City: From Inheriting a Courtyard To a Giant

The City: From Inheriting a Siheyuan to a Giant Chapter 80

HKP30 six. Silencer unitary

Fifteen anti-92 pistols.

HK automatic rifle handle.

Thousands of bullets of various types |

Qin Yan even saw a box of iron pineapple

"HKP30, Type 92: tsk tsk, Lian Lei

Yes, what do you want to do 3"

Qin Yan didn't think too much, he threw the weapon into the storage space, and finally looked at the corpse on the ground.

_[LZ2 pistol shooting: z: LV_2 driving skills...Kyoto third ring community room

Set. IV1 firearms maintenance experience:

. [Whether one American Citibank bank card is inherited? ]

There are no unusual skills or inheritances, only Huang Bo's Citibank bank card has a little bright spot e

"Inherit all!"

Qin Yan said in his mind.

next moment. There was an extra bank card in the storage space, and the relevant password automatically appeared in Qin Yan's mind.

The keys to the house in the Third Ring Community were also included, and even the real estate certificate was automatically changed to his name.

"00,000 dollars, good guy... Huang Bo's savings are quite a lot."

"There is also a house, which is worth a few million more, um. Let Zhou Xiaobei arrange it. Once in a while, I will come over and play a new trick.'

Qin Yan didn't care about the corpses on the ground, as the windbreaker swayed slightly, he threw a dark worm like a ghost.

Soon, Qin Yan got into a car parked in the woods by the side of the road and stole


The car started and drove towards the 'Xingyuan' where Guo Junhao lived_ a


It's just one o'clock in the morning

The night is still long. .

On the way, Qin Yan checked the task list

There has been an extra task from Huang Bo in it.

- "Mission. Worth 100 million dollars."

Qin Yan laughed.

Earning a sentence worth 100 million US dollars is probably Huang Bo's lifelong dream.

Such a simple request, of course I have to help him complete it.

Half an hour later, three miles away from Gao Xingyuan, the car turned a corner and stopped on the side of the road - in the woods

Then, Qin Yan began to sneak continuously under the shadow of the trees. After walking less than five hundred, his figure suddenly stopped.

Through the night vision device, Qin Yan saw it five meters ahead. There is a trigger trap. Not far away, a camera is installed in a hidden place.

"It's really cautious to install the camera two miles away."

Qin Yan's eyes became serious.

He cautiously walked around the monitoring range of the camera, and continued to hide forward.

In just one thousand meters... Qin Yan found dozens of cameras covering the area like a net.

But it's a pity that this kind of monitoring can guard against too many killer agents, but it can't guard against the legendary Qin Yan.

Although he only has one combat skill that is above level five, the qualitative change in combat power brought about by extraordinary skills is unimaginable for ordinary A.

Qin Yan easily arrived outside the wall of Xingyuan.

This is an antique private garden with white walls and black tiles. The wall is more than three meters high, which isolates the inside and outside, and the outside is a spacious lawn. and the well-planted numbers of the walls

Ten kinds of flowers, which look very warm.

But Qin Yan's eyes were fixed

Because of the lawn outside the fence. It is more than 30 meters wide, and there is a camera every three meters on the top of the wall, aiming at every corner without dead ends.

There are also searchlights on the wall and in the flower beds to illuminate the surrounding walls brightly.

This undoubtedly created some troubles for Qin Yan's actions.

Not only that, Qin Yan had a slight perception. Then I found a few hidden secret sentries around. It seems that Guo Junhao is very important to his own life, so he hired a group of very professional bodyguards

Qin Yan didn't have the first time

action. Instead, several traps were laid around with iron pineapple cloth.

After setting up the escape route, I looked at the red and green human-shaped image from the thermal imaging on the lens.

On the screen, within a radius of 100 meters, there are forty or fifty people in red and green figures!

A person who is active, and a person who is asleep, have very different characteristics.

In addition, there are several hounds.

Qin Yan easily found the location of the surveillance room. There are five surveillance personnel inside

"Jarvis, search the Internet. See if you can remotely take over the monitoring system." Qin Yan asked.

"Without searching any external networks you can only physically intrude. Mr.

Jarvis said, "I'm going to release a jamming signal, and you have a second to cross a 35-meter lawn and climb over a meter-high fence."

Qin Yan's expression turned serious, "That's the only way to go."

He crouched down. Doing the starting motion. Take a deep breath, "I'll count to three, and then start moving."

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