Come to your senses.

The expression on Zhang Xingzhi's face became more kind.

Look at Ning Hao.

It's like looking at some rare treasure.

He now completely believed what Wang Tianhe said.

Ning Hao will definitely be able to surpass his ancestor Zhang Sanfeng.

Open up a realm above Huajin and break the limits of the human body. after all.

At the age of eighteen, he was able to practice Chinese martial arts to such a level.

This is already unimaginable. not to mention.

Ning Hao hasn't been practicing martial arts since he was a child.

It has only been less than five months since I started practicing martial arts.

Such talent.

Looking at the entire human history, it is unique.

Not to mention comparable to it.

Not even close

"Ning Hao, I met the Taoist priest."

Ning Hao gave an elder salute.

Seeing Ning Hao achieve such great achievements at such a young age without any arrogance.

Zhang Xingzhi's impression of Ning Hao became better and better.

"You are welcome"

"I already know the purpose of your coming here from the mouth of Tianhe layman."

"I'd like to help you"

"But you need to join my Wudang and become a registered disciple of Wudang. I wonder if you would like that?"

Hearing this,

Ning Hao had already thought about it and gave an affirmative answer without any hesitation.

Needless to say what happened next.

Under the control of Zhang Xingzhi, the leader of Wudang Mountain, a rather grand entrance ceremony was held..

Under the watchful eyes of all the important figures in Wudang Mountain,

Ning Hao worshiped the statue of Jiutiandang Demon Patriarch and entered his name into the register. He officially became a Wudang disciple.

Since he was only a registered lay disciple,

Ning Hao did not need to become a monk, nor did he You need to abide by the rules and precepts of Wudang Mountain.

It can be said to be very free.

After completing the entry process,

Ning Hao put away the Wudang Taoist Certificate issued by the State Administration of Religion.

Then, he followed Wudang leader Zhang Xingzhi to an empty place.

Sitting on the futon in the secluded hall ,

Ning Hao looked at Zhang Xingzhi with burning eyes.

He couldn't wait to experience the Tai Chi concept created by Master Zhang. Facing Ning Hao's expectant eyes,

Zhang Xingzhi smiled slightly and said directly He opened his mouth and said:"Little layman, I know you want to learn Tai Chi concepts quickly now.""

"However, the Tai Chi concept itself is extremely special, so you must not be impatient when practicing it."

"before officially passing it on to you."

"I need to explain this skill to you in detail so that you can understand the Tai Chi concept."

"By practicing in this way, you can get twice the result with half the effort."

Hearing this,

Ning Hao also understood what Zhang Xingzhi meant.

He immediately calmed down his mind and said,"Master, please tell me! I'm listening."

Seeing that Ning Hao was so smart,

Zhang Xingzhi became more and more satisfied.

He nodded slightly and said:

"The concept of Tai Chi was created by the founder of Wudang, Zhang Sanfeng, to explore the path above Huajin."

"It is very different from other national martial arts Kung Fu that exercises the body."

"The original intention is to tap the potential of the soul, let the soul manifest in the world, leave the body, and become a Yin god.……"

"Although his soul was too illusory, Zhang Zhenren ultimately failed and failed to achieve his original goal of creating merit."

"But the Tai Chi concept method still has miraculous effects that other martial arts do not have."

"Can strengthen your own brain power and enhance your own brain activity"

"It goes without saying that the importance of the brain is"

"human body center"

"A strong brain means that the mastery of oneself will also be improved, and one can exert more powerful power."

"At the same time, he can master the whole body meticulously and mobilize his own strength to exercise and condition the weak points of the body, making the body healthier and stronger."

"Master Zhang Sanfeng cultivated this skill to the pinnacle and became recognized as the best person in the world at that time."

"At the same time, one's own life span has also been greatly extended."

"According to ancient records circulated in Wudang, Zhang Sanfeng lived to be 218 years old before he died."


"No one in the subsequent Wudang masters was able to cultivate Tai Chi concepts to the pinnacle like Zhenren Zhang, and reproduce this miracle in human history."

Speaking of this,

Zhang Xingzhi couldn't help but sigh.

"218 years old?!"

When he heard this number,

Ning Hao was stunned.

He didn't expect that the deified Zhang Zhenren could live so much.

You know, according to the latest scientific research, the theoretical limit of human life span is one hundred and fifty years..

And the life span of Master Zhang has obviously far exceeded this number.

This is simply unbelievable.

If it is true, it is not an exaggeration to call this Tai Chi concept the longevity skill.

After thinking about it carefully,

Ning Hao I also had some speculations about how Zhang Sanfeng could live forever.

"This should be the result of increased brain cell activity."

The limit of human lifespan that is now scientifically determined is the result of the natural state of the human body.

Warriors can form their own strength by aggregating the bioelectricity naturally produced by the body, constantly tempering the body, and increasing the activity of their own cells.

Theoretically speaking, every Huajin warriors can completely make themselves live to 150 years old.

However, in fact, this is impossible.

Because Huajin warriors only have strong bodies, and their brain activity is not much different from ordinary people.

And after the brain ages, the brain waves emitted will It is becoming more and more rare.

As a result, the Huajin warrior's body converted from bioelectricity and brain waves will naturally continue to decrease. Gradually, it can no longer maintain the strong activity of its own cells, leading to rapid aging.

This is the Huajin warrior. The reason why martial artists can live longer than ordinary people is at best.

But Zhenren Zhang is different.

Because he created the Tai Chi concept and cultivated it to the extreme, the activity of brain cells is far higher than that of ordinary people. The aging period is greatly delayed.

Even Because his own brain waves are full, he has far more energy than ordinary Huajin warriors, allowing his body cells to maintain extremely high activity for a long time.

This is why he has such a long life.

I don’t know what Ning Hao is thinking.

Zhang Xingzhi continued Said:"You have extraordinary talents, but you have great hope to become the second person after Master Zhang to practice Tai Chi to the extreme."


"When practicing this skill, you must remember to guard your mind and keep yourself awake. Otherwise, you may unknowingly exhaust all your mental energy, damage your brain cells, and lead to brain death."

"At the same time, when practicing this skill, you must eliminate distracting thoughts, otherwise you may fall into demonic obstacles and become a psychopath.……"

He mentioned more than ten taboos in a row.

After confirming that Ning Hao kept it in mind.

Zhang Xingzhi then began to teach Ning Hao how to practice Tai Chi concepts.

"This Kung Fu is divided into two parts, one is static Kung Fu and Tai Chi visualization, and the other is Dynamic Kung Fu and Tai Chi."

"Practicing this skill requires multitasking"

"While exercising Tai Chi, visualize the Tai Chi Divine Map within yourself.……"

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