City Favorability System

Chapter 399 - Create a Person and Reduce Stress (Seventh Change!) Please! )\r

"Hey, hey, who are you?"

"Do you have a part to talk in this villa?"

Yunia waved her hand at Ling Qiya angrily, and directly deprived her of her right to speak.

For $10,000, she felt that Lin Fan was grabbing money.

And 100,000 dollars a potion?

Ho --

That's really not robbery, but printing money!


"I'm just proposing!"

"Is it okay to give an opinion?"

"Aren't you Western countries claiming freedom of speech?"

Ling Qiya hugged her hands to her chest and looked at Unia playfully and said.

Hearing her words, Yunia almost exploded.

Free speech?

Freedom of speech, that is also a basic law!!

Suspected of racial discrimination and other words, then all are problematic!

Lin Fan is now blatantly making two body platinum potions with different prices, which is obviously discriminatory~

You Ling Qiya still fanned the flames, could it be that you want to go to heaven?



Mu Yanran saw that Ling Qiya's provoked Monaco princess was anxious05, and pulled her angrily.

This girl... It's really where to go, where to get into trouble.

Ling Qifei glanced at her sister and shook her head wordlessly.


It's really unlucky to have such a troublesome sister on the stall.

Seemingly... My sister who can give herself cake to eat, there is one less!


Compared with Mu Yanran's elegance, Lin Fan is much simpler and rougher.

He smiled at Ling Qiya, and directly gave her a pop.

I do things, and I still use your guidance?

The price of $10,000 and $1,000 was decided upon after careful consideration by Lin Fan.

He is different from Ling Qiya, who just wants to make big news.

Of course... It's really not much worse...

"Ten thousand dollars is ten thousand dollars!"

"Whoever has money buys more, and if there is no money... Then enter our Chinese nationality~"

Lin Fan hugged his hands to his chest and said with a smile.

As soon as he said this, Princess Unia rolled her eyes on the spot.

Naturalized Chinese nationality?

The whole world, who does not know that the nationality of Huaxia is difficult to enter?

Your words... It's just doing something!

However, because Ling Qiya, an even more unreliable person, Zhuyu, was in front of her, Yunya didn't say anything.

After all... $10,000 is better than $100,000.

At this point, Yunia can only comfort herself in this way.


Lin Fan finalized it and sent the formula of the domestic version platinum potion to Lin Biotechnology, and the news spread to the outside world.

With the vigorous publicity of Lin Yifei, a young scientist, the medicinal effect of body platinum has gradually been recognized by everyone.

So... As soon as I learned that Lin Bio, who had previously made up his mind not to sell body platinum, changed his mind, everyone who was interested went to find out.

As a result, this understanding was immediately confused.

Domestic version of platinum potion, a ten ml, price: a thousand dollars!


The price, although slightly higher, is not unacceptable.

If the medicinal effect of the body platinum potion is really so mysterious, then this price is actually very cost-effective.

Domestic version platinum potion, a ten-milliliter price: 10,000 US dollars!

Chapter 399 - Create a Person and Reduce Stress (Seventh Change!) Please! )

Domestic version platinum potion, a ten-milliliter price: 10,000 US dollars!


When they saw this, everyone rubbed their eyes.

A million dollars, ten thousand dollars?


The price difference between the foreign version and the domestic version is so large?

Is there a difference in the efficacy of medicine?

People with this idea compared the efficacy of the two versions of the potion.

It turned out that the domestic version and the foreign version were not inferior in efficacy...

In an instant, anyone with brains knew that Lin Biology was purely pit foreigners.

In an instant, the entire Huaxia and even the world's medical community exploded at one time.

"This is discrimination! This is discrimination against us! ”

"Resolutely resist the inconsistent pricing of the Lin biological region!"

"Is this taking us for fools? Ten thousand dollars? Hehe, won't I come to Huaxia to buy it? ”

"That is, 10,000 US dollars, which is enough for me to travel in China for a while."

"This broken potion, the medicinal effect has not been affirmed, actually dare to sell it so expensive?"

"The chairman of Lin Biologics must be crazy about money!"


“ Lin Fan... Is it really good for you to do this? ”

Yunya looked at the news and rubbed her head and said to Lin Fan.

The Princess of Monaco now feels like her brain is about to explode.

Obviously, the domestic version of the platinum potion has a population limit, but Lin Fan does not indicate it.

He even fanned the flames behind his back, encouraging those who claimed to be smart to come to Huaxia to buy medicine and become the so-called middlemen.

Thinking that these people would be pit with blood, Yunia said that her head was bigger.

If she could, Unia planned to become a Chinese nationality.

In this way, when you see these people being pitted, there is no idea of being sad.

However... As the sole heir to the Monegasque royal family, she became a citizen of another country?

Huh -

Don't say that if Huaxia doesn't give it, her uncle won't allow it!

"Don't worry, I printed a line of small print inside the bottle cap of the domestic version, indicating that it is only for Chinese people."

Lin Fan stretched out his hand, took Yunya's shoulder, and said with a smile.

Bottle cap?

A line of small print? 223

Uniya twitched her face, and you yourself said that it was the small print inside the bottle cap.

This... How many more people can be expected to see?



Lin Fan sealed her mouth with his hand before Yunya spoke, leaned in to her ear and said, "Yunya, let's talk about this, why don't we talk about something else?" ”

"As the sole heir to the Monaco royal family, you should be under a lot of pressure, right?"

Hearing this, Yunia nodded.


Of course it's big!

Not only was she bigger, her uncle was more stressed.

Who made Yunia look like she was about to finish some time ago?

Once she's finished, then... The royal family of Monaco is really finished.

You know, her uncle is almost seventy this year, he has worked hard for many years, and he still hasn't given birth to a child...

Lin Fan's hand roamed Princess Unia's body, and said lightly: "Then do you want me to help you reduce some pressure?" ”


Without saying a word, Yunya immediately nodded and agreed.

Just kidding, it takes a little pressure off, who wouldn't want it?

Hearing her answer, Lin Fan laughed and pushed her down on the sofa.

"That... Let's make a child and continue the blood of your Monaco royal family! ”


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