City: From Inheriting a Courtyard To a Giant

The City: From Inheriting a Siheyuan to a Giant Chapter 630

The faster the fish is made, the faster the function is. The line battle is about to receive supplies.

In this way, once the enemy starts to attack everything in an all-round way

Only on the front line will there be more attacks by the ammunition checkers.

It is our position that was trampled by the enemy

No amount of checked ammunition would help.

So start now. three days later

Update new version. Once the function is developed, update the next version immediately!,"

.. After the launch of the "Paradise Town Funeral Day Mode 22 Plants Are Too Deadly \u0026 Global Customs Clearance Competition" event, the global capital's pursuit of Hongmeng Pan Entertainment has become a little more frenzied.

Especially on Wall Street, it is obvious that Hongmeng's fat is in its own

At the door of the house, you can see it, but you can’t eat it, hurry up L

There are already some members of the "Alliance of Melting Pirates". It is worth quietly betraying the alliance. After contacting the parent company of Hongmengqian Entertainment or sending an email to Qin Gu, he gave a valuation of more than 100 million US dollars.

Under such circumstances, the North American branch of Hongmeng Pan-entertainment receives a large number of heads of investment institutions from all over the world every day.

They knew that Qin Yan was in North America. As for where Biao Yan was, no one knew.

So Hongmeng North America Branch. ,. The attitude of the person in charge of the pirate organization is also very high. All the above. At most, you can only invite

Meng's living room, then pour him a glass of water

As for their request to meet with Jian, they refused without reason.

Sequoia Capital's most urgent.

They don't turn into Guoshouen: Charles United will invite him to participate in Jiuyunshang 05 if they cut interest rates

Qin He immediately hung up the phone.

and methods. The signal in North America is too bad. Dan Huang Ming is strangely holding the phone: suddenly it’s always the name and it’s disconnected.

In addition, Luo, the global president of Red Pine Capital,

. Wei Zai is also in a hurry. The board of directors will go west. He will at least get at least 100% of the shares in the next round of financing.

With such a large financing ratio, it is best to get a leading technology

But now, Qin Wen's layout is about to be completed. But he didn't even meet Qin Gu's people, let alone lead the investment in the C round.

There is no impenetrable wall in the world. The purpose of Qin Mian North America was inquired by well-informed capital.

turn out to be. Hongmeng is quietly negotiating with Dishi. The negotiation has reached the final stage, and Rizhong has not yet obtained the shares of Ariqiao Chaozhu. Other shareholders have merged

Won by the Hongmeng negotiation team - even signed an equity transfer agreement

As long as you get the shares in the hands of the leader Joe

After that centimeter, Diss will completely become a wholly-owned subsidiary of Hongmeng Fan Entertainment.

And they also know that the average premium of U's acquisition of Disney's shares this time is 4.8 billion dollars-calculated based on the current market value of Disney's 5 billion U.S. dollars, Chase Mengmai Entertainment will pay 8.84 billion U.S. dollars for this. -

The purchase of such a huge amount of food is the most expensive acquisition in this century for e-county.


Knowing the news, Wusheng 2-Bai Shao’s Xisan, these businessmen chose to announce the main business of consumer goods, because they all felt the importance of this news very much and wanted to cut it off, Ming pool

In the dream, I got his shares and pan-entertained to negotiate terms because the gains outweigh the losses.

Youshini equity is delicious, but only in the eyes of all equity institutions investing in Huabang Entertainment, Hongmeng: is the real Taifan.

The real meaning of this message is a

Hongmeng's capital pool is only 2.5 billion yuan left. It has bottomed out.

Therefore, once the acquisition room is negotiated,

Jimengfan Entertainment has to pay a total of 400 million U.S. dollars to all Disney shareholders, which is not enough money to steal money. called financing.

Even if it can't be negotiated with the current scale of Hongmeng Pan Entertainment, the situation of normal operation

Under the circumstances, 100 million U.S. dollars will be consumed within 1-2 months. But Qin Yan is the master who specializes in big things, and he will not operate normally, so this news will be shortened to 2 to 3 times.

So the people in charge of the investment institutions who got the news were very happy to contact Su Mian and said that if they were given the right to lead the investment, then they could help Hongmeng as a lobbyist and persuade the five Chu masters to sell the rights in their hands. As for Weizhu's words. Not at all, each of them behaved very kindly.

When encountering such a strong company founder, these reporting agencies can only take this kind of soft measures.

Qin Yan still did not give any proof in response

In the negotiations on the acquisition of Didu, only the hardest bone, Qiao Gangzhu, remained. To be precise, the negotiations between the two sides have reached a deadlock. Qin He and Qiao Gangzhu, who can make the final decision, have not revealed their negotiating team. The negotiation team has also reached a deadlock.

Andy and Zou Yu. Yan 2, the wife of the 42 gang leader, Laurenna, goes shopping all day. Shppi plans to take a look at it from the side.

This time the negotiation is 0 "out of generation, if Qin Yan takes the initiative to show that Qin Yan bows his head and admits defeat in the key department, Siji Guanbang takes the initiative to find Qin Wen. The status of the country is not the same :,b)_ , enjoy the joy of reading

Chapter 513 Super Shocking! wechat major update (7/7)

-(PS, don't go, there is one more chapter! _

On the other side, after the "Paradise Town Zombie Mode" competition kicked off.

Robin from Sequoia Capital, Webb has been frantically looking for an opportunity to have an interview with Qin Yan _ even William was persuaded by the other party. He hoped that Tai Yan and Sequoia Capital could meet each other.

Then, William was severely reprimanded. Qin Yan's cold gaze made William shudder. He was sure that if he said one more z word, he would be fired.

Qin Yan didn't give William face. If Chang'e found out that Sequoia Capital planned to bribe him

Lian did not accept it in the end, otherwise Qin He would have fired him

It doesn't matter if he doesn't know his own thoughts and is deceived by others, Qin Yan can give him a chance for the sake of his hard work. But if you don't know where you stand, or if you accept bribes directly, then don't blame Qin Yan for not being sympathetic.

Then Qin Yan just told William that it was not the time to negotiate yet.

After receiving this message, Sequoia Capital became a little nervous. Hongmeng is going to buy Disney wholly. The pool of funds will soon run out of money. Is it time to negotiate yet?

Could it be that Qin Yan took a loan from the bank 2 or there are other things behind?

Big move?

Speaking up. Hongmeng Pan Entertainment is a wonderful company!

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