City Favorability System

Chapter 556: Bathing Together (Seventh Change!) Please! )\r


"That's a bit of a long story."

Yunia spread her hands and directly threw out an insoluble answer.

Speaking of... Long story?!

Is it so real?

"First of all, I want to ask, will this affect the Lin creature side?"

"Lin Biotech only held a press conference two days ago, saying that he gave up the Nobel Prize, if he changed his tone..."

Mu Yanran said and said, but did not say anything.

In her opinion, Lin Biologics, Lin Fan and the Nobel Prize have such a deep grudge.

At a glance, I knew that the body platinum potion could not win the award.

So, why bend the bag?

It doesn't make sense at all!!

Of course, for Lin Fan, even if he can win the award, most of them don't want to bend over.


"Eh-"Four Seven Zero"

"It should affect!"

Unia felt that she was really poor in words today.

As soon as she was asked by Mu Yanran and others, it was a sentence, and she was embarrassed that she was about to commit cancer! ! !


Hearing this, the peerless beauty didn't know what to say.

Should it affect?

What the hell is this answer!!

"Oh, that's it anyway."

Unia spread her hands and told the whole thing.


"Are you saying that because of the grudge between Prince Locke, the Nobel Prize in Biology or the panel of the medical prize jury over there, a princess of the Swedish royal family personally came to China in the hope of reaching an understanding with Lin Fan?"

Mu Yanran summed up Yunya's words and repeated them in more concise words.


"That's what it means!"

"By the way, which Swedish princess came... Actually, it's still my friend! ”

As she said this, Unia looked up at the ceiling embarrassedly.

Of course, she knew why she had sent her friend, Princess Diana, over there.

Nothing more than -

I just hope that I can see the friendship of my friends and help.

So --

Now it is equivalent to being sandwiched between Lin Fan, Lin Bio, and Princess Diana, and can only find someone to help share the pressure, as well as the black pot.


"We can't help with this."

The three daughters of the peerless beauty, the sick beauty, and the big maid looked at each other and shook their heads in tacit understanding.


"One of you is the person who talks in the open side of the villa, one is the person who talks in the secret of the villa, and the other is the tease who adjusts the atmosphere, how can you not help?"

Unia looked at the three peerless beauties with a puzzled look and asked.

"Wait, may I venture to ask, do you mean me by tease?"

The sick beauty put down Erlang's legs, which had been upturned, and looked at Unia with a very strange expression and asked.


"I'm sorry, I accidentally said the words in my heart."

Meng Jiaoyang: ...

Can the sick beauty say that she would rather Yonia not say this?

What does it mean to accidentally say something from your heart?

You mean, in your heart, I, Meng Jiaoyang, am just a tease?

As a good sister who lives under the same roof, you are like this: Isn't that a bit excessive?

Seeing Meng Jiaoyang and Yunia looking at each other speechless, Li Wanrong and Mu Yanran glanced at each other and interrupted:

Chapter 556: Bathing Together (Seventh Change!) Please! )

Seeing Meng Jiaoyang and Yunia looking at each other speechless, Li Wanrong and Mu Yanran glanced at each other and interrupted:

"Yunya, it's not that we don't help you with this matter."

"The point is, to untie the bell and replace it, you need to tie the bell person!"

"This matter, after all, is a moth made by the Nobel Prize judging panel, there is no reason for us to wipe their asses, right?"

Speaking of this, the peerless beauty is still a little annoyed.

In her opinion, the Nobel Prize judging panel simply does not want the body platinum potion to win the award.

Otherwise, how could the British prince Locke be sent stunned?

Isn't this a mess?!


"Oh, I see."

"I will ask Diana to pay attention to her identity and let her be kinder, so as not to break down the negotiations."

Unia nodded and shook her head again, slightly frustrated.

"Eunia, look at the opening."

Mu Yanran stood up, patted the Monaco princess on the shoulder, and said softly: "Let friends deal with the affairs of friends, why should we interfere?" ”

"Look at the dispute between Lin Fan and Kia, didn't I participate in it?!"

Hearing the righteous words and righteous words of the peerless beauty, the sick beauty and the big maid looked at each other and silently looked over their faces.

They were worried that if they looked at Mu Yanran like this again, they would not be able to help laughing. .......

You weren't involved in Lin Fan's dispute with Lingqia?


If you hadn't dragged Lin Fan on the sidelines, Ling Qiya would have been kicked out of the Century Jiayuan villa area a long time ago, right?

As far as you are also worthy of talking about your friends, let your friends handle it themselves?

What a big joke, Yuki has!!

"Well, I see."

Unia nodded, indicating that she knew, and then took her mobile phone and walked out of the living room, as if to call the Swedish princess to inform her of something.

Seeing this scene, Li Wanrong, Meng Jiao and Yang Qi sighed.

Unia –

Still too young!

I was fooled and lame by a peerless beauty, and I didn't know it.


Tang Xiaoya is somewhere in the house used to invest.

Lin Fan glanced at the watch on his wrist and lowered Erlang's leg.

The half hour agreed with Tang Xiaoya, the female star, has already passed!

Since he had already reminded the other party in advance, Lin Fan was not welcome.

Lin Fan followed the memory and went to the cloakroom and rummaged through the bathrobes and bath towels that fit him.

Fortunately, although the style is a little wrong, bathrobes and bath towels are used for bathing, so you don't need to care about the style.

Lin Fan carried his bathrobe and bath towel, and saw that another five minutes had passed, but there was still no movement in the bathroom, and he could only shake his head.

All this 0.5 is forced by Tang Xiaoya!!

It wasn't that he meant to take advantage of the other party.

Who let ... As a first-line actress in Huaxia, Tang Xiaoya is not punctual?!


Lin Fan spent about three minutes directly cracking the bathroom door that Tang Xiaoya had locked.


The light sound of opening the door woke up Tang Xiaoya, who was lying in the bathtub.


Hearing the faint high-pitched dolphin sound, Lin Fan shook his head.

Fortunately, he was resourceful and stuffed two balls of cotton before coming.

No way, experienced people, just such willfulness.

"Lin Fan, why are you here?"

"Get out !!!"

Tang Xiaoya pointed to the door and shouted hoarsely.

"Why are you coming in?"

"Of course it's a bath with you~".

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