The difference between the two is that Li Yu cannot control the form of the product after the synthesis and evolution of the spiritual awakening objects.

The 6th level Wuliang Bag and the 5th level ring finally look like the ring after synthesis.

The consciousness of these two spiritual awakening objects has also been integrated into a new consciousness.

This kind of synthetic evolution is not to directly erase the other consciousness, or to make the other consciousness disappear, but to merge the two.

The new consciousness that was born has all the memories of the two before, but the personality, spirituality and other aspects are different from the previous ones.

Li Yu likes this new spiritual awakening object very much and feels that it has unlimited potential.

So he made an exception and gave it a new name with style.

Wuliang Dragon Ring!

Abbreviation: Xiaolong!

[Spiritual awakening object: Infinite Dragon Ring (one synthetic evolution)]

[Level: 6]

[Type: ? ? ? ]

[Talent: Capacity (100 cubic meters)]

[Talent: Dragon Totem Visualization]

[Evaluation: Its future is limitless! ]

Li Yu nodded with satisfaction and put the Infinite Dragon Ring on his thumb.

As soon as his fingertips swished on it, the middle part began to spin, which was very relaxing!

While the ring was spinning, the dragon-shaped phantom in Li Yu's mind became more vivid and flexible, and worked harder to temper his spiritual will.

This feeling is really good!

Li Yu was reluctant to take it off.

"It seems that when I transport seafood in the future, I have to find a way to find a bag to awaken the spirit and make a new space bag?" Li Yu muttered to himself.

Otherwise, it would be quite troublesome for me and the spiritual awakening objects to always share a space device.

Moreover, the golden eagle will have to evolve later. By then, its huge size may not be suitable for being a seafood courier. It is better to awaken another flying species to be a seafood courier.

After all, the seafood sales line can provide him with a lot of funds at present. It is a long-term and stable way to make money and cannot be easily abandoned.

Unless a stable base is established in the south, then consider using other ways to make money.

Many ideas flashed in his mind one by one.

Li Yu felt like he had suddenly become a nouveau riche and wanted to buy everything with a lot of money.

Just when Li Yu was about to upgrade Tao in the yard by a few levels, a message suddenly appeared on his mobile phone, which caught his attention.

This message came from a colleague of his former work.

"Brother, what are you doing recently? I have a good job here, do you want to know about it?"

Li Yu was slightly stunned when he saw this message.

The colleague who sent the message was from the small company where he worked before. The two of them had a good relationship. After the company went bankrupt, Li Yu only knew that he went to another place to develop, and there was no news about him later.

Unexpectedly, I would suddenly see this person's message today.

At this time, colleague Ma Yongyuan continued to send messages: "Brother, are you there? If you see it, reply!"

Li Yu thought about it and replied: Yes, brother, where have you been recently? What project are you working on?

The other party saw Li Yu's reply and immediately replied: "I'm developing in another place recently. The company here treats me very well. The work is easy and free, and the salary is very high!"

Li Yu's heart moved and sent a message: Is it true? What kind of job is it?

Ma Yongyuan: I can't explain the specific job content at once. It's mainly sitting in the office. When there are customers, just contact them. It's similar to following orders. It's not illegal, but the commission is very high, the minimum wage is also very high, and the working hours are very flexible. I start work at 9 am and get off work at 4:30 pm. And I don't need to punch in. The key point is that the educational requirements are not high, and there is no work experience required. Do you want to learn about it?

After reading it, Li Yu was also surprised: There is such a good job?

The other party replied: Yes, this is in China, in the next province. By the way, I heard that we have company benefits to be distributed recently. If you come to work earlier, you may be able to get some benefits!

Seeing this, although Li Yu has no interest in going to work, he is grateful for his colleague Ma Yongyuan's move to introduce him to the job.

He did not immediately reject his kindness, but asked Xiaoji to investigate Ma Yongyuan's current

Information to see if his job is real and the other party's current situation.

After all, the two were colleagues before and had a good relationship, the kind of relationship where they could often have dinner together.

Since he could remember to introduce me to a job, I also need to care about him.

Xiaoji was very efficient and quickly found out Ma Yongyuan's information, as well as some information about Ma Yongyuan's current location, company, company boss and employees.

Ma Yongyuan's information was mediocre, just like his previous self, just an ordinary worker.

And the company he is currently in is also located in the next province, in a bustling downtown area, and the company's business is also normal.

It seems to be a real treasure job.

However, when Li Yu saw the information of other employees and several senior executives and bosses of the company, he couldn't help but frowned.

Although there was nothing wrong with the information of other employees, the education of these employees did not seem to be high. Some of them had college degrees, and some had high school and even junior high school degrees.

This is just the academic qualifications. The key point is that these people, like Ma Yongyuan, were recruited through online recruitment. Previously, their salaries and benefits were very average and their abilities were not high.

Logically speaking, there is no reason for such a group of people to be recruited by a company with such good salaries and benefits.

The more critical information is about this company and the legal person.

The legal person of the company was actually a domestic deadbeat after just over a month of establishment.

After becoming the legal person, this deadbeat received a sum of 200,000 yuan in funds, and the source of this fund, despite several conversions, eventually pointed to foreign countries.

That direction is in the south?

"This fund actually came from the south, which means that the person who really established this company is from the south?"

Li Yu suddenly thought of a video he had seen not long ago, which seemed to mention a situation.

Then, he looked through the part of the information that had business dealings with this company and was surprised to find that the so-called business orders and the like were all false and forged.

It seemed that those businesses were deliberately arranged to help the employees of this company achieve performance.

Seeing this, Li Yu suddenly understood.

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