Jiang Han still hasn't figured out how to deal with his relationship with Liu Qian and Su Qingyi.

  As for the so-called things, although there are indeed many.

  But he and Su Qingyi were together almost every day, and there was no conflict between the two.

  Su Qingyi was clearly aware of this, but after hearing Jiang Han's promise, there was still a glimmer of hope in his eyes.

  As long as Jiang Han didn't reject her explicitly, she would still have a chance.

  Su Qingyi has her pride, but she puts it down again and again for Jiang Han. .

Chapter 178

  It was barely able to hold off on this matter, but Jiang Han was still ashamed of Su Qingyi.

  Along the way, I didn't dare to turn to look at Su Qingyi.

  On the contrary, Su Qingyi looked as usual, as if nothing had happened.

  I went downstairs to pay the bill, which was less than [-] in total.

  After stopping another taxi, the two rushed to Penguin's headquarters.

  On the way, Jiang Han glanced at Su Qingyi from time to time, and every time Jiang Han looked over, Su Qingyi would turn his head and look at him.

  This made Jiang Han feel a little flustered for no reason.

  Make up your mind never to get drunk.

  Something is bound to happen every time you get drunk.

  After more than half an hour, the two arrived at the penguin's downstairs.

  "Work hard, I'll wait for you to give me an explanation." Su Qingyi said lightly.

  Jiang Han turned to look at her, and then nodded heavily.

  This must be sorted out as soon as possible.

  It doesn't seem like a thing to drag on.

  At this moment, in Penguin's headquarters, Brother Xiao Ma looked at the many employees with a serious face, and reprimanded: "Why didn't you tell me earlier about NetEase's development of instant messaging software! Also, who can talk about it? What's going on with Sina and Sohu!"

  All the employees bowed their heads slightly and dared not speak.

  The four of them were also trained by Zhang Zhidong.

  "Brother Ma, we have no way of knowing about this. What they did was too secretive..."

  Zhang Zhidong said with a sad face.

  Had a drink and it happened the next day and they were really having a headache now.

  Brother Xiao Ma glared at Zhang Zhidong, just as he was about to say something, Jiang Han walked in with Su Qingyi.

  "What's wrong? Why did you lose your temper so early in the morning." Jiang Han said with a smile.

  When he first entered the door and heard names like NetEase, Jiang Han could roughly guess what happened.

  After hearing Jiang Han's voice, Brother Ma looked back, then walked over and lowered his head slightly.

  "Boss, this is my dereliction of duty, please punish me."

  "As the company's president, I failed to discover the opponent's intentions in advance, and the responsibility lies with me."

  Although Brother Xiao Ma was scolding Zhang Zhidong and the others before, but at this time, he took the responsibility all on himself.

  I have to say that Brother Ma has a natural leadership temperament.

  And this is what Jiang Han values ​​most.

  "Okay, what a big deal, make it so serious, let them all continue to work, you come in with me."

  Jiang Han smiled and waved his hand, then led Su Qingyi to the conference room.

  Brother Ma and the others looked at each other and walked to the conference room.

  "Boss, drink water." Zhang Zhidong poured a glass of water for Jiang Han and Su Qingyi each.

  "Tell me, what's going on." Jiang Han didn't drink either, but rubbed his fingers against the mouth of the paper cup.

  Brother Xiao Ma sighed, and then said, "Just last night, NetEase launched their instant messaging software, and Sina and Sohu also announced that they will launch their own instant messaging software in three days."

  "After NetEase's instant messaging software was launched, with the help of portal traffic, the number of downloads in twelve hours reached [-], and the number of registered users reached [-]..."

  The more Xiao Ma said, the more uncertain his heart became.

  [-] downloads and [-] registered users.

  This figure, it took Penguin a whole month to reach.

  But it was only NetEase's [-]-hour score.

  Everyone's heart sank.

  NetEase must be determined to enter the instant messaging software market this time, otherwise it would not have made such a big effort as soon as it went online and used the portal website to attract traffic.

  Although this can quickly get registered users to mention it, once it is smashed, it will greatly affect the corporate image.

  After the little brother finished speaking, everyone was silent.

  Jiang Han looked at the people who lowered their heads and couldn't help laughing: "The three major portals announced their entry into instant messaging software at the same time? This is a good thing."


  After hearing Jiang Han's words, everyone looked at Jiang Han suspiciously.

  Even Su Qingyi couldn't help but wonder.

  Is it a good thing that everyone else came to rob you of your meal?

  Seeing everyone looking at him, Jiang Han smiled and said, "Is instant messaging software a must-have for netizens now?"

  Is it a must-have software?

  It could be said yes, it could be said no.

  There are now more than [-] million netizens across the country, and the Penguin family used to have [-] million users.

  This figure has almost reached half of the ratio.

  It is no problem to say that it is necessary software, and the proportion is here.

  But it can also be said not.

  It's also a matter of proportion.

  Because the number of users of the portal website adds up to six million!

  More than [-]% of the number of netizens!

  Compared with portal websites, instant messaging software is indeed not a necessary software.

  Everyone could vaguely guess what Jiang Han wanted to express.

  Jiang Han also continued: "Although Penguin is developing rapidly now, the shortcomings of instant messaging are here. Before it becomes a must-have software, the number of Penguin users will eventually be limited."

  ".¨And it is obviously difficult to capture the last part of the netizens."

  Today's instant messaging software is not like the instant messaging software of later generations.

  The fact that the other party cannot send and receive messages after being offline is enough to become a fatal injury to instant messaging software.

  "And Netease's current behavior seems to be robbing our market and our users."

  "But in fact, a large part of their current users are netizens who didn't know instant messaging software before."

  "While grabbing Penguin users, it is also expanding the instant messaging software market."

  "So I said, it's a good thing!"

  "It's impossible to build a [-]-meter-high building for many years to work alone."

  "It's better for everyone to work together to make this market bigger."

  "When the instant messaging market is big enough, we will launch the latest version and snatch back the market they made."

  "Eating the rice in your own bowl is worse than bringing it with the pot!"

  Jiang Han's voice was very soft, but in a few words, he set a (promised) nature for this matter.

  After hearing Jiang Han's explanation, everyone's eyes lit up!

  If it was said before, they were still worried about the simultaneous entry of the three websites of NetEase, Sina and Sohu into the instant messaging market.

  Now they have completely relaxed.

  Even the heart is still looking forward, these three companies can be more powerful.

  It is best to convert their portal users into instant messaging software users!

  In this way, their future income will inevitably go a step further!

  Now they look at the behavior of the three NetEase companies as if they were looking at their benefactors.

  The fiercer their momentum, the more excited the penguin crowd got.

  As for bringing wolves into the house and doves occupying magpie nests, in their opinion, it is impossible to exist!

  Because they have absolute confidence in the next version of oicq!

  Once launched, it is definitely an epoch-making product. At that time, no matter how many users the three of them have, they will be snatched by Penguin! .

Chapter 179

  Looking at the excited little Ma and the others, Jiang Han's face was also full of smiles.

  "Everything has two sides, you can't limit your thinking."

  Jiang Han seemed to reprimand.

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