City: I Am Building A Red Police Base In Africa!

Chapter 75 Power Armor, Task Force 141

If the peacekeepers are upgraded from the first level to the second level, they will need up to 2,000 funds.

At present, there are 7 brigade-level battle groups with a total of about 45,000 peacekeepers.

If all upgrades, a total of 90 million funds are needed.

According to the current rate of saving one million dollars a day, it would take three months to fully upgrade.

Of course, upgrading from Level 1 to Level 2 doesn't just give away a set of Thundercloud power armor.

The five dimensions of the soldiers will be comprehensively improved, which is the real meaning of the upgrade.

2000 funds for a second-level soldier, this is the value of the upgrade.

This second-level soldier is the real main force of the Red Police Corps.

As for the third-level soldiers, it requires a base of level 4 or above.

Although the funds of 90 million are a lot, it is based on the fact that he currently only has 1 million funds per day.

This time the base has been upgraded, the ore refining center and mining vehicles have also been upgraded, and there is even a super-space mining vehicle.

So the next main task is to make money first.

When the funds reach three to five million a day, we will fully upgrade the troops.

However, at present, it is possible to build a future soldier force of realization nature.

Although the Red Police Base has unlocked arms and new equipment, it is up to you to study how to use them better.

Templates are no longer available in secondary bases.

That's a novice's perk.

Now that he has the staff headquarters of the Red Police Corps formed by Ling Liang, he doesn't need to worry about this thing at all.

Unlike the start-up period, everything has to be done by yourself.

"Let's upgrade first to see how strong this Thundercloud power armor is, the reform of the troops can't be rushed.

Now the scale of the Red Police Corps is not small. It is not like changing equipment and reorganizing it casually before. Now it has to be done step by step.

And this Thundercloud power armor is definitely one of the core equipment of the Army.

Therefore, it is necessary to understand this power armor in order to know how to prepare the troops.

At present, the most suitable upgrade is not the peacekeepers, but the SEALs.

"Commander, according to our investigation, there is a youth club training base in our neighboring country Nubia.

"Now we have figured out their location, but if you use missiles or planes, it will cause disputes.

"So our Secret Service decided to mobilize the SEALs to carry out the mission, get rid of this camp, and then remove the traces and withdraw.

"So even if they can guess that we did it, there is no proof."

Lin Xuan's eyes lit up, this was an opportunity.

Then start with upgrading the seals.

Although I say that I don't have much money in my hands, there is no problem in upgrading a small-scale SEAL force.

If the SEALs are upgraded to the second level, a total of 5,000 funds are needed, which is comparable to a stealth fighter.

Hopefully after the upgrade comes out, they are worth the price.

The Thundercloud power armor is also used by SEALs, but with a few differences.

It can only be said that this power armor has been slightly improved on the armor of Thundercloud power, which is more suitable for special forces stealth operations.

Leiyou Power Armor is exactly what its name is.

This is an all-black matte covered power armor, similar to the style of Iron Man's armor, but not as strong.

Leiyou power armor is not much different from Leiyun in other basic functions, mainly in terms of mute performance and concealment.

Using a more advanced silent buffer device, although it is not silent when walking and running, it is also very tender and audible.

But if this is the case, this Leiyou power armor is not worth the price at all.

Optical stealth technology is used on the Leiyou power armor.

As long as the device is activated, they cannot be detected at all unless they are very close.

This function can be said to be very counter-intuitive.

But there are some limitations.

For example, if you do violent actions, the optical stealth technology will fail.

And it can only be used for a maximum of one hour at a time and requires ten minutes of cooling.

Although there are restrictions, it still does not affect its function.

After spending more than 100,000 yuan on Lin Xuan and one day, a 36-person second-level SEAL team appeared in front of him.

When he saw this army, Lin Xuan couldn't help but be in a trance.

Because when he saw them, he felt like a force from the future.

Covered by the all-black Leiyou power armor, it is full of sci-fi feeling.

The electromagnetic rifles they hold in their hands are matched to their armor, and also have a data link connection to the tactical computer in their helmets.

So this electromagnetic rifle is not equipped with any scope or the like.

Because their helmet is the sight.

And there's an important reason for doing so.

As long as locked mode is on, as long as their eyes see where.

The tactical computer will control the power armor and instantly point the muzzle of the gun to the place where the eyes are focused.

The human body may not be able to respond that fast, but the machine can.

"Turn on your incognito mode and let me see.

With Lin Xuan's order, the 36 people in front of him disappeared from his eyes.

Only at close range, a transparent outline can be vaguely seen.

This is actually an optical stealth technology that deceives vision.

