City: I Am Building A Red Police Base In Africa!

Chapter 21 Double-Edged Helicopter Attack

"Six J-6s were shot down? And a weak signal was briefly detected at a distance of 150 kilometers from the J-6 fleet?"

When he heard the news, Coles was horrified.

What that meant he knew very well.

Now he has the F-35C carrier-based stealth fighter on his aircraft carrier.

Even the E-2D can only detect weak signals.

That must have been detected when the stealth fighter launched the missile to open the magazine.

However, this time is very short, which is also very consistent with the combat mode of stealth fighters.

"Stealth fighter, why are there stealth fighters here?"

"Go and contact the group of Jews immediately and ask if they have a combat mission in Somalia."

They are the only ones who are closest to here and have stealth fighters.

Dara, Barre, and Tour did not wait for their fighter planes, but instead waited for the second and third fighter squadrons of the Red Police Corps.

The 24 fighters of the two squadrons split into three groups as they approached the skies over the theater.

Each route is made up of eight Tengu multi-role fighters.

The Tengu multi-purpose fighter has a maximum take-off weight of 25 tons, a maximum flight speed of Mach 2.6, and a maximum range of 4,800 kilometers.

As a medium multirole fighter close to a heavy fighter.

If the beast mount mode is used, the maximum bomb load can reach 10 tons.

However, in general, the 8-ton bomb load mode is used.

Because the main combat mission this time is to bomb the ground.

Therefore, the mounting method of 6 laser-guided bombs was chosen.

Each laser-guided bomb weighs 500 kilograms.

Allied rocket positions, artillery positions and tanks were their targets.

"The plane is coming!"

When they saw the black dots in the sky in the distance, many coalition soldiers were very excited.

Apparently they mistook these fighters for Sokuni's Air Force fighters.

Nearly 10 kilometers above the target.

The Tengu multi-purpose fleet began to attack.

Under the irradiation of the laser pointer, the dropped laser-guided bombs flew towards the target.

At this time, the coalition also felt that something was wrong.

Because the fighter planes that came this time seem to be a bit too many, they are not the six that Dara said.

Dara was also very confused at the moment.

They only had 10 fighter jets in total, so how could they be more than twice as many this time.

Could it be that Eagle sauce secretly sent their fighter planes to support them in combat.

But they only reacted when they saw laser-guided bombs flying towards them.

This thing is not here to help them, but to beat them.

"Boom boom boom..."

Dozens of laser-guided bombs continue to explode among the coalition forces.

A hail rocket launcher set up by the Tur tribe in a valley became the primary target.

A total of 8 laser-guided bombs weighing up to 500 kilograms were dropped.

In an instant, the entire valley was shrouded in explosions.

The violent energy released by the bomb seemed to shred the sky, and the yellow sand raised by the explosion seemed to cover the sky.

When Tour saw the huge explosion and smoke from the rocket artillery position, his heart was about to shatter.

At this time, he knew that he seemed to have provoked someone he shouldn't have provoked.

Their power is beyond their imagination.

Now he regrets it very much, why he promised their alliance with a fever.

But it's too late to regret it now.

The air strikes continued.

After destroying the main target, the 24 Tengu fighters placed their targets among the somewhat flustered crowd.

As heavy bombs continued to fall in the camp, the entire coalition began to fry.

However this is only the beginning.

"All threats have been destroyed and we are now heading back."

"Received, pay attention to safety."

Lin Hong immediately turned his head and said, "Order the army and aviation units to attack, and the artillery units and rocket artillery units will immediately attack the target."

The three battalion-level battle groups have a total of three self-propelled artillery battalions and three self-propelled rocket companies.

It has a total of 36 152mm self-propelled artillery and 18 rocket launchers.

This is a very ferocious fire strike force.


In an instant, the artillery roared from the rear of the troops, and the rockets continued to roar and lift off.

At the same time, it is in a temporary army and aviation base about 20 kilometers away from the theater.

A double-edged heavy gunship was full of bombardment.

As the only heavy gunship of the Red Police Corps, its performance is even more powerful than Eagle sauce's longbow Apache.

Although it has not reached the point where it can cross generations, the performance indicators in all aspects are stronger.

The first-level red police base itself is about 5-10 years ahead of the current Blue Star in terms of weapon technology.

If you upgrade to the second, third, fourth or even the highest fifth level, it may be even more exaggerated.

In comparison, the twin-blade heavy gunship is comparable to the Apache in maximum take-off weight.

However, due to the use of more advanced materials, the self-weight is lower and the bomb load is larger.

In terms of millimeter-wave radar, the double-edged millimeter-wave radar is more advanced, and its performance is more than double that of the longbow radar.

The biggest advantage of the double-edged armed helicopter is the semi-hidden high-energy laser transmitter equipped on the right side of the cabin, with an effective range of up to 5 kilometers, powered by the kinetic energy converted by the helicopter engine.

Its biggest role is to defend against ground-launched anti-aircraft missiles and air-to-air missiles, and unsaturated anti-aircraft artillery shells can also be intercepted.

And this also eliminates the threat to helicopters on the ground to the greatest extent.

If the anti-aircraft weapons on the ground are difficult to pose a threat to it.

It is the real king of low altitude, and the name of low altitude overlord is well deserved.

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