City Favorability System

Chapter 383 - Bathing Together (Fifth Change!) Please! )\r


When the female president heard Lin Fan's words, her pretty face quickly turned red.

Together tonight?

What's together, do you need to say more?

Chen Lihua, who has not experienced the Mid-Autumn Festival reunion, is actually a bit false about Lin Fan's proposal.

It's just that she, who had already prepared in her heart, did not sweep Lin Fan's interest, but asked another thing.

"What about Liming?"

"She... Would you mind? ”

Long before Lin Fan killed, she had talked to Lu Liming and knew that she was the first time.

So... The key to not being together tonight depends on Lu Liming's own wishes.

"That's a question, I'll ask later?"

Lin Fan smelled the body fragrance of the female president and said lightly.

In his opinion, the little secretary would probably not refuse.


The female "five two seven" president nodded.



After seeing that tonight's program was negotiated, Lin Fan again did not remind Lu Liming and directly pushed the door open.

It's just a surprise compared to the last opening.

This time the door opens, then the effect is very average.

After pushing open the door, Lin Fan found that Lu Liming had changed into a flight attendant uniform and was sorting out a red scarf.

Lin Fan looked at Lu Liming's flight attendant uniform while comparing it with Yang Yingxue's in memory.


In terms of flight attendant uniforms, it is still Murana's sister who is better.

Saying.... When will your own Gulfstream G650 arrive?

Recently, Lin Fan has been prodded by the flight attendant's uniform, which has led him to very much hope that the private jet will arrive quickly.

After arriving~

You can open up new tricks!

"Liming, you change another set!"

Seeing Lin Fan's lack of interest, the female president took him by the arm and walked out of the room.

"Why don't you seem to have any interest in flight attendant uniforms?"

As soon as she closed the door, Chen Lihua asked curiously.

In her opinion, this should not be!

You know, the uniforms she prepared for Lu Liming are all the ones Lin Fan once let herself wear.

This... It's all about having a minimum guarantee effect!


Lin Fan scratched his head, sniffled, and said, "I recruited flight attendants for the two newly bought private jets some time ago. ”


Hearing his words, the female president instantly understood why he was a little lacking in interest.

Originally... People saw too much some time ago.

So... As a result, Lin Fan is a little aesthetically fatigued.

This is really a disaster!

"In other words, how many flight attendants have you hired?"

The female president is the one who knows Lin Fan's character, and most of the flight attendants recruited are the people in his bowl.

"I don't know, there should be at least ten..."

The question of female president, Lin Fan is really difficult to answer.

At that time, his attention was focused on the village flower Yang Yingxue, and he really didn't pay much attention to this matter.

"I'll ask!"

Lin Fan saw Chen Lihua's speechless expression, took out his mobile phone, and called Li Yinfei.


“ Lin Fan?!”

Li Yinfei received a call from Lin Fan and was a little surprised.

Isn't it just a short time since you left?

Why did you call again?

Chapter 383 - Bathing Together (Fifth Change!) Please! )

Why did you call again?

"Yin Fei, what to say... How many flight attendants did we hire last time? ”

"I was only concerned about Fa Xiao..."

Lin Fan asked about this bluntly in front of the female president.

Seeing him so righteous, Chen Lihua rolled her eyes speechlessly.

This attitude, Lin Fan is right!

"How many flight attendants were hired?"

"It seems... Lin Fan, you haven't even given us your favorite! ”

Lin Fan didn't mention it, and Li Yinfei almost forgot.


They handed Lin Fan the list of candidates who were drafted to pass the interview, and then there was no follow-up.

So far, Li Yinfei has not sent news of the interview results to the flight attendants who came to the interview!

"Sorry for the interruption!"

Lin Fan twitched the corner of his mouth and decisively hung up the phone.

How many flight attendants were recruited?

Sorry, the interview results on my side have not yet come out, recruit a hammer move!


Seeing Lin Fan's embarrassed look, Chen Lihua couldn't help but laugh.

This... It's hilarious.

"It's almost enough to laugh, pay attention to the image!"

Lin Fan pinched the female president's face and said angrily.

This girl is really too self-indulgent, and actually dares to openly laugh at herself in front of herself: .....


The laughter outside the door did not affect Lu Liming inside the door.

The little secretary continued to change into his uniform and showed it to Lin Fan.

Nurses, flight attendants, teachers, students, OL...

All kinds of uniforms, Lu Liming showed one side, fully explained to Lin Fan why the female president said that today is a dress show.

In fact, after changing so many uniforms, it's not a dress show, it's all a dress show!

"It's over!"

Catching a glimpse of Lin Fan and Chen Lihua's inquiring gazes, the little secretary clapped his hands and announced that he had changed them all.

Lu Liming doesn't know if Lin Fan and Chen Lihua are tired of watching, in short... She's tired!

Syllable! Syllable! Syllable!

As soon as the little secretary's words fell, Lin Fan applauded.

To be honest, the one arranged by Chen Lihua and Lu Liming today made Lin Fan quite satisfied.

He pondered that after returning to the three-story small bungalow villa, he must tell Li Wanrong, Mu Yanran and others about this matter.

Otherwise, they don't know to upgrade.

Look at the female president, look at the little secretary, the new programs and new tricks made out, how interesting!

"Liming, are you tired?"

"Shall I take you to the hot springs and relax?"

Although it was an inquiry, Lin Fan did not wait for Lu Liming to answer, so he directly put his arm around her shoulders and led her out of the fitting room.

"I... I haven't changed my clothes yet! ”

Lu Liming glanced at his step skirt, black stockings, and silver 0.4-color high heels, and said speechlessly.

It's okay to go to the hot spring, but can you let yourself change your clothes first?

Although she usually goes to work like this, but... The set prepared by Chen Lihua is still a little special after all.

"For what? No need to change! ”

Lin Fan glanced at Lu Liming's outfit, waved his big hand, and directly did not change.

Lu Liming: "I..."


Modu, W Hotel, top floor.

Lu Liming and Chen Lihua stood on the edge of the hot spring bath, looking at each other and unable to speak.

Previously, Lin Fan said that he brought two women to the hot spring to relax and relax, and they thought that men and women were separated.

Who would have thought that after Lin Fan brought them here, he would jump directly off the hot spring and urge them to come down as well.

At this time, they knew that this was the rhythm of bathing together!!.

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