In the final analysis, Li Chun is a demolition household, not a real rich second-generation. If he spends 3.5 million to buy a Lamborghini Huracan, he will be forced to install it, but his monthly salary of 5,000 to 6,000 yuan is not enough to maintain a car.

But if you buy a Baolong K4, the salary is enough to maintain a car. Even if you buy two K4s with a soft top of 10,000 yuan, you will save hundreds of thousands of dollars. You can still make some other business with this money.

Besides, Li Chun read the comments on the Internet. This car is very popular now. It sold nearly 30,000 units in one week after it went on the market, not to mention the K2 of the same series.

Therefore, Li Chun immediately made up his mind and accepted the suggestion of his good friend Liu Shun, bought two K4s, gave one to the goddess Wan and confessed to her, driving one by himself.

People wear couple outfits and couple watches. He runs a couple supercars with the goddess. Just thinking about it makes him full.

Not much to say, after paying for the bill, I took my good friend Liu Shun straight to the Guangqi·Baolong 4S store.

After seeing the real car and after the test drive, Li Chun felt that the driving sense was not worse than that of the Lamborghini Huracan, or even better, and the degree of luxury was a bit stronger.

As for performance, for a half-toned, cute new driver like Li Chun, I can't feel it for the time being, but I believe it will not be worse than Lamborghini Huracan.

After all, Baolong K4 can fly over the Yellow River. Can Lamborghini Huracan? Its exquisite body is afraid that it will fall apart after flying for ten meters.

Moreover, K4 has received rave reviews on the Internet, and many small videos show K4, various kinds of car show love, various fancy dresses are forced to emerge in an endless stream.

After Li Chun saw the real K4 car, he did not buy the same model.

Instead, I chose a soft-top convertible version and a hard-top version K4.

Because he liked the scissor door model at the same time, he also liked the gull-wing door model.

He decided to send one of these two cars to Wan Goddess, and also gave Wan Goddess a chance to choose.

When Li Chun and Liu Shun drove two K4s with constantly changing body colors across the market, the turning head rate was almost 100%. I don't know how many people were envious of them.

"Wow, what a beautiful car."

"No, the car can change color."

"What a handsome supercar, I want to have it too."

"This is a new car from Baolong. It seems to be called K4."

"Whoever sends me such a car, my old lady will marry him immediately."

The passing of the two K4s attracted the attention, discussion and envy of countless people.

Li Chun directly put down the carport and accepted the attention of passers-by, not feeling too cool.

After Li Chun drove home, he did not go around to promote it, but hid it.

When preparing for Renaissance’s birthday tomorrow, confess to her and give her a surprise.

Liu Shun, who is a good friend, naturally acts as a helper, and he also needs to be his free driver.

The next night, the Regent Hotel.

Wan Lili has a large private room here to celebrate her 24th birthday.

In addition to family, friends and colleagues, there were many suitors who came to her birthday party.

But Wan Lili looked left and right, as if waiting for someone.

"Who are you looking for, Lili?"

"No... I didn't find anyone."

"Cut, don't I know who you are looking for?"

"Sick Nizi, don't talk nonsense."

The girl next to Wan Lili is Liu Weiwei, who is Wan Lili's best friend.

She had long seen that Wan Lili had a soft spot for the poor boy Li Chun.

But Li Chun's stuff is simply a piece of wood, turning a blind eye to Wan Lili.

Liu Weiwei was dissatisfied with Li Chun early, and said angrily: "Lili, don't you look down on so many people who chase you? It's just that poor boy, you see, he won't come over for your birthday."

Wan Lili lowered her head and murmured: "Maybe... Maybe he can't do anything."

Liu Weiwei was almost annoyed by her girlfriends: "Is there anything more important than your birthday, I think he is a root of wood..."

At this moment, the private room door was suddenly opened. It was the hotel waiter. She anxiously asked, "Who is Renaissance?"

Wan Lili was taken aback: "I am..."

"You go out and have a look."

"what's wrong?"

"You'll know when you go to see it."

The waiter girl smiled enviously and mysteriously, then turned and left.

"Let's go take a look." Liu Weiwei was very curious and took Wan Lili out the door.

Judging from Liu Weiwei's rich experience in watching soap operas for many years, something big must happen.

Family members, friends and colleagues did not know what had happened, and walked outside the hotel.

When Liu Weiwei came to the door of the hotel with Renaissance, she was shocked by the scene in sight.

On the square outside the hotel, in a huge candlelight circle of love, a young man in a suit and leather shoes stood between a car with wings spread out and a supercar with a scissor door.

Of course, the young man is Li Chun, and the two supercars with ever-changing colors are of course the Baolong K4.

············ Ask for flowers········

Seeing Wan Lili coming out, Li Chun held a car key in one hand, knelt on the ground, and said softly: "Lili, my goddess, please be my girlfriend!"

"Hi, this is...what's the situation?"

"Fuck, Li Chun is good."

"I'm so envious, use two luxury cars to confess."

"My God, Wan Lili is so happy."

"Two million luxury cars, do you let Lili choose one of them?"

"I know, this is Baolong's new luxury supercar Baolong K4."

"This car is so beautiful, whoever gives me one, I will marry him without hesitation."

Seeing this, not only Wan Lili's relatives and friends were shocked, but even passers-by were also very envious.

Many people recognize those two supercars, which are the most popular luxury cars in recent times, and they are what countless women want most.

........ 0 0

Now, there are two cars here, just to beg the girl to be the boy's girlfriend, not to be too sultry.

At this moment, many people took out their mobile phones to film this scene. This is simply the most sensational confession in history.

As the heroine of this drama, tears have already flowed into her eyes.

As a friend and best friend of Renaissance, apart from envy, I just urged.

"Lili, promise him!"

"Lili, promise him quickly!"

"Mom, Lili is so happy."

Under the coaxing of her friends, Wan Lili walked towards Li Chun with tears of happiness on her face. She groaned: "Fool, why buy such an expensive car? How much is your monthly salary."

Wan Lili still knows a little bit about Li Chun's house being demolished.

But this is not the main reason why she likes him. In fact, she had a good impression of Li Chun when she was in college.

However, since Li Chun bought them all to express his feelings for herself, Wan Lili naturally accepted it.

When seeing Wan Lili taking a key at random, Li Chun's first reaction was: "Lili, you chose the cheaper one."

Wan Lili said, "What a fool, even if you buy a bouquet of roses, I will agree to be your girlfriend. There is no need to spend so much money."

Li Chun haha ​​smirked: "I see many girls like Baolong sports cars, then I will buy one for you too. In their words, if you love her, you will give you a Baolong K4. Then, I love you. Give Baolong K4." Chuan.

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