City: I Am Building A Red Police Base In Africa!

Chapter 41 Ballistic Missiles At The Second Cosmic Velocity

In less than a minute, the launch tube was erected high, and after the camera was zoomed in, everyone knew how high the missile was.

The height of this circular launch tube alone is almost over 40 meters, which is as high as a ten-story building.

When the launch vehicle was fully deployed, a ten-second countdown appeared on the screen very intimately.


When the countdown entered the final moment, everyone held their breath and stared at the V4 missile launcher.


"Boom boom boom boom..."

Smoke instantly enveloped the entire launch position.

I saw a huge missile sprayed out of the launch tube with mist, whistling and flying vertically towards the sky.

In the aerial footage, the solid rocket motor at the rear spewed flames, propelling the missile to climb at breakneck speed.

At this moment, everyone's ears were filled with the whistling sound of rocket engines.

At the same time, many people's eyes widened at this moment.

"Really, it's actually true, how is this possible."

Doze Joe, the president of Eagle Sauce, is not dozing off at this moment, because this thing on the screen makes him completely drowsy.

"Maybe this thing is like the missile of the White Elephant, it explodes after taking off for a while."

All he could do was comfort himself.

The surrounding cabinet members couldn't help but agree after hearing his self-talk.

However, they feel that this possibility is not very large.

For a force with advanced weapons such as two stealth fighters, high-energy laser weapons, and attack nuclear submarines.

It is not very likely that the missile test will fail.

Soon the V4 intercontinental missile disappeared from the field of vision in the live broadcast room with white smoke.

But it has not disappeared from the satellite and radar fields of various countries.

Countries have already mobilized infrared early warning satellites to closely watch the traces of such missiles.

However, at this time, a new barrage appeared in the live broadcast room.

"Do you think that's the end? Show you a new thing."

As the screen turned, the field of vision came to a calm sea.

"The water here is dark green, it's the deep sea."

"Could it be..."

The screen switched to a sea area, but there was nothing on the sea.

Then there is only one possibility, this thing is under the sea.

"Submarines, really their subs, bastards, they must pay the price."

After seeing this scene, the chief of naval staff immediately became angry.

They were just guessing before, but now it has basically been confirmed.


The screen quickly changed.

The calm of the deep green sea was quickly broken.

I saw a slightly sci-fi-shaped missile thrown up from under the sea.

The shape of this missile is completely designed for stealth.

This feature can be seen in many ways.

Such as buried air intakes, buried rectangular tail nozzles, wave absorbing coatings, etc.

And the size of this stealth missile is also relatively large.

After the missile was thrown out of the sea, the engine at the tail started to ignite, and a blue flame was ejected into the air.

However, it soon began to drop in height, and did not stop until it was about 20 meters above the sea surface.

Then the color of its tail vent flame changed, and even Mach rings began to appear.

The speed of cruise missiles is also accelerating.

As the missile advanced, a long white trail also appeared on the sea surface, which was also formed by the high temperature of the engine evaporating seawater.

"Supersonic stealth cruise missile..."

When they saw this scene, everyone was shocked.

Cruise missiles are already very difficult to deal with.

Because its working altitude is very low, it is difficult to detect the traces of cruise missiles whether it is airborne radar or ground radar.

If you add stealth shooting and supersonic speed.

Basically, the success rate of interception is very, very low.

Generally speaking, cruise missiles can only be played by big countries, and small countries can only watch it for fun.

In this scenario, the effect of launching a submarine-launched ballistic missile is actually the best.

It's a pity that this thing is there, but unfortunately there is no submarine that can carry it.

The vertical launch unit of the Hurricane-class attack submarine is not large enough to carry huge submarine-launched missiles.

So we can only wait for the unlocking of strategic nuclear submarines.

However, stealth cruise missiles have been able to deter a group of people.

For example, some surrounding countries are willing to provide a military base for Eagle sauce to attack his country.

This stealth cruise missile is enough to sound the alarm for them.

Let them think about whether they can afford the price before making a decision.

After all, cruise missiles can carry both conventional warheads and miniaturized tactical nuclear warheads.

This is the main reason why Lin Xuan decided to make it appear.

The power of the V4 ballistic missile is extremely strong, and it quickly burst out of the atmosphere.

After the projectile is separated, the secondary power system starts to work.

It propels the missile to suborbital flight at extremely high speeds.

But within a minute or two, the warhead of the V4 missile was accelerated to Mach 20, and the speed was still increasing.

"It's Mach 20, it's already Mach 20, and its speed is still climbing."

Eagle sauce's ultra-long-range early warning radar can easily capture the trail of intercontinental missiles.

But it's still the same sentence. Seeing and seeing, how to intercept is the biggest problem.

"Mach 25, the speed is still increasing."

"What? Keep monitoring."

The top speed of Mach 25 means that the interception of this missile is basically impossible.

"Mach 30, Mach 30 already..."

After seeing this speed, everyone in the radar station was horrified.

The fastest ballistic missile today is Mach 27, and Mach 30 is not the limit.

"Mach 35, it's slowing down."

Eventually it settled at Mach 42.

Mach 42! ! !

Everyone was shocked when they saw this number.

That's a full Mach 15 faster than the fastest Mach 27.

Of course this is not the most important.

The most important thing is that it has reached the second cosmic speed, and it is even approaching the third cosmic speed.

What is this concept.

How can such a missile be intercepted.

Their anti-missile system is like a joke at this speed.

When the news reached the Wei Mansion, everyone present fell silent.

Their mood at the moment is very complicated, and they don't know what to say.

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