Seeing this, Lin Xuan applauded.

"Very good, Tanya!"

Tan Ya, who was beside him, was taken aback for a moment, then immediately reacted and saluted, "Commander.

Lin Xuan glanced at the 36-man SEAL team that had recovered, and then looked at her again.

"Didn't your Secret Service want a mission operations team? This team will be managed by your Secret Service, and you are responsible for expanding the scale.

A look of joy appeared on Tan Ya's face, and she said happily, "Yes, Commander!"

"By the way, I'm going to name this team, do you have any opinion?"

Tan Ya hurriedly shook her head, how dare she have any opinion in front of the commander.

It doesn't matter even if the commander randomly names this squad, as long as the commander is happy.

Of course, Lin Xuan won't use random names.

When he saw this unit, the figure of a special unit immediately appeared in his mind.

Task Force 141!

It's a special operations force from Call of Duty.

It left a very deep impression on him.

So when I saw this SEAL team, the idea was born.

From this moment on, the world-famous Task Force 141 was born.

They will be a nightmare for special forces of all countries in the future.

According to intelligence from satellite and drone reconnaissance.

This training camp for the Youth Club is located in the mountains of the southern Nubian city of Bulowin.

The location here is very concealed, and it is also conducive to the concealment of larger-scale personnel.

This location is also where the drone performed a patrol mission on the border before and found a suspicious convoy on the ground.

Finally followed the team to track here.

After several days of investigation, I finally figured out the situation here.

··For flowers 0‥.

So this time Tanya decided to directly destroy the place.

The Youth Club is very hostile to the current Sokoku and Kyushu, so they have also become the key targets of the Secret Service.

On the night of the third day, a huge and sci-fi helicopter took off from a certain base and headed towards the youth club training camp more than 200 kilometers away.

This huge helicopter is completely different from traditional helicopters in terms of shape and power.

This medium and large transport helicopter is somewhat similar in layout to a tilt-rotor layout.

For example, the V-22 Osprey helicopter adopts this layout.

But this helicopter is much more powerful than the Osprey.

On its sides are two medium-thrust pulsed ion engines.

In fact, this kind of engine can often be seen in science fiction movies, and it is the kind that sprays blue flames.

And this helicopter is actually the secondary form of the Nighthawk helicopter, which can also be called the complete form.

The pulse ion engine uses an electric propulsion system.

So there is no sound at all when flying.

Moreover, the black coating on the outside is also integrated with the night, and only two flying blue lights can be seen.


The design features of the Nighthawk helicopter also determine its powerful mute performance.

If you use a traditional helicopter, you can hear the sound of blasting ears ten kilometers away.

The Nighthawk helicopter is like a ghost in the dark, approaching the target area at a speed of more than 500 kilometers per hour.

With its stealthy appearance, the Nighthawks fly at low altitudes and are not afraid of their radar detection at all.

The captain of Task Force 141 was also the captain of the original SEAL team, codenamed Owl.

At this moment, he opened the visor of his helmet and closed his eyes.

Suddenly he opened his eyes and stretched out his right hand, palm up.

I saw a blue light emerge, and the map of the three appeared on it.

The red dot on the map is very close to the target location, less than 30 kilometers.

At the speed of the Nighthawk's large transport helicopter, it will soon be capable of missiles.

"Everyone gets up, checks equipment, and prepares for battle."

The owl gave an order, and the rest of the opponents opened their eyes one after another and began to check their equipment.

A minute later, the Nighthawk helicopter arrived over the target location.

I saw that the pulse ion motor on both sides of it rotated the nozzle and changed it to downward.

Under the reverse thrust, the Nighthawk helicopter stopped stably in the air about 10 meters above the ground.

There was only a narrow flat below, and the Nighthawk was too large to land.


The tail hatch opened, and the owl took the lead in a jump and jumped directly from the helicopter.

There's no such thing as a drop rope at all.


The owl fell heavily on the ground, and under the action of the recoil device, it stopped firmly on the ground.

And because of the soft alloy used in the feet, the sound is basically inaudible at a distance of more than ten meters.

"Bang bang bang ...... 35

There were constant players jumping from the Nighthawk helicopter. In less than a minute, 35 members of the 141 team assembled and stood by.

"Sniper team, occupy the commanding heights. 99

"Fire team, go to the scheduled location to assemble and stand by."

"The assault team follows me.

As the order was issued, the 141 task force was divided into three teams, and they started their operations respectively, heading for the camp less than five kilometers ahead.

PS: I just found that I forgot to put the picture before, and now I put a picture of the Nighthawk helicopter, I can't find it very similar, I can understand it.

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