"Sister Ning Ning!"

"You don’t know! Brother Hao’s martial arts talent is extremely abnormal……"

I heard that it only took Ning Hao a few months to reach the highest level in the martial arts world.

He also perfected his appearance to such a perfect level.

Yang Ningning was also stunned immediately.

She originally thought that Ning Hao's perfect and handsome appearance was the result of natural growth over the past few years.

Who would have thought.

It turned out to be a result of martial arts training.

Such an incredible thing.

If she hadn't known that Wang Chenyu would not lie to her, she would never have believed it.

It's simply too unscientific.

After coming back to his senses.

Yang Ningning also understood why Ning Hao made such a choice.

This talent is truly astonishing.

It would be a waste not to engage in this line of work.

It was completely natural for Ning Hao to choose this path.

Also the best choice.

If nothing unexpected happens.

Ning Hao will surely quickly become the top figure in the martial arts circle.

Able to reach the top of a field.

As they are top talents globally, they will naturally not be limited by the so-called future.

And with Ning Hao's inhuman physical talent.

If you are willing to participate in various sports events.

It might not take long for him to see Ning Hao's face on TV news.

Think of this.

Yang Ningning immediately gave up the idea of ​​persuasion.

Then he asked Ning Hao if there was any martial arts that could improve his figure. after all.

Which girl doesn't care about her appearance?

Of course she is no exception.

Relative to the face.

Her body development is very disappointing.

He doesn't look like a quasi-college student.

Instead, he looks like a junior high school student.

She tried various methods but could not improve it.

Now that she knew that Ning Hao had completely transformed himself in just a few months, she naturally wanted to ask for advice.

Facing his only best friend.

Ning Hao didn't mean to hide his preciousness.

Answer one by one.

Eat and talk at the same time.

In such a cozy atmosphere, time flies by.

Three hours later.

By the time we were done talking about eating, we were almost done.

Ning Hao and the other three walked out of the Haidilao store and said goodbye to each other.

"I don’t know how many more times we can get together like this in the future."

Watching the two friends leave,

Ning Hao couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

We didn't go to the same university.

After going to university, there will be new circles. There will definitely be less and less time to meet each other in the future.

As time goes by, feelings will naturally develop. faded

"let it go."

Although he doesn't want to lose these two best friends who can talk about anything and speak freely.

But everyone is an independent individual with his own life path.

It is impossible for him to tie two friends to him for the rest of his life.

Can everyone be like this in the future? With such a happy gathering today, let time decide.

He shook his head.

Seeing that the sky was getting darker,

Ning Hao immediately picked up his phone and took a taxi home.


The next day. early morning.

Just got up from bed.

Ning Hao received a prestigious message from his master Wang Tianhe.

The content of the message is simple.

He had previously asked his master Wang Tianhe to find martial arts that could exercise the internal organs.

Now we have collected almost all of them.

Master Wang Tianhe asked him to go to Yunshan Martial Arts School as soon as possible to learn these martial arts.

Got this good news.

Ning Hao was extremely happy. after all.

His muscles and bones have been trained to the extreme of the human body.

If it is not possible to create the Human Potential Development Technique·Organ Chapter.

His cultivation will come to a standstill.

Originally, he planned to take a look at the medical knowledge related to internal organs during this period to find inspiration for creating new methods.

Never thought about it.

Master Wang Tianhe is so awesome.

So quickly helped him find the Chinese martial art Kung Fu, which specializes in training internal organs.

With great anticipation.

Ning Hao took a few buns and hurried out.

Sitting in a taxi.

Eating meat buns.

Half an hour later.

Ning Hao arrived at Yunshan Martial Arts Hall successfully and met his master Wang Tianhe.

The moment I saw Ning Hao.

Wang Tianhe was also shocked.

Because he found that his precious apprentice seemed to have made great progress during this period.

That huge increase in height.

Anyone who is not blind can see it.

Just what he expected.

Ning Hao's muscles and bones have definitely been cultivated to an unprecedented level.

It has even achieved the highest state of muscles and bones that only exists in theory but has never been cultivated by anyone - steel and iron bones.

To know.

It’s only been a month since we last met!

Such speed of progress.

It's terrifying

"Xiao Hao"

"It seems I still underestimated your talent."

"In just one month, you have trained your muscles and bones to such an incredible level"

"amazing! How amazing!"

As he said that,

Wang Tianhe couldn't help but show pride on his face. He was proud to have such a talented disciple.

He was now more and more convinced that

Ning Hao could open up a realm of martial arts beyond Huajin in the near future. , and even break the limits of the human race

"It’s all thanks to Master, you taught me well"

"If you hadn't taught me the secret of transforming energy and various optimizing national skills, I wouldn't have progressed so fast."

Facing the high praise from his master Wang Tianhe,

Ning Hao did not feel proud and remained humble.

In his opinion, his progress is nothing.

Even in terms of his goal of becoming a scientific immortal, it can only be regarded as just the beginning.

It's too early to be proud now.

I didn't know Ning Hao's crazy ambition.

Seeing that his disciple was not arrogant because of his great achievements far beyond ordinary people,

Wang Tianhe became more and more satisfied with this disciple.

As an experienced person An old man with countless worldly experiences.

He knows one thing very well.

Talent only determines the upper limit.

And whether the potential can be realized in the future and reaching this upper limit often depends on a person's character.

In his opinion,

Ning Hao's calm and rational character is undoubtedly very Perfect.

Coupled with the unparalleled evil qualifications.

The future is destined to be limitless.


"Stop talking nonsense"

"Let's go to the training room"

"Let’s start today’s teaching"

"yes! Master!"

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