"But where does the money to buy a villa come from? Our family’s savings are only a few million, which is not enough to buy a big villa for our son."

"Then sell the house! Our house is in the city, and it will definitely be sold for tens of millions."

"This money should be enough to buy a large garden villa in the suburbs"

"After that, we get up early and drive an extra hour or two to work in the city."

Seeing his parents discussing and preparing to sell this house in the bustling urban area of ​​​​the Magic City to buy himself a large villa,

Ning Hao was very moved.

However, he has money himself.

Naturally, it is impossible for his parents to pay such a huge sum of money. Paid

"Dad, Mom! Our house doesn’t need to be sold"

"I will pay for the villa myself!"

"I have money!"

Ning Hao interrupted his parents' conversation.

Hearing this,

Ning Que and Yan Xinru were stunned for a moment.

How come his son has so much money?

Don't do anything illegal or criminal by relying on his powerful force.

"My master gave me this money"

"He left Shanghai today and gave me a bank card with 100 million in cash before leaving."

I understand my parents' worries.

Ning Hao immediately explained.

"It’s not just about doing illegal and criminal things."

Hearing this,

Ning Que and Yan Xinru breathed a sigh of relief.

"Your master treats you so well and values ​​you so much. You will definitely repay him well in the future."


Since the son has so much money, he doesn't need his own support at all.

Ning Que and Yan Xinru also gave up the plan of selling the house.

As for the moving matter, after some discussion,

Ning Que and Yan Xinru decided to let Ning Hao do it by himself. Go live in a big villa.

The couple will continue to live in this house.

After all, they planned to move together because they wanted to sell the house and help their son buy a villa.

There is no extra place to live.

There is no need to sell it now.

Naturally, they don’t want to leave the familiar environment..

And this community is close to their work.

They really moved.

It’s not convenient to go to work.

Besides, my son is now an adult.

He can live independently and needs his own privacy.

There is really no need for them to go there.

I really miss my son.

At worst, drive there and have a look.

It's all in the same city anyway.

It only takes an hour or two to drive there.

As for his parents' ideas,

Ning Hao thinks it makes sense and doesn't force it.

He just uses his bank card to transfer 10 million to his parents.

Let the parents eat and spend what they want. Ning Que and Yan Xinru were very happy for their son's kindness. However, they had no intention of accepting the money. Both of them are employees of state-owned enterprises, and they are not the kind of people who like luxury enjoyment. He is not short of money. He took this huge sum of money and probably put it in the bank to earn interest. It is better to leave it in the hands of his son to play a role. After discussing everything, this family meeting ended. The next day. Early in the morning. After breakfast, Ning Hao and his family of three went to the real estate agency to look for a house. After looking around, Ning Hao finally settled on a large garden villa located in the outskirts of Qingpu. The reason why he chose to buy a villa in the outskirts was not to buy one. Urban villas. That’s because the prices of large villas in urban areas are too expensive. And it’s difficult to find sellers. Magic City is an international metropolis. Coupled with the country’s policy of restricting villa land in recent years. The number of large villas in urban areas can be said to be Very rare. The price is extremely expensive. It's only 100 million. It's impossible to buy a garden villa large enough in the city center. Unless Ning Hao is willing to overdraw the black gold card given by his master Wang Tianhe, or find a bank for a loan. But this is obviously There was no need. He just needed a practice environment that was large enough and undisturbed. Compared to a villa in a bustling urban area, a clean suburban villa was more in line with his needs. It took two days to finalize the purchase of the house and paid 6,000. Five million yuan later, Ning Hao now has a single-family villa in the outskirts of Shanghai. This villa has an internal living area of ​​360 square meters. The whole house is decorated in European style and has all the furniture and appliances. It comes with a A large garden of 530 square meters. It could perfectly meet Ning Hao's cultivation needs. With a bow, he moved into his new home. Then, Ning Hao began to purchase the raw materials for the energy-gathering magnetic field. Since he contacted a businessman in the same city, he also added money. Five hours later, all the raw materials for making electromagnetic equipment were delivered to Ning Hao's villa. No time was wasted. Ning Hao immediately started to make the raw materials into the electromagnetic equipment needed to build the magnetic field. With his strong knowledge reserve and body Three hours later, Ning Hao successfully completed the manufacture of all equipment. Magnet columns wrapped with electromagnetic coils and connected to electrical equipment appeared in the garden. The style of painting changed from a beautiful natural landscape to a scientific experiment site. Watching Somewhat nondescript. but. Ning Hao didn't care at all. Practicality is most important. As long as you can speed up your own cultivation. Don't talk about damaging the garden. Even if he blew up the villa he just bought, he wouldn't hesitate at all. With excitement and anticipation. Ning Hao placed and fixed the magnet columns weighing hundreds of kilograms according to the energy-gathering magnetic field construction method. Then start twenty generators. Accompanied by the operation of twenty high-power generators. Huge amounts of electricity are delivered to electromagnetic coils surrounding the magnet posts. Electricity generates magnetism! The strong magnetism of the magnet column itself was immediately improved by leaps and bounds. The magnetic force emitted by one hundred and thirty-nine magnet columns in a special arrangement gathers together. A special energy magnetic field that cannot be seen by the naked eye is formed. One minute! Two minutes! three minutes!

…… ten minutes later.

Under Ning Hao's gaze.

A golden current appeared out of thin air within the scope of the magnetic field. obviously.

This is the result of a concentrated magnetic field gathering a large number of charged particles in the air.


Ning Hao's face was filled with joy. He confirmed that the energy-gathering magnetic field had taken shape.

He walked into the center of the magnetic field without hesitation.

Then he fully activated his own life magnetic field, activating the energy-gathering magnetic field and pulling the bio-like current it transformed.

It is integrated into his own body.

At the same time, the Human Potential Development Technique·Organ Chapter is running.

After a round of practice,

Ning Hao's eyes glowed.

The auxiliary effect of the energy-gathering magnetic field is really great.

A steady stream of biological current directly increases his practice speed. Several times.

If he continues at this rate,

Ning Hao is confident that he can complete the Human Potential Development Technique·Organ Chapter within a month.

He will train the internal organs to the limits of the human race.

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