City Favorability System

Chapter 580: Money? Right? I don't want neither! (Third more!) Please! )\r


Seeing that her girlfriend's praise of Lin Fan directly failed, Unia snickered unceremoniously.

In her opinion, what Diana just said is simply not too disgusting!

A saint walking on earth?


Lin Fan is an atheist, okay!

This kind of thing, if said to a religious Westerner, is expected to work well.

But to Lin Fan?


This effect has just become obvious.



"The Nobel Prize judging panel will strongly condemn the misdeeds of Prince Locke of England and apologize to Lin Bio, Lin Fan, you see?"

Diana stiffened, biting her lip and speaking out the latest conditions.

In her opinion, since her uncle said, the most important thing is to deal with the increase in the price of body platinum.

That --

On the Nobel Prize side, it is natural to sacrifice.

Under this premise, as the British prince Locke, who poked out the basket, is naturally the object of the glorious black pot!

Condemn the British Prince Locke?

Nobel Prize jury 17 groups apologize?

Hearing Diana's new conditions, Unia looked at her in amazement.

This condition, compared with before, is simply one by one.

If it had been like this in the first place, would it have been like this?

Will you need to wear a bunny girl?

Thinking of last night's absurdity, Unia couldn't help but give Diana a blank look.

This girl, it's really enough!!

Diana saw that Unia was staring at her, a little confused.

It's just that she doesn't care either.

Her attention is now focused on Lin Fan!

In her opinion, Lin Fan is the key to the whole thing.

As for Unia?

Sorry, a little later for now, OK?!


"Not enough!"

Under the gaze of the two princesses, Diana and Unia, Lin Fan lightly spit out two familiar words.


At this moment, Diana really has an MMP, and I don't know if I should say it or not.

She finally realized what it means to pretend to be cool for a while, and instigated the crematorium.

When she was at W Hotel before, when she teased Lin Fan, it was called a spirit!

But now?


Lin Fan was not enough for two in a row, and almost didn't let her mentality explode to the separation of the mass wall.


"Lin Fan, these two conditions, I feel that I am already very good enough."

"Since you don't think it's enough, I don't know what you think?"

Diana took a deep breath and asked Lin Fan to put forward conditions.

She.. I don't know what to do.


"I think?"

Lin Fan lifted Erlang's leg and looked at Diana playfully, "Money, I don't lack it!" ”

"Right, I don't need it!"

"Nobel Prize? The losers I rejected are dispensable to me. ”

"So... What exactly I want, you can think for yourself. ”

Lin Fan's fingertips scraped the frozen pink lips of the Swedish princess and got up to leave.

For him, the conditions that Diana is now proposing are too uninteresting.

The Swedish royal family condemns British Prince Locke?


Really think of him as someone who does not communicate with the world?

Chapter 580: Money? Right? I don't want neither! (Third more!) Please! )

Really think of him as someone who does not communicate with the world?

Now almost the whole world knows that Prince Rock is going to join the army!

In this case, the Swedish royal family and the Nobel Prize jury condemned Prince Locke.

Could it be, Prince Locke, who is fast to join the army and is fast tragic, can still jump out?

As for apologizing?

Sorry, for this verbal apology, Lin Fan has always been not cold!!


Diana looked at Lin Fan's departing back in confusion, and even ignored the fact that he had just touched his lips.

In her opinion, why did Lin Fan leave without saying a word?

This.. It's not scientific!!

Normally speaking, Lin Fan is not very pleased to show sincerity?

"Hey! Yunia, don't go! ”

Seeing that Unia also wanted to take the opportunity to slip away, Diana quickly grabbed her.

"No, you're not looking for Lin Fan, why are you dragging me?"

Unia gave Diana a blank look, "First of all, I will not interfere in this matter." ”

"Besides, I don't have the right to meddle."

"I know, I just wanted to ask you what Lin Fan wants!"

Diana stomped her foot and said angrily.

Lin Fan Don't want money, power, and apologies.

So oil and salt do not enter, the Swedish princess said, her whole scalp is numb, OK?


"What does Lin Fan want?"

Unia clasped her hands to her chest and looked playfully at Princess Diana, a good friend.

Just before Lin Fan left, she touched Diana's pink lips, and seeing this scene, Unia probably guessed what Lin Fan wanted.

It's just that she doesn't feel anything.

Because.. That's a lot of Lin Fan.

Lin Fan.. Isn't that always the case?


Diana was a little hairy by Unia's stare, and coughed repeatedly: "You talk, you stare at me like this, it's weird and scary!" ”

"You... In fact, it is clear what Lin Fan wants, what else do I say? ”

Unia knocked off Diana's hand that grabbed her.

In her opinion, the Swedish princess is just pretending to be stupid, or she can't believe it.

However -

That's what it is, in fact!

Just condemn, apologize, and want Lin Fan to back down?

Ha! That's a dream!


As for Lin Fan's desire to hit third base for a home run?

Or do you just want to go to second base, take advantage of it, and eat tofu?

Yunia doesn't know!



Diana looked at the back of Unia's departure, and her face was instantly covered with redness.

I know exactly what Lin Fan wants?

At this moment, she couldn't help but recall what happened in the master bedroom of the presidential suite of W Hotel two days ago.

The thought of giving her own fragrant kiss just to send Lin Fan, the god of pestilence, left, made Diana's scalp feel a little numb.

At that time, it was time to give a kiss.

That now: It takes Lin Fan to make concessions, the price to pay... Wouldn't it be bigger?


Princess Diana let out a sad cry and fell directly to the sofa on her back.


"Finished talking?"

Next to the blue and white Ferrari, Lin Fan opened the passenger door and waited for Unia to return.

"Well, mostly... Diana already knew what you wanted to do. ”

Unia gave Lin Fan a blank look and got into the car directly.

For Lin Fan's ability to go around in circles and always turn to studying life, she said that she really convinced.

(Hehehe, recommend a friend to a book, "Rebirth of the Companion to Play World Sharing Boyfriend", the same urban puff girl style, if you are interested, you can go to see, thank you for your support!) ).

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