City Favorability System

Chapter 517: Let the Nobel Prize get out! (Second more!) Please! )\r

"Are you sure you're not kidding?"

Prince Rock had a dark face and looked at his secretary word by word.

In fact, the British prince knows very well in his heart that his secretary has no reason, no reason, and no courage to dare to lie to himself in this matter.

However -

He just couldn't believe it!

Prince Rock couldn't believe that the woman he liked would actually run away with a Chinese-!

You know, Unia is the princess of the Monaco royal family, the only heir of Monaco.

She... But not surprisingly, the person destined to become the Queen of Monaco!!


"Prince... It's true. ”

"This is the news revealed by Princess Unia's bodyguard."

"It is said that... Princess Unia hasn't left that villa for a day since she came to Huaxia..."

The secretary spoke, his voice getting quieter.

No way, Prince Locke's face became more and more ugly.

The secretary is worried that if he says 11 again, he may be in danger of his life! ! !

"Very good! Very good! ”

Prince Rock touched his lips with his tongue and said calmly:

"You mean that Unia has a close relationship with Lin Fan, the chairman of the Lin Biology we came to investigate?"

Although the secretary's words were already very clear, he still did not want to admit that Yunia had been abducted.

He felt that Unia had just been deceived by Lin Fan.

Well, it must be so!

It must have been this hateful Chinese who deceived Unia with rhetoric.


"Well, it's close."

Although the secretary wanted to correct Prince Locke's words, his strong desire for survival told him that staying honest was the safest way to do it.

"Very good!"

"Send a message to the Nobel Biology or Pharmaceutical Jury Panel, saying that Lin Biotech refuses to cooperate with our investigation!"


Prince Locke didn't care what the secretary wanted to say, and walked towards the front.

The annoyed Prince Locke did not even bother with the person in charge of Pudong Airport.

Now he is simply like an active volcano that can erupt at any time.

Waste time with an idler like the person in charge of Pudong Airport?

Ha -

Prince Rock said that he was not in the mood!!

"I'm sorry, the prince has encountered some urgent matters, I'm really sorry."

Prince Rock left, leaving behind this mess, but only the secretary could clean up.

After calming the emotions of the people in charge of Pudong Airport, the secretary began to have a headache about sending messages to the Nobel Prize judges.

This... Just came to Huaxia less than an hour, directly sent a message to the judges?

This... Seems a little too much, right?

The secretary thought about it, sighed, or sent a message directly to the Nobel Prize judges.

No matter what, the prince's explanation always has to be completed.



"Are you saying that the Nobel Prize in Biology or Medicine is reviewing the nomination for Lin's Biological Platinum Pharmacy?"

Yunia was originally very impatient with this phone call that disturbed her warmth with Lin Fan.

However, after connecting, Princess Unia's attitude changed.

This... What a surprise!!

"Okay, I see, thank you!"

Unia hung up the phone and looked at Lin Fan, who was still rubbing her back, with a solemn expression, without saying a word.

"What's wrong?"

"Isn't it just someone who made it bad?"

"Isn't that something that was expected in the first place?"

Lin Fan pinched Yunya's nose, very indifferent.

Chapter 517: Let the Nobel Prize get out! (Second more!) Please! )

Lin Fan pinched Yunya's nose, very indifferent.

Princess Unia rarely shows such an expression, it is really very good-looking.

"I'm not angry because Locke got in the way!"

"I'm angry that the Nobel Prize panel is so stupid."

"Body platinum potion is an epoch-making drug, they actually want to cancel the nomination of body platinum potion, are these people crazy?"

As a beneficiary of the body platinum potion, Unia is the most respected person for this potion.

Even though Lin Fan priced the international version of the body platinum potion very high, she persuaded her uncle to order many copies.

Because --

She knew that the body platinum potion was worth the price!


"Okay, okay, don't be angry~"

Lin Fan rubbed Yunya's bulging round face, and said lightly:

"They're going to cancel the platinum nomination?"

"Ha, it's not rare for me to ask for this Nobel Prize!"

"What use am I going to come to lose the bonus!"

While speaking, Lin Fan took out his mobile phone and directly dialed Li Ruobai.

"Ruobai, you will organize a press conference later to announce that our body platinum medicine is not rare for the Nobel Prize, let the Nobel Prize jury group go aside."

Li Ruobai: ...

Li Ruobai on the other end of the phone, after listening to Lin Fan's words, was instantly stunned.

What the?

Nobel Prize?

Not rare?

Get out of the way?

Lin FanDo you know what you're talking about yourself?

"Lin Fan, this is a Nobel Prize!"

Yunia on the other side of the phone and Li Ruobai on the other end of the phone said these words almost at the same time.

Both women were violently counterattacked by Lin Fan, and felt 11 heartbeat.

Hold a press conference directly and let the Nobel Prize judges get out of the way.

0 . .......

The Nobel Prize has been established for so many years, and it seems: Haven't encountered this before, have you?

"It's okay!"

"Whatever he promises, just refuse and it's over."

"If we can't win this award, does it affect us to make money?"

"By the way, Ruobai, you remember to raise the price in Europe!"


"The reason is that I'm very upset with the Nobel Prize panel and Prince Rock in England, OK?"

Li Ruobai saw Lin Fan so arrogant for the first time, sighed, nodded and agreed.


Anyway... As Lin Fan said, whether there is a Nobel Prize, body platinum potion, or a boom that doesn't sell?

With the launch of body platinum potions, more and more people use body platinum potions.

The reputation of this miracle potion is getting higher and higher.

You don't buy in Europe, America, Africa, Asia, Oceania, a whole bunch of countries rush to buy !!


"You still call?"

Seeing that Lin Fan hung up Li Ruobai's phone, Yunia actually didn't put down the phone, and suddenly asked in a panic.

She... I was really frightened by Lin Fan's phone call just now.

Hold a press conference and let the Nobel Prize roll aside.

Just ask who else you have!!

"Hit, why don't you fight?"

"This Prince Rock gave me a dismount as soon as he came, I don't fight back, can I succeed?"

Lin Fan's horn rose slightly, dialed a phone, and said word by word.

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