City Favorability System

Chapter 526: Raiders Against the Sky (Fourth Change!) Please! )\r

"Yun Qing, this texting matter, I'll leave it to you."

"You know a lot about that."

"By the way, remember to call it a big radish with a flower heart!"

After saying this, Boba Yemei and Shen Jiamin looked at each other and smiled, held hands, and left the office.

The legal loli looked at the back of the two women leaving arm in arm, with a confused face.


What the heck?

Leave the texting to me?

Or even call Lin Fan a big radish with a heart for flowers?


You guys are going to die at the rhythm!!!


The next day, noon.

Lin Fan, who had been entangled with Xu Li and Zhang Enfei all night, had just woken up.


"Xu Li?"

"Where are you going?"

Lin Fan went to bed together and found that the two comrades who were advancing and retreating last night had not seen each other, and couldn't help shouting loudly.

"Outside, watching TV!!!"

Outside the living room, there were two teachers' crisp answers.

Lin Fan scratched his messy hair and walked towards the bathroom as he said, "So you don't have to go to class today?" ”

"No need!"

"Isn't this the latest time to change the test papers?"

"The academy and the school showed mercy and let us not attend classes for the past two days."

Hearing Teacher Xu Li's words, Lin Fan sobbed speechlessly.

Obediently -

Are you sure that you changed the test paper again, not poor Zhao Yingying, Su Yifei, and Feng Ting?

At this moment, Lin Fan was glad that the three seniors found him early.

Otherwise, I really don't know when to change the test paper!

After all -

On the side of the school, they all gave Xu Li and Zhang Enfei a holiday because of the change of the test paper.

Obviously... The workload of this exam paper is very large, is there wood?


"Oh, your mobile phone, it seems that there are a lot of text messages looking for you."

Lin Fan washed up, and Zhang Enfei handed him Lin Fan's mobile phone.

Just by looking at the lock screen, you can see many SMS prompts.

For this, Zhang Enfei can only say that there seem to be many like-minded people in this world! ! !

"Oh, let me see who is looking for me."

"Yanran and Jiao Yang don't need to look, it must be because of Song Liqian's affairs."

Mu Yanran and Meng Jiaoyang forgot Song Liqin themselves, but Lin Fan did not forget.

So for the text messages of these two, Lin Fan directly did not read it.

Anyway... Reading it is also some words and things that are not nutritious.


"Yesterday Xueying, Yaling, and Yunqing all sent me text messages, and something happened to Lehua Entertainment?"

Seeing the familiar three names, Lin Fan pushed her legs to play with the lecturer, and asked her to sit on the other side of the sofa to make room for herself.

Then while holding his legs to play with the lecturer, he read the text messages sent by the three girls.


"What's going on?"

"Your expression... It's not too weird. ”

Zhang Enfei saw Lin Fan reading the text message, while raising his horn and sketching a strange smile on his face, he couldn't help but ask curiously.

"Good thing?!"

"Of course it's a good thing, you're going to have another sister, you say... Isn't it a good thing? ”

Xu Li: ...

Zhang Enfei: ...


"Xu Li, let's pack our luggage, aren't we going to move?"

Zhang Enfei gave Lin Fan a blank look, stood up from his arms, and looked at Xu Li who was sitting on the other side and said.


Xu Li stood up and began to follow Zhang Enfei to help pack her luggage.

Chapter 526: Raiders Against the Sky (Fourth Change!) Please! )

Xu Li stood up and began to follow Zhang Enfei to help pack her luggage.

"What to pack?"

"Over there in the Century Jiayuan villa area, everything is already ready."

"Furniture, if you don't like it, just change it."

"As for the female creatures such as clothes, you may not believe it, I have everything in my house."

When he said this, Lin Fan touched his nose slightly embarrassed.

The words: From the mouth of a man, or a man who is not working, it really is: It's kind of weird.


"You... Transvestism? ”

Xu Li and Zhang Enfei looked at each other, turned around slightly stiffly, looked at Lin Fan and asked.

At this moment, they seem to understand why Lin Fan has a strong sexual interest in uniforms, shirts, dresses, stockings, high heels, etc.


They never imagined that Lin Fan would be this kind of person!!


Lin Fan saw the two female teachers with strange expressions, and instantly understood that they had misunderstood.

So Lin Fan didn't say a word, directly pounced, put his arm around the necks of the two women, and began to teach a lesson.


I have transvestism?!


Looking at me weirdly?


Let you have weird stuff in your head. ...


In the beginning, Lin Fan really taught the two teachers.


Then it becomes a simple advantage... Ate tofu.


"Xueying? Graceful? ”

Lin Fan took Xu Li and Zhang Enfei back to the three-story small bungalow villa, and before he saw anyone, he began to call the names of the two big maids.

"It's coming."

Li Wanrong stepped on her slippers and wrapped her apron, and hurriedly ran out of the kitchen.


"Xu Li? Enfi? ”

"You two are here to play? Still..."

Li Wanrong looked at Xu Li and Zhang Enfei and asked curiously.

"Move in!"

"See if there are any suitable villas nearby and let the two of them live in them."

"If it doesn't work, you can let Ling Qiya's girl get out!"

Lin Fan put the hands of the two teachers into Li Wanrong's hands.

The eldest maid did the errands, and he was very relieved.

"You, even if you hate Ling Qiya, isn't there still Qifei?"

"Don't look at the monk's face, look at the Buddha's face!"

Li Wanrong glanced at Lin Fan, held the hands of Xu Li and Zhang Enfei, and said gently: "As for the two of you, you don't have to move to another villa." ”

"We still have a free room here, just live in it 2.0."


"Does our villa still have a place?"

Lin Fan was surprised to hear Li Wanrong say that there was still an empty room.

To be reasonable, there are now ten three-story small bungalow villas, no, counting Lin Fan, but eleven people.

This... Do you still have two spare rooms?


"You don't come home often, you don't know!"

Li Wanrong waved her hand, took the hands of Xu Li and Zhang Enfei, and walked upstairs, "Okay, okay, just leave this matter to me." ”

"As for you, let's sit and rest."

Hearing the big maid's slightly disgusted words, Lin Fan sniffled speechlessly.


Dislike me, huh?

Let me rest, huh?

Well, I just happened to study the things that go against the sky! .

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