City Favorability System

Chapter 305 - Ling Qiya, You Are Eaten by Me! (First more!) Please! )\r

"Stop, stop!"

"If you have something to say, can you not be coquettish?"

Lin Fan straightened the peerless beauty's body and said speechlessly.

He found that in addition to the woman's tears, he had another point that he could not bear.

That is... Whooping coquettishness!

"Sister Yanran, you are such a coquette, I didn't use it three years ago!"

The little radish head Ling Qifei crossed her waist with both hands and said to Mu Yanran in an old-fashioned manner.

Mu Yanran: "I... How old were you three years ago? ”

"Four years old~"

"People are seven years old this year~"

Ling Qifei did not perceive the danger, twisted her fingers, and told Mu Yanran how old she was in a milky voice.

Hearing her say that her coquettishness was the coquettishness of a four-year-old child, Mu Yanran's whole person was not good.


Ling Qifei still wanted to say something, but was directly covered by Mu Yanran.

Want to talk?

No - you don't want to!

Seeing this scene, Ling Qiya shook her head helplessly, walked in front, and walked into the western restaurant with Lin Fan, Mu Yanran, and Ling Qifei.


More than an hour later, the three adults put down their knives and forks, leaving only Ling Qifei still nibbling on the chocolate mousse cake.

Lin Fan suddenly discovered that the seven-year-old radish head could actually remember the best desserts in the restaurant.

It was like this last time at W Hotel.

This time here, it's exactly the same.

270 For her ability, Lin Fan didn't know whether to say that she was gifted or a foodie.

"Yanran... It seems that we have to work harder~"

Looking at the delicate and cute appearance of the little radish head eating cake, Lin Fan patted Mu Yanran's hand and said meaningfully.


As soon as these words came out, the pretty faces of Ling Qiya and Mu Yanran quickly turned red.

Go harder?

Strive for what?

Struggling to have a baby?

Can this kind of meat talk be said so directly?

Ling Qiya feels that she seems to be redefining the relationship between Lin Fan and Mu Yanran.

The bond between the two seems to be far deeper than he thought.

Before... She thought that getting engaged and getting married was already terrifying.

Who would have thought that Lin Fan began to think about the child with Mu Yanran, it was really terrifying!



(cffh) In a strange atmosphere, Ling Qiya suddenly spoke:

"Yanran, it's not early, it's time to go home."

"Come to my house to sleep tonight, Qifei wants you to read her stories and coax her to sleep."

Hearing her sister's words, Ling Qifei, who was concentrating on dealing with desserts, raised her head and looked at her sister in confusion.

She... When did you say this?

She... Already seven years old, I don't need to listen to stories to sleep anymore.

She... Already an adult!

However, before Ling Qifei could speak, Ling Qiya covered her mouth with a tissue on the grounds that the corner of her mouth was stained with cake.

Little Loli was dealt with twice in a row by the same move, and she couldn't say a word for a long time.

Say that the good Saint Seiya will not lose twice on the same move?

She... Adult Ling Qifei, why did she fail?

It's so angry!!


Although Ling Qifei was angry, no one paid attention to her now.

Because since Ling Qiya's words came out, Lin Fan and Mu Yanran frowned.

Going to your house to rest?

Read a story to the little radish head and coax her to sleep?

Chapter 305 - Ling Qiya, You Are Eaten by Me! (First more!) Please! )

Read a story to the little radish head and coax her to sleep?

You have the ability to let go of the hand covering the little loli's mouth!

Lin Fan frowned and glared at Ling Qiya angrily.

If before, he just thought that Ling Qiya was good looking and worth starting.

Now, Ling Qiya is the object that he wrote down on the small book and must eat it.

This crazy girl, always doing things, is really disgusting.


Lin Fan, who was annoyed in his heart, kicked Ling Qiya under the table angrily, and said with a straight face:

"Qiya, Qifei has grown up and doesn't need to listen to stories to fall asleep anymore, right?"

Ling Qiya ate Lin Fan and grinned in pain.

You know, she wore a short skirt with high heels.

Lin Fan kicked over, and although it didn't use force, it still caused critical damage.

To know... She is considered naked, without any defensive attributes!


Ling Qiya almost didn't resist the urge to turn her face with Lin Fan on the spot.

This man... It's so ungentlemanly!

Isn't it just about doing something?

As for giving yourself a kick?

What about gentlemanly manners?

Was it eaten by a dog?


Although Mu Yanran didn't know what was happening under the table, she saw that Ling Qiya and Lin Fan were not right, and she knew that something was wrong.

"Kia... This... Your house won't go, will you? ”

Peerless Beauty just established a relationship with Lin Fan yesterday, and only completed the girl-to-girl-to-teenage transition last night.

It can be said that she and Lin Fan are now in love with each other and know the essence.

It was said that Ling Qifei wanted to hear the story, and even if Ling Qiya wanted to hear it, there was no discussion.


Ling Qiya didn't expect Mu Yanran to reject herself, and saw the smug smile on Lin Fan's face.

Thinking about the kick she had been kicked a few minutes ago, she had a vicious thought.

At this thought, Ling Qiya pondered for three seconds, raised her head and said to Mu Yanran:

"Yanran, yesterday my aunt called me and asked if you were with me."

"What I'm saying is, if she will call again tonight, then I don't know."

Lin Fan:......

Mu Yanran: ...

At this time, the little couple of Lin Fan and Mu Yanran were really speechless to Ling Qiya.

Chatting and talking, why did you talk about your parents?

This moved out of the big Buddha of Mu Yanran's mother, even if Lin Fan said before that he would be engaged to a peerless beauty, it would not help.

This... After all, it's my mother-in-law!


"Kia, you—"

Mu Yanran stood up angrily and glared at the two sisters Ling Qiya and Ling Qifei in annoyance.

In her opinion, this killing of her best friend is really too much.

Say okay don't leave after school, why did you call the teacher?


"Qifei, let's go!"

Mu Yanran pulled Ling Qifei and walked towards the door of the western restaurant with a huff.

Ling Qifei looked at the chocolate mousse cake that had not yet eaten half of it, and tears were about to flow out.

Her cake!

She didn't do anything, why is it her who is unlucky?

"Ling Qiya, you've got something big!"

As soon as Mu Yanran walked out of the western restaurant with her front foot, Lin Fan got up on her back foot and looked directly at Ling Qiya and said.

This crazy girl who has repeatedly made trouble, he is determined.

It's not okay to eat dry and wipe, he still has to be like a tweak——

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