract attention?

However, no matter how they investigate, they cannot find out who the real murderer is, and the case can only become an unsolved case.

The officials of Lake City have been very busy with these cases these days. There is still no clue about the big case that happened in the suburbs not long ago, and now there are so many more.

This pressure is driving them crazy.

On this day, Li Yu felt that he had enough merit points and planned to evolve the electric eel.

However, the size of this electric eel is more than one meter. If it is upgraded to level 5, it will be very large. At that time, it will not be like a golden eagle that can fly in the sky all the time and not be seen by people.

If the electric eel is placed in a pond, the size of the eel may not be enough for it to toss.

Li Yu thought about it and thought that the best place to place this electric eel after it evolves is the sea.

It just so happens that he now has something to swim in the sea besides flying in the sky and walking on the ground.

Although this electric eel is a freshwater fish, ordinary electric eels can also survive in the sea, not to mention that it will not be a problem after evolution.

So, Li Yu went to the pond, fished out the electric eel, and put it in the infinite bag.

Then he drove the King Kong towards the sea.

Although there is a lake in Lake City, the lake is an inland lake. Although it is large enough, there are not many resources in the lake. It is more suitable to put the electric eel in the sea, after all, the ocean has the most resources.

And the Magic City is just by the sea, and it is only two or three hours' drive from Lake City.

Li Yu sat in the King Kong and went straight to the coastline of the Magic City.

He also deliberately found a coast with few people nearby to get off, and carried the infinite bag through some mountainous and forested areas to a low cliff on the seaside.

Then, he opened the infinite bag and released the electric eel.

After the electric eel entered the sea, although it seemed a little uncomfortable with the sea water, it didn't seem to be a big deal.

Li Yu started to evolve it directly.

[Target search: Electric eel, electric eel evolves to level 2, requiring 100 merit points]

[Level 2→Level 3, 300 points]

[Level 3→Level 4, 1000 points]

[Level 4→Level 5, 2500 points]

After spending a total of 3900 points of merit, Li Yu successfully evolved the electric eel to level 5.

The size of the level 5 electric eel has grown from more than one meter to fifteen or sixteen meters! The thickness alone is more than one meter!

It looks even bigger and more terrifying than an ordinary python.

The body of the electric eel that has evolved to level 5 has also been strengthened to an astonishing degree. Not only has the discomfort with seawater completely disappeared, but its swimming speed and sense of power have also exploded.

Such a huge electric eel is definitely a dominant existence in the ocean!

You should know that the voltage released by ordinary electric eels can reach hundreds of volts! It can electrocute creatures several times larger than it.

And now the voltage of the evolved electric eel is even more terrifying, even reaching tens of thousands of volts!

What creature can survive this voltage?

Li Yu couldn't imagine who else in the ocean could be the opponent of the electric eel?

Even the largest blue whale could only be electrocuted in front of the electric eel.

After a while, a system prompt sounded in Li Yu's mind as expected:

[Discharge talent found to be fused]

[Merit points required for fusion: 1000]

[Do you want to fuse? ]

Sure enough, the electric eel's talent can be fused!

Li Yu was looking forward to it and chose to fuse without saying anything.

In an instant, an invisible force spread throughout his body, and Li Yu felt that his body cells had undergone an inexplicable change.

It seemed that every cell was filled with electricity.

As long as he had a thought, he could stimulate this electricity and release it through any part of his body.

Moreover, the strength of this electricity was related to the level of the fused discharge talent, and it seemed to be related to the strength of his own physical fitness.

With his current ten times strength, the LV1 discharge talent stimulated could reach at least thousands of volts.

Li Yu, who had gained new abilities, was very excited.

He couldn't wait to try it out.

As soon as he thought about it, electric currents flowed through all the cells in his body and flowed into his palms under his control.

In an instant, Li Yu saw tiny arcs of electricity appear in his palms. . .

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