City: I Am Building A Red Police Base In Africa!

Chapter 61: Expanding Arms and Preparing for War, Tigers Come Out

It's no wonder that Lin Xuan is so angry, because they have already bullied them to the end.

It may be because the Red Police Corps has been dormant for too long during this time, and others have forgotten the horror of the Red Police Corps.

According to Yuri's interrogation.

This group of terrorist organizations planned this terrorist kidnapping attack in the name of the Sokoku Youth Association.

In fact, they were secretly planned by the CAI and the official union of the country.

CAI provides intelligence, funds, training, etc., while the official state of Somalia is the provider.

In their plan, the terrorist organization will take hundreds of people from the playground as hostages.

Then he negotiated with Yuri to attract the attention of public opinion.

Under the secret promotion of CAI, the focus of global public opinion will once again fall on the northern part of the small country.

After gaining global attention, the terrorist group will detonate the bomb buried in the playground on the grounds that the negotiation has failed.

It will blow up all the people and the playground.

Such a vicious terrorist attack that caused hundreds of casualties.

In no time, it will become the headlines of the country.

And Yuri's House will also become the laughing stock of the world.

Because it was the incompetence of Yuri's House that caused such a bad influence.

And Yuri's House is closely related to the Kyushu Company.

Because as long as you are not blind, you will know that this Yuriyan Mansion is actually "270", a regime supported by the Kyushu Company.

In this way, the Kyushu company can also be pulled into the water.

Next, CAI will mobilize its own public opinion advantage and madly pour dirty water on the Kyushu company to achieve its goal.

Then the image that Kyushu has built up through a series of previous series will collapse on the spot.

This black spot will always follow the Kyushu Company.

It can be said that this plan is really vicious.

And at the cost of hundreds of civilian casualties.

Of course, he didn't care about the lives of these black people, but he didn't want to take the blame.

The CAI United Nations official bullied him, and this is his most angry point.

He doesn't have a good way to deal with Eagle sauce.

But there is no problem with dealing with you, a small official government of Suoguo.

In the face of Yingjiang's provocation, Lin Xuan also felt that it was time to show his muscles.

Otherwise, this kind of thing will continue.

And he also intends to use the way of others to treat others.

Since you used the means of a terrorist organization to deal with him, then he will return it to Eagle sauce thousands of times.

Lin Xuan set his sights on Crazy Evan in the Red Police Barracks.

They are the real terrorist planners.

One by one they acted very crazy, so Lin Xuan never used it.

But now there are not so many scruples.

In less than an hour, the chief military officers of the main force of the Red Police Corps gathered in the operation hall of the Red Police Base.

When Lin Xuan brought Ling Liang in, all the officers stood up and saluted.

Lin Xuan glanced at them, nodded and said, "All sit down."

When everyone was seated, Lin Xuan said directly: "I am going to implement the Heshibi plan ahead of time.35

The He's Jade Plan is a package plan to unify the whole territory of Suogu with force as the main force, supplemented by other means.

The officers present were already very familiar with the plan.

But after hearing Lin Xuan's words, everyone couldn't help but be surprised.

This is what happened to make the commander make such a decision.

Lin Xuan glanced at Ling Liang and said, "Tell them about it.


Ling Liang got up and started repeating the interrogation report.

After hearing Ling Liang's remarks, Lin Hongteng, who wanted to be calm, stood up and patted the table heavily.

"Too much bullying, just too much bullying.

"Commander, this time I asked Ying to take command and destroy them."

Yu Tianxiang, commander of the Air Force of the Red Police Corps, also got up and said, "Count us in the Air Force."

Naval Commander Li Hai also got up: "It's also a part of our Navy. 35

The atmosphere was all for this sake, and Li Tianwen, commander of the Red Police Corps Strategic Army, also got up.

When he wanted to say something, he found that everyone's eyes were looking at him.

He sat back a little embarrassed.

The weapons of the strategic army are all types of ballistic missiles, and they will also be in charge of the super weapons of the Red Police Base in the future.

This battle really has nothing to do with them.

Looking at the high morale of the generals, Lin Xuan's heart was also stirred up.

"Give you a week to prepare, and then go south in a week to unify the whole territory."

One week's preparation time is enough for them.

Although Lin Xuan was very angry, he knew that he could not fight an unprepared battle.

The war between Da Mao and Er Mao in later generations is an example.

Now that it is time to prepare for war, not only they have to prepare, but also Lin Xuan.

And his preparation is also very simple-explosive!

This is also one of the biggest advantages of the Red Alert Base.

He has never forgotten this advantage.

There are 18 states in the entire Suo country, with dozens of tribes scattered all over the country, and the forces are intertwined and very chaotic.

If you want to solve the battle quickly and stabilize quickly, you must have enough troops to suppress it.

