finish breakfast.

Ning Hao went out to Yunshan Martial Arts School.

Wang Ziran suddenly sent a message just now, saying that he had obtained the consent of his family elders.

You can teach him the secret secrets of Bajiquan.

Let him come quickly.

Got this news.

Ning Hao was looking forward to it. after all.

According to Wang Ziran’s sister.

A secret secret is the true essence of this ancient art.

Only by learning the secret secrets can one develop the so-called dark energy or even transforming energy.

Took a taxi.

More than twenty minutes later.

Ning Hao arrived at Yunshan Martial Arts Hall.

Pay and get off.

Go inside the martial arts gym.

Ning Hao then saw Wang Ziran teaching boxing to students in the martial arts training ground.

See this.

Ning Hao had no intention of going in and disturbing him.

Instead, he sat aside and waited silently. ten minutes later.

Wang Ziran ended his teaching to the students.

Ning Hao then walked over to say hello.

"Sister Ziran, good morning!"

"You came!"

The moment he saw Ning Hao,

Wang Ziran was also a little stunned.

There was nothing he could do.

Ning Hao had really changed a lot.

He hadn't seen him for half a month, and he looked much more handsome.

People who didn't know thought that Ning Hao was gone. She had plastic surgery.

However, after the shock,

Wang Ziran quickly calmed down.

In her opinion, it is normal for a shocking genius like Ning Hao to have something special about him.

It would be abnormal not to have it.

A few simple greetings..Wang

Ziran took Ning Hao into a closed martial arts room.

He was going to teach Ning Hao the secret of Bajiquan passed down by his family.

"Our family’s secret teaching of Bajiquan is called Ding Qiankun"

"This secret teaching has been perfected by our family from generation to generation. The quality of An Jin and Hua Jin we have developed is extremely high, and the aura is extremely condensed. It is quite famous in the entire martial arts world.……"

While introducing his family secrets.

Wang Ziran's face also showed pride unconsciously.


Only then did she start teaching Ning Hao this secret training method.

"Want to learn the secret transmission of determining the universe"

"First, we must understand the meaning of the combination of hardness and softness in Bajiquan. Then, during the process of practicing the boxing, we should fully integrate into the perception of the changes in strength of the body, and then visualize the movement of qi, starting from the tail of Lu, issuing from the neck stem, and originating from the waist. , if your steps are muddy, your Qi will sink, avoid floating……"

This secret practice is extremely difficult.

It is not only necessary to thoroughly master the essence of Bajiquan.

You must also keep your mind clear of distracting thoughts and concentrate on visualizing the flow of qi throughout your body.

Finally, it can be condensed into a ray of dark energy.

Ordinary people without talent.

It is simply impossible to take this step.

Even a warrior like Wang Ziran, who has reached the pinnacle of Ming Jin at a young age, still needs to find an opportunity to enter this realm.


This is not a problem for Ning Hao, who has incredible understanding.

The moment when Wang Ziran finished speaking about the secret transmission of 'Determining the Universe'

【You have been taught by others and learned the secrets of Chinese martial arts, Ding Qian Kun, and combined with your own knowledge, you have optimized and upgraded it to create the human body bioelectric polymerization technique.】

"I see!"

A hint of enlightenment flashed in Ning Hao's eyes.

Before, he had never been able to figure out what the mysterious-sounding An Jin and Hua Jin were.

Now after receiving Wang Ziran's teaching, he finally succeeded in getting rid of the secrets of An Jin and Hua Jin. The veil of this magical power.

It turns out that this stuff is essentially aggregated human bioelectricity.

Scientific research shows that during the process of life activities, human organs, tissues, and cells will undergo changes in potential and polarity, thereby generating electric current.

Physiological functions The more active it is, the more bioelectricity the human body has.

Human medical testing equipment such as electrocardiogram, electroencephalogram, and electromyography are manufactured based on this principle. The so-called dark energy is when a strong warrior uses perception, visualization and special The method of exercise collects the special power condensed from the strong bioelectricity generated in the body.

Although this power can only exist within the body and cannot be released to hurt people, it is also very useful.

You can use it to stimulate your own cells on daily basis. , used to strengthen one's own body.

When facing the enemy, it can also stimulate the muscles and joints, thereby bursting out more powerful force.

Even if one's own dark energy is condensed and strong enough, special techniques can also be used.

Through personal contact, the dark energy can be driven into The enemy's internal organs were destroyed, causing internal injuries.

It must be said that the ancestors who created the national martial arts were really amazing.

In that era without science, they actually relied on their own experiments to find out this wonderful power.

Seeing Ning Hao After listening to it once, she understood the secret message of 'Ding Qian Kun'.

Wang Ziran didn't make a fuss.

The first time they met, she had seen Ning Hao's inhuman understanding and qualifications.

She had already been shocked when she should have been shocked.


Even if. So.

She didn't think that Ning Hao could immediately cultivate the dark power.

After all, understanding the secret transmission and cultivating the dark power are completely different things.

The requirements for practicing the dark power are too harsh.

You need to let your own spiritual will enter the realm of elimination. A state of flow in which there is nothing but oneself.

Human beings cannot actively enter this state.

In other words, breaking through the dark power requires a flash of inspiration by chance. Good talent does not necessarily mean success.

Bad luck.

Maybe She has been unable to break through this realm.

She herself is an example.

At the age of twenty-one, she reached the peak of Ming Jin and had to pass on 'Determining the Universe'.

Now four or five years have passed.

She still has not been able to break through Dark Jin.

In her opinion.

Ning Hao No matter how talented you are, it will take some time to gather your dark energy.

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