City: I Am Building A Red Police Base In Africa!

Chapter 35 Sky Guard, Beheading Operation

Just as Lin Xuan was preparing to send troops to Sanaag, the area previously controlled by Barre to maintain peace and restore law and order.

Yan Kuan, chief scientist of the Red Police Corps and director of the combat laboratory, came to the door.

And gave him some good news.

The first product developed by the combat laboratory was successfully developed.

It is the advanced search and strike integrated medium and long-range UAV project that has achieved complete success.

Lin Xuan also saw a physical map of the drone in the combat lab.

Advanced UAV is developed and improved on the basis of burst UAV.

It borrows a lot of technology from blasting drones.

For example, the dragonfly-type flapping wing structure of the burst drone has two flapping wings on the left and right sides of the fuselage.

The power was changed from solar energy to a small variable cycle engine.

This variable cycle engine has a total of two modes.

One is the turbofan engine mode, which uses the fuel-saving technology to the extreme.

Its working principle is that the valves in the middle flow channel and the outer flow channel are fully opened, so that this engine becomes a large bypass ratio engine.

It is precisely because of this that although its power output will become smaller, its economical fuel efficiency is very high.

Another mode is the high-speed mode.

The three air flow channel valves inside and outside are closed, turning it into a small bypass ratio engine, which is also the most powerful mode.

This allows the drone to have the ability to fly at high speed.

Although supersonic flight is not possible due to the special wing structure.

But there is no problem with high subsonic flight.

Having a powerful engine and mature flapping structure gives this drone its distinctive characteristics.

It can not only perform high-altitude and high-speed flight like fixed-wing flight, but also have hovering function like helicopter.

With a maximum take-off weight of 6 tons, it has a maximum flight speed of 1,140 kilometers per hour.

If the whole flight is in economical turbofan mode.

The maximum range reached 15,000 kilometers, and the combat radius exceeded 6,000 kilometers.

Due to the particularity of the flapping wing structure, the UAV adopts the bomb-loading mode of the internal magazine.

It has two magazines of different sizes, one in front and one behind, and the maximum internal bomb load can reach 2 tons.

A 2-ton bomb load is enough for a search-and-fight drone.

In addition to these, it also has a highly intelligent autonomous combat system.

As long as the ground console sets up combat targets and transmits the collected intelligence to the drone in real time.

It will work out the most effective way of fighting according to the real state of the battlefield.

Even if it loses contact with the ground console, it will still execute its battle plan and self-destruct after completing its mission.

Lin Xuan was very satisfied when he saw this drone.

It can be said that it is simply impeccable.

In particular, the novel flapping wing structure is like an alien sci-fi product.

"Does it have a name?"

Lin Xuan asked as he touched its retracted wings.

Yan Kuan raised his eyes, shook his head and said, "Not yet, please give me your name, Commander."

After thinking for a moment, Lin Xuan said, "Then call it Sky Guardian."

"By the way, the UAVs and Tengu fighter jets of the military sales version have to be hurry up, but there are still more than two months left."

Yan Kuan said confidently: "Commander, please rest assured, as long as the funds are in place, nothing will be a problem."


Now he only has a headache when he hears the word "funding".

Fortunately, as long as the state of Sanagar is taken, there are also many small and medium-sized mines there, and there are three medium-sized iron mines alone.

At that time, your funds can grow again.

When Lin Xuan returned to the base, the Sky Guard drone really appeared in the interface of the air base.

Sky Guardian UAV, cost: 2000 capital.

The price of 2000 is still very cheap, Lin Xuan directly established the 66th Reconnaissance Squadron.

The reconnaissance squadron is directly affiliated with the Air Force Command's UAV Operations Office.

The squadron has a total of 14 Skyguard Chasing and Fighting UAVs.

At the same time, Lin Xuan incorporated the squadron into the operational order of the eastward advance plan.

"It's great, with this drone squadron, our plan will definitely go more smoothly, and I hope to fine-tune the battle plan before the war."

At present, Sanaag state is mainly divided into three groups of armed forces, all of which are split from the Barre armed forces.

In the state of Sanaq formed a tripod.

Every day they fight for territory and population.

However, when they learned that Yuri had hired the Red Police Corps of Kyushu to quell the war, they all chose to stop.

These three groups are also relatively well-known pirate organizations.

They are the Puntland Guard, the Coast Guard Volunteer and the Merka Sailors.

In fact, there was originally a group of pirates.

But he lost in this battle and was swallowed directly.

These three groups each occupy an important city in Sanaag.

Egaribo, which is close to the sea, Ainabo, the main city in the west of Sanaag, and Balam, the main city in the southeast.

It is precisely with these major cities as support that they have the capital to compete for.

The major underground arms dealers run among the three parties to provide them with weapons and ammunition.

Otherwise, it may not be possible to fight so crazy.

Lin Hong's battle plan is also very simple.

The air force was dispatched to bomb the military camps, power plants, munitions warehouses, and communication facilities of the three forces.

After crushing their morale, the ground combat troops, the two synthetic combat brigades, attacked.

Take the entire state of Sanaag directly, and then target Bari and Nugar in the same way, which is also the original territory of Tour.

To put it bluntly, it is to copy the set of tactics before Eagle sauce.

First dispatch air power to carry out dimensionality reduction strikes.

After the opponent's ground troops collapsed, the infantry was dispatched to clean up the mess.

This is also a tactic that Eagle sauce has tried and tested.

After joining the 66th Reconnaissance Squadron this time, Lin Hong decided to conduct a beheading operation first.

Find the leaders of these three groups first, and then kill them directly.

In the state of leaderless, the war will go more smoothly.

Lin Xuan also agreed to the plan, and not much time was wasted anyway.

The reason why Lin Hong had this idea was because he had already found two locations.

The leader of the Merka sailor is very cunning, and he is relatively close to the youth club, so it is difficult to find his trace.

After deciding to carry out the beheading operation, several Skyguard drones that had just come off the production line took off from the airport and flew towards Sanaag.

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