Now the Red Police Corps is in addition to five battalion-level battle groups, air assault brigades and other main forces.

The second-line troops are 12 battalion-level battle groups.

However, the strength of 12 battalion-level battle groups is completely insufficient, and at least 20 are needed.

The funding for a battalion-level battle group is 200,000, which is just a small amount of money for Lin Xuan.

At present, he has accumulated tens of millions of funds.

This is also what he saved to upgrade the base.

But now it has to spend part of it.

This time Lin Xuan added 12 battalion-level battle groups again, making a total of 24 battalion-level battle groups with a total strength of about 25,000.

The main task of these battalion-level battle groups is to control the place and deter all forces.

Try to make a smooth transition of power without any surprises.

In addition to the second-line troops, the main force also needs to be expanded.

The scale of five brigade-level battle groups was not enough, so he added two more brigade-level battle groups at a cost of about 8 million.

The Air Assault Brigade has also added one.

In addition, Lin Xuan also formed a brand new unit.

Long Range Rocket Brigade!

In modern warfare, the advantages of long-range rocket launchers are actually very obvious.

Especially if you already have air dominance.

Far Fire Brigade will be very cool to use.

The establishment of the brigade is also relatively simple, and it is not as complicated as the synthetic troops.

The Yuanhuo Brigade mainly subordinates three battalions of six long-range rocket launchers.

Then there are the command battalion, transport battalion, support and support battalion, field air defense company, reconnaissance drone brigade and other subsidiary units.

The rocket launchers used by the brigade are long-range rocket launchers that have been upgraded by the combat laboratory.

The rocket launcher is code-named Luan Bird!

The Luan Bird long-range rocket has a maximum range of 200 kilometers and a caliber of 300 millimeters.

Although its accuracy is not comparable to cruise missiles, it is not much worse than ordinary precision-guided weapons.

The six Luanbird rocket launchers are equipped with six transport vehicles, which together with the command vehicle form a combat unit.

In addition to the 12 rockets of the Luan Bird rocket launcher itself, there are also 12 rockets loaded by the transporter.

A single combat unit can launch 144 300mm rockets in a single operation.

If three combat units fire in a salvo, that's 432.

And what about the bombardment of 432 300mm rockets that the unit can withstand at one time?

At least the opposite Suoguo troops can't do it.

As for why not equipped with rocket launchers with a longer range, that is because there is no need for this at all.

Because the more distant combat targets generally use cruise missiles and short-range tactical missiles, the power is greater, and the accuracy is higher.

The coverage of 200 kilometers is already very wide for a rocket launcher.

The range of Xia Guo's PHL-03 long-range rocket launcher is only 130 kilometers.

As for the Guardian-2, can these still be called rocket launchers?

And considering that this operation may use a landing operation.

Lin Xuan also formed a marine brigade.

Due to the lack of large landing ships, only 500-ton air-cushion landing craft can now be used.

It is completely enough to land in Suoguo.

Both the land and air armies have expanded, so how can they pull down the air force.

In this expansion, the number of fighter jets of the Air Force has also reached the scale of 200.

This size of the fleet is enough to abuse all the air forces except Yingjiang, Xia Guo and Xiong Guo.

When the Red Police Corps was making preparations, Suoguo could actually feel it.

In particular, CAI, who is specialized in intelligence, knows more about the situation.

In fact, the plan to blame the terrorist organization attack was planned by Director Joseph himself.

But he never imagined why such a foolproof plan could fail.

So far he has no relevant news.

It's not that their intelligence gathering ability is not strong, and Yuri's blockade is too good.

For this matter, Yuri made a special trip out of his busy schedule.

Although the mission failed, they were not worried.

Because this matter only needs to be pushed to the youth club and it will be 0.2.

But Joseph suddenly realized that things didn't seem to be going the way he imagined.

Lin Xuan was tougher than he imagined.

According to the information collected recently, there is an intention to use force in Kyushu, and it is very likely that a war will break out this time.

Suo Guo was immediately terrified.

They just did a little trick, and if they didn't do it, they didn't talk about it, and they also caused a show.

"You must help us, if we fail, then Suoguo will become Kyushu's, and the Gulf of Aden will be completely controlled by them.

Special envoy Joseph reassured: "Don't worry, we will help you, now a lot of weapons are on their way.

"And the aircraft carrier of our Fifth Fleet has already returned, and the Kyushu side is just pretending and does not dare to attack you.

The president of the country looked suspiciously at the special envoy.

But people have already said so, so what else can it say.

But the real thought of the special envoy of Suoguo is: success is not enough and failure is more than failure.

This approach is in line with Eagle sauce's style of doing things.

That's what they did with Ermao.

A week later, the Red Police Corps made preparations for the war.

When Lin Xuan gave an order, the war broke out.

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