City Favorability System

Chapter 483 - Sex X Clothes?! (Third more!) Please! )\r

"Okay, okay, lie down, lie down, rest and talk!"

"I see, Yanran and Jiaoyang can't come back for a while!"

Lin Fan grabbed Wu Yunqing and Shen Jiamin, and directly let them lie down in his arms.

Wu Yunqing and Shen Jiamin glanced at Li Wanrong shyly and buried their little heads in Lin Fan's shoulders.

This guy, and there are still people, just messing around like this.

He... I don't know if it's like this when no one is around?

It's weird and shy...

"Do you know what Jiao Yang and Yanran are looking for Ye Mei?"

The eldest maid Li Wanrong raised her eyebrows and asked.

"Can you guess that there can be something else besides here?"

Lin Fan glanced at Li Wanrong's heart and said playfully.


The pretty face of the big maid was instantly covered with redness.

This guy actually guessed it!!

"Zero Three Zero"

Wu Yunqing and Shen Jiamin heard Lin Fan's words, and then saw Li Wanrong's shy answer, and immediately realized.

It turns out -

The reason why Meng Jiaoyang, Mu Yanran and the others called Boba Yemei away as soon as they came back, it was not that they did not pay attention to them.

The reason for this is entirely because of their purpose, which is Boba Yemei from the beginning!!

The simple Wu Yunqing and Shen Jiamin two daughters did not expect that they were pitted by Boba Yemei.

If they knew, it is estimated that their mentality would probably explode on the spot.



"Ahem, Meimei~"

"Well, we have some questions, I want to ask you..."

When she said this, the peerless beauty couldn't help but glance at Boba Yemei's heart again.

This... The scale is really a peak on the side of the ridge up close!

"Well, you say."

Boba Yemei completely lost the calmness of Wu Yunqing and Shen Jiamin before, and nodded her little head very obediently.

"I will tell you everything I know."


Mu Yanran nodded with Meng Jiaoyang, Younia, Li Yinfei, Wu Qiying, Lu Danying and others.

"You ask?"

"Come on!"

"Don't, me again?"

"If you don't go to hell, who goes to hell?"


"That is, in the three-story small bungalow villa, you are the big guy, who else will you give?"


Mu Yanran and the others struggled for a long time, and finally decided to let the peerless beauty ask Boba Yemei about secondary development.

No way -

During this time, the women have become accustomed to one thing, that is, if something happens, they will push it to the peerless beauty.


Even the peerless beauty Mu Yanran herself is already used to this.


"Ahem, Meimei, in fact, we just want to ask you..."

Saying that, Mu Yanran swallowed a little, and under the forced eyes of Meng Jiaoyang, Yunia and others, he said the latter half of the sentence.

"We just wanted to ask you, where are you... Why is it developing so well..."

After speaking, the peerless beauty immediately looked up at the ceiling at a forty-five-degree angle.

Although she said it, she also felt very shy.

Don't be too ashamed to ask this question the first time you meet!


When Ye Mei heard this, she glanced down at her heart, and her pretty face was full of redness.

During the time when the women were entangled just now, she had thought about what questions Mu Yanran and the others planned to ask her.

But she never imagined that the women would actually ask such a ... Unspeakable questions.

Why is it so well developed?


Chapter 483 - Sex X Clothes?! (Third more!) Please! )


Can't you just ask a normal question?!

This question... Don't be too shy!



"If you're really shy, you don't have to answer."

The Monaco princess saw Boba Yemei's red face, thought about it, and said crisply.

As soon as the words fell, she received a death gaze from a peerless beauty.

No need to answer?

What do you mean by that?

Why didn't you tell me just now that I didn't have to ask?

After I finished asking, you started saying this?

I be a bad person, you be a good person?

Eunice, you're probably too good at making trouble, aren't you?!

"Didn't... It's okay... It's just that I don't know the specific answer to this question!! ”

Ye Mei spread her hands and said helplessly to Mu Yanran, Meng Jiaoyang, Younia and the others.

If it weren't for the fear that the women wouldn't believe it after saying it, she wanted to say something, maybe this is the so-called talent.

I eat and drink normally every day, as for why is my development so good?

God knows the answer!!

"Then can you talk about your usual eating habits, and even dressing habits?"

Meng Jiaoyang glanced down at her heart, and said crisply0 .........

Among the people present, it can be said that she is the youngest, so she very much wants to know the answer.

Peerless Beauty, Younia, Lu Danying, Li Yinfei and others are all normally developing masters.

And what about the sick beauty?

Since I was a child, I have been plagued by illness, and I have not become an airport like the legal loli Wu Yunqing, which is already very good, okay!



"How about we go to a big, more secluded room and talk about it?"

Ye Mei pointed to the empty surroundings and said weakly.

Talking about this kind of topic here, she always finds it strange.


"Let's go to Lin Fan's bedroom, he's very big!"

After that, the peerless beauty pulled Boba Yemei and ran towards the master bedroom.

Meng Jiaoyang, Younia, Wu Qiying, Li Yinfei and others followed behind.

Although their are not small, but women ~ who doesn't want to be bigger?

Lin Fan, Wu Yunqing, and Shen Jiamin, who were lying on the sofa, looked at the women who ran over, and sniffled their faces speechlessly.

This... What the hell is going on? Wind and fire!!

"What are they doing in my bedroom?"

Lin Fan was speechless when she saw that the women's final destination was actually her bedroom.

They are not inside, why are they going in?

This - very unscientific!

"I don't know!" 2.6

"I don't know!"

"Don't ask me, I'm just the one who stayed to chat with you."

Wu Yunqing, Shen Jiamin, and Li Wanrong shook their heads and said.

Lin Fan:......


"Start now?"

After closing the door, Ye Mei blushed and asked Mu Yanran, Meng Jiaoyang, Younia and the others with burning eyes.


The women put on a scientific research attitude and looked at Boba Yemei with burning eyes.

At this moment, Ye Mei actually had the illusion that she seemed to have become an experimental guinea pig.


Ye Mei nodded and carefully undressed.


At this moment, the women couldn't help but exclaim.

Meng Jiaoyang couldn't even help but mutter, "Erotic underwear?!" ”.

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