The news was a big deal, but now it has been revealed.

Qin Hai, the billionaire of the Qin family, died suddenly in his own manor!

Qin Group has killed many executives overnight!

Several people's servants who are closely related to the Qin family died overnight!

One after another, related news quickly became a hot search.

Each of these news can shock others for a whole year, but now they are all together.

It makes people feel that the world is about to change.

It's really incredible!

So many people were fine, and some were even eating hot pot and singing, but they were suddenly killed by an inexplicable force.

Many people even died in full view of the public.

There was not even any trace found in the surveillance. People only saw that it seemed as if an invisible force fell on those people, as if they were punished by God, and they died inexplicably.

In the comment area of ​​many news, there was a comment that was particularly conspicuous.

"I know this person. He is a people's servant, but he is corrupt and has connections. No one dares to provoke him. There is no way to report him or complain. He died well! He died well! This person must have been punished by God! Retribution is coming!"

Then, everyone found that among these dead people, all the people's servants were like termites, and there would always be someone in the comment area who jumped out to correct their stains.

So, in many comment areas, the shocking remarks all became: "Heaven is fair, retribution is inevitable! If you do bad things, you will be punished by God!"

Later, official departments removed these news information one after another, and finally, the entire network was cleared, leaving only some news related to the Qin family.

Li Yu only smiled faintly at the news on the Internet, hiding his merits and fame.

Just as Tian Weiwei was reading the news with relish and Li Yu was eating melons beside him.

There was a noise outside the courtyard gate.

Xiao Hei barked.

"Someone is coming!" Li Yu's expression moved, and he looked at Tian Weiwei.

"I'll go open the door!" Tian Weiwei hurriedly put down her phone and ran to open the courtyard gate.

Outside the courtyard gate, a group of service personnel from the security department stood there, led by the security officer chief.

"We are the official security service personnel of Hucheng! We need your cooperation in the investigation!" The other party took out his ID.

Tian Weiwei looked back at Li Yu, and Li Yu nodded slightly.

"Okay, we will actively cooperate, you come in." She welcomed these people in.

Everyone entered the courtyard, and first looked at the wide courtyard with some surprise, and the house built in the courtyard that exceeded the specifications.

They all secretly muttered in their hearts that the people living here should not be simple, and they must have a relationship!

However, they did not come here today to investigate these things. The chief brought people forward, greeted Li Yu, and began to ask questions as usual.

After a round of questioning, more than an hour passed.

Li Yu naturally had no problem, so the other party left with people.

Seeing these people leave, Tian Weiwei breathed a sigh of relief, patted her chest and looked at Li Yu and said: "I really suffered an unexpected disaster. This is the first time I have been interrogated by these people!"

Her father is an official in the provincial capital and holds real power. If his identity is exposed, those people just now would probably be scared to death.

Fortunately, Tian Weiwei and her father are extremely low-key, so that these people don’t know Tian Weiwei.

Li Yu smiled and said: "Weiwei, you haven’t done anything bad, what are you afraid of!"

"Brother Yu, I’m a girl, it’s normal to be timid!" Tian Weiwei snorted and started to act coquettishly.

"Okay, okay, I'll cook for you later and make you a meal to calm you down!" Li Yu continued to smile.

"Okay, okay!" Tian Weiwei suddenly became happy.

At the same time, the official department of Magic City.

Two experts airdropped and arrived at a conference hall.

The Magic City security service personnel, who were worried about Qin Hai's death and the strange deaths of many big figures, saw these two experts appear, and their faces suddenly became stern!

Because these two experts have another title.

Named [Dragon Guard]

And this Dragon Guard is directly under the highest authority, specializing in monitoring the world, selfless, and handling shocking cases.

Each Dragon Guard has been carefully selected and has a skill.

Pulled out separately, they are all elites among humans, genius-like figures.


Some of them are good at criminal investigation, some are good at hacking technology, some are good at fighting, some have a powerful background, and some are extremely wealthy.

In short, once the Dragon Guards appear, the world will surrender!

It is a magic weapon in the hands of the Supreme!

These two Dragon Guards are a man and a woman.

The man is about forty years old. He wears a black windbreaker and a black felt hat on a hot day, just like the image of a great detective in the movie.

The woman is in her twenties, with a fair and cold face, delicate features, and a slim figure. She wears cool martial arts clothes and fingerless gloves on her hands, which makes her look very capable and cold.

As soon as the two appeared in the conference room, they showed a sign directly from their bodies.

The tag of the man in the windbreaker reads [Dragon Guard No. 7]

The tag of the cold woman reads [Dragon Guard No. 9]

"It's Master No. 7 and Master No. 9! I've heard of you for a long time!" Officials from the Magic City came forward to greet them.

The serial number of the Dragon Guards basically represents their status and power in the whole society.

Because the serial number of the Dragon Guards starts from No. 0 and ends with No. 10.

There are only eleven people in total.

And among them, ten people are the ones who really do things.

Because No. 0 is the highest! For [Dragon Soul]!

No. 1 to No. 10 basically take charge of the world and monitor the world on behalf of No. 0. Everyone has military power and can mobilize the army!

Even a local governor would be slightly inferior to these ten people.

"No need to say more. We have studied the information. From now on, we will take over all these cases! So everyone must cooperate with our actions! Do you understand?" No. 7 did not exchange too many pleasantries with everyone, and directly gave the order.

"Yes!" All the official bosses of the Magic City bowed their heads and responded, not daring to refute.

"Okay, then now, let's start with those people's service staff. I will investigate all their evil deeds one by one!" No. 7 said coldly: "No. 0 is already furious. Although these people died, they did not provide adequate service, and what they did was resented by heaven and people. They can't die so easily. I want to revive the official atmosphere!"

When everyone heard this, they immediately broke out in cold sweat.

It's over, the Magic City is about to usher in a major earthquake!

They looked at each other, and everyone was trembling with fear, racking their brains to think about the next countermeasures.

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