Just when Zhu Mingli and Le Youwei's hearts were racing.

Xiao Mengyao looked at her two best friends and said again:

"Lily, Youwei!"

"You two are my best friends! You will definitely support me in pursuing love, right? Hearing this


Zhu Mingli and Le Youwei suppressed the bitterness in their hearts and replied:"Of course!" If we don’t support you, who should we support?"

That's what you said.

What else can they do if they don't support it?

It seems that their feelings for that boy can only be suppressed in their hearts.

After all,

Yaoyao attaches so much importance to that boy. She doesn't hesitate to change herself.

If she were If we attack that boy, I'm afraid we won't even be able to be best friends.

"I just know it! You guys are the best." Xiao Mengyao was very happy to get the recognition and support from her best friends. Then she asked her two best friends to help her make suggestions on how to pursue boys. Zhu Mingli, in particular, was a key target of consultation. After all, this best friend had talked about it twice. She has more experience in dating, and knows how to get along with men. After some discussion, Xiao Mengyao finally decided to collect information first and understand the boy's preferences, and then take targeted measures. Only in this way can we get twice the result with half the effort. With a plan, Xiao Mengyao was immediately full of energy.. She dragged her two best friends out of the dormitory door and went straight to the school's information archives. She planned to first search the Fuda archives to get the boy's name, as well as the department and dormitory he was in. Then she would find a private detective. , to investigate the boy’s personality and preferences. As for the fact that ordinary students do not have the authority to access and view other students’ files, it is not a problem at all in her eyes. A vice president of Fuda is her uncle. She wants to view the freshmen’s files. It’s not easy to create something with a low level of confidentiality. Just say hello to this uncle and borrow the authority of his account. However, halfway through, when passing by the big park next to the boys’ dormitory building, Le Youwei As if he had discovered something. Suddenly his eyes widened and he grabbed his two best friends.

"Yaoyao, Lily, look over there!"

"That person seems to be the boy we saw at the school gate before, right?!"

Hearing this,

Xiao Mengyao and Zhu Mingli immediately looked in the direction Youwei pointed.

Sure enough!

An extremely handsome figure came into their eyes.

"It’s really that boy!"

"What is he doing here?"

Zhu Mingli had some doubts in her heart.

She went to such a remote place alone on the first day of school. Could she be doing something bad secretly, right?


"Let's go over and take a look!"

Seeing the figure that moved her so much again.

Xiao Mengyao's pretty face immediately showed a hint of excitement.

Hearing this,

Zhu Mingli and Yu Youwei did not object.

That's it.

The three beautiful girls looked at each other furtively. They touched Ning Hao's side and successfully got close to Ning Hao.

They used the bushes to cover their figures.

Then, the three Xiao Mengyao girls stuck their heads out and began to quietly observe what this ridiculously handsome boy was doing.


They made an extremely surprising discovery.

This boy seemed to be practicing kung fu.

And it was not ordinary boxing or kicking kung fu.

Even if they did not have any martial arts skills, they could feel that every punch and every move of this boy was extremely powerful.

Even though they were so far apart, my chest felt tight.

It was as if there was an invisible big stone pressing on me.

"Could this be the legendary fist intention?"

Yu Youwei's childish little face immediately showed a look of shock visible to the naked eye. She couldn't help covering her mouth and exclaimed in a low voice. Despite her immature appearance, she looked like a cute and harmless person. A legal lolita.

In fact, she especially likes to read those fantasy novels about fighting and killing in male videos.

But she didn’t expect that one day she would be able to see in reality the kind of characters in novels that can oppress the spirit and intimidate people. 'Fist intention'.

Such a fantasy thing.

How could she not be shocked?

Although Xiao Mengyao and Zhu Mingli did not know the concept of fist intention, they also knew that it was definitely an extremely magical and even supernatural thing.

Before they could learn from this They reacted to the shocking discovery.

The next second, an even more shocking picture appeared in front of them.

As the super handsome boy kept pumping his fists.

Centered on him, thin lines began to condense out of thin air in the space of several meters around him. A long blue current formed an extremely regular electric ring.

Against the background of this blue electric ring, the handsome young man was like a god controlling thunder.

His majesty cannot be looked directly at.

"I...I'm not dreaming, am I?! Someone can actually control the Thunder?"

"It’s incredible! It turns out that there really are extraordinary people in this world"

"Who is this boy? Is he a legendary superpower? Or are gods from heaven descending to earth?"


I accidentally peeked at such an incredible scene.

The eyes and faces of the three Xiao Mengyao girls were full of shock and horror.

The brain is even more confused.

I feel that the scientific worldview I have established since childhood has suffered an unprecedented impact.

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