Every extra percent of the premium represents a billion dollars in extra spending.

  In this situation.

  Will was able to directly come up with a [-] percent premium.

  Sincerity is still enough.

  But Jiang Han was not satisfied with that.

  "My attitude doesn't matter."

  "But I don't think Mr. Robert would sell Mannesman for a twenty percent premium."

  "After all, Mannesmann could earn more."

  Although Jiang Han said it doesn't matter.

  The meaning inside and outside the words expresses his attitude very clearly.

  Twenty percent premium?

  Go play yourself.

  Originally, many shareholders of Mannesman were still a little tempted after hearing Will's words.

  If you can really sell your shares at a premium of [-]%.

  Can really make a fortune.

  But now he was reminded by Jiang Han.

  Everyone reacted.


  Mannesman now holds the big killer in his hand.

  Vodafone's acquisition of Mannesmann seems like a joke.

  Before long, Mannesmann will be able to have more strength than Vodafone.

  At that time, they should have acquired Vodafone in turn.

  Robert was still a little nervous.

  For fear that some shareholders will agree.

  But now after hearing Jiang Han's words, he also reacted.


  They should be the active side only now.


  "Mr. Will can't sit still now?"

  "At a [-]% premium, you want to acquire Mannesman?"

  Robert sneered.

  In fact, the [-]% premium is basically the same as their acquisition of Orange.

  In other words.

  After they acquired Orange, there was no gain at all.

  Everyone is human.

  How is this business possible?

  Cheap Vodafone for no reason?

  Will didn't even think about it.

  He just wanted to show his power to Jiang Han.

  Express your indignation at Jiang Han's behavior.

  I just didn't expect Jiang Han to fight back so decisively.

  And it gave him a lot of trouble.

  Don't agree to the [-]% premium?

  This is equivalent to giving them $[-] billion for nothing.

  Will didn't know how to describe how he felt at the moment.

  How can something stick to Jiang Han, it will cause so much trouble.

  If not the conditions do not allow.

  It is estimated that Will is really going to scream.

  Jiang Han is definitely here to make trouble.

  Originally, the mobile communication market in Europe was undercurrent.

  But everything is still under control.

  But after Jiang Han came.

  It directly disrupted the originally calm market.

  Every step is now likely to carry countless risks.

  The slightest mistake, it is very likely to fall into the abyss.

  Will snorted coldly, ignored Jiang Han, and turned to look at Robert.

  "Robert, we have been fighting each other for so many years."

  "It's clear to each other."

  "Why do you have to let Jiang Han intervene?"

  "Aren't you afraid that Jiang Han will sell Mannesman?"

  There was a deep sense of resentment in Will's tone.

  no way.

  All his layouts were disrupted one by one by Jiang Han.

  Make him feel a sense of chaos.

  But he forgot one thing.

  "Why did I let Mr. Jiang participate?"

  Robert sneered: "If I remember correctly."

  "The first person to get in touch with Mr. Jiang should be Will, right?"

  "Mr. Jiang gave you a chance, but you didn't take it yourself."

  "Now you're going to say that in reverse?"

  "It's ridiculous."

  "What's more, Mr. Jiang is now our Mannesmann's largest shareholder."

  "Whether Mannesman sells or not depends on Mr. Jiang's intentions."

  At this time, Robert didn't mind giving Jiang Han another face.


  Will was directly repelled by Robert's words.

  But Will knew it too.

  At this time, you can't be mad anymore.

  Otherwise, Vodafone really only has to go and compete with Mannesmann in the market.

  It is impossible to fight the market.

  The core technology is not mastered.

  Only mergers and acquisitions companies can survive like this.

  "My negotiating team is downstairs."

  "If you agree, we can continue to negotiate the acquisition price."

  Will looked at Robert Road.

  Robert himself was very reluctant to sell.

  After all, it was not easy to find an opportunity to rise.

  Just wanted to say no.

  Jiang Han spoke up.

  "Mr. Robert, why don't we listen to Mr. Will's next offer 227?"

  Jiang Han was the first to speak.

  It was natural for Robert to refute Jiang Han in front of everyone.

  Especially seeing that many shareholders are looking at him at the moment.

  The meaning is obvious.

  Robert had no choice but to nodded and said, "Okay, then invite the negotiating team of Vodafone to come up."

  Just give Jiang Han a face.

  Listen to nothing.

  Anyway, the company will not sell in the end.

  Robert had made up his mind.

  It's just that he didn't think about it.

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