City: I Am Building A Red Police Base In Africa!

Chapter 96 Shocked and numb military observers

Members of the military observation missions of the two countries were talking and laughing toward the tarmac.

However, they all stopped talking and stared blankly at the Nighthawk large transport helicopter on the tarmac not far away.

Under the sun, the paint of the Nighthawk helicopter almost absorbed all the light, the whole body was dark, and there was no light reflection.

The two plasma engines are erected, in conjunction with its ultra-modern shape design.

It's like something out of a sci-fi movie.

But now it appeared in front of them.

Li Wei took a few steps in a daze, with a look of shock in his eyes.

All the rest of the crew were not much better.

The appearance of the Nighthawk helicopter still gave them a great impact.

" this your helicopter?"

Lin Hong, commander of the Red Police Corps Ground Operations Command, glanced at Nighthawk, nodded and said, "Yeah, what's the problem? Doesn't it look like a helicopter?

Andrea glanced at Lin Hong blankly, and said, "But...but what kind of power do your helicopters use? This shape is too sci-fi, don't tell those two are turboshaft engines.

Lin Hong nodded suddenly, and said with a smile: "So this is it, our Nighthawk helicopter is not using a turboshaft engine, but a plasma engine. Wait for your "290" to ride. , will know the original helicopter can be so comfortable.

Lin Hong had also flown in the first-generation Nighthawk helicopter before, and it was indescribable.

If you don't have headphones, the sound of the propellers can deaf your ears.

The experience of flying in a helicopter is very poor.

Since the second generation of Nighthawk helicopters entered service, this situation has changed.

The thrust of the plasma engine is relatively mild, and no matter what acceleration is, it is very silky.

The most important thing is that it is very quiet, so quiet that only faint sounds can be heard in the cockpit.

This also greatly improves the quietness of the helicopter, which is still very important in a combat environment.

"Ion engine?"

What kind of engine is this?

Li Wei and Andrea looked at each other with confusion and doubts in their eyes.

Ion engines are currently used for spacecraft attitude adjustments, so it's perfectly normal that they haven't heard of them.

And that kind of ion engine is very initial, and there is still a long way to go before it can be used as a power for a helicopter.

This is like the jet engine developed during World War II and the turbofan engine today.

Although they are all jet engines, the technology is not known by how many generations.

"I think Kyushu will definitely win this battle, and Eagle sauce will definitely suffer."

When they walked towards the Nighthawk helicopter, Li Wei whispered to Andrea.

Andrea nodded sympathetically.

From this Nighthawk helicopter alone, it can be seen that this is just the tip of the iceberg in Kyushu.

These things have never been exposed, and are hidden very deeply.

If they hadn't come here, I'm afraid they wouldn't have seen this thing at all.

Although they say they haven't flown the Nighthawk, they don't know how well it will perform.

But it can be seen from the appearance that it is definitely much more advanced than the existing helicopters.

It could even be said that this is where the next generation of advanced helicopters is headed.

The entire group was very much looking forward to what they saw and heard next.

Li Wei had a very strong feeling in his heart.

What they see next is likely to subvert their cognition.

Soon the group boarded the Nighthawk helicopter.

The cockpit is very clean and simple, there are four rows of seats, and they are more than enough to sit on.

Li Wei said to Lin Hong who was passing through: "Commander Lin, this Nighthawk has quite a lot of space."

An inexplicable look flashed in Lin Hong's eyes, and he could naturally understand what Li Wei meant.

He chuckled lightly: "Our Nighthawk helicopter is still very good, even though its size is like a medium and large transport helicopter, its power is particularly strong.

"The body structure is also made of high-strength materials, which is very strong, so it can carry more than 15 tons of cargo, and can easily hoist objects over 10 tons. 99

"And because it uses a pulsed ion thruster, its range is also very long, and it can reach a radius of 3,000 kilometers. The flight speed is also close to 1,000, and the cruising speed is generally 500.

After hearing this data, everyone in the cockpit took a deep breath.

Is this still a helicopter?

Andrei recalled their Mi-26 heavy transport helicopter.

This is also the largest transport helicopter with the strongest load capacity in the world.

Its internal warehouse can carry 20 tons of cargo, the maximum take-off weight is 50 tons, the maximum flight speed is 300 kilometers per hour, and the maximum range is only about 2,000 kilometers.

And this is good, the load capacity is as high as 15 tons, although it is not as good as the Mi 26.

But the size is smaller than the Mi 26.

The most important thing is its abnormal flight speed and range.

This is completely no different from a jet transport aircraft, and even stronger.

A helicopter flying at 1000 km/h is just crazy.

Looking at their expressions, Lin Hong was very satisfied.

Since this equipment dares to show them, they are not afraid of knowing these things.

It's very refreshing to be able to use these things to pretend.

This may also be one of Lin Hong's rare bad tastes.


Suddenly, the Nighthawk helicopter shook slightly.

Then the group of people felt some weightlessness.

This is the Nighthawk helicopter has started to take off.

The two pulse ion engines on both sides ejected blue flames, pushing the Nighthawk helicopter to fly upwards obliquely.

After reaching the designated route altitude, the Nighthawk helicopter began to accelerate.

At a speed of more than 700 kilometers per hour, they headed towards the Baidabo base, which is more than 200 kilometers away.

Quiet, very quiet.

This is the experience that Nighthawk helicopters are now giving them.

Even if you usually take a passenger plane, it has never been so quiet, let alone a military plane.

That thing is not comfortable at all to sit on.

At this time, Li Wei had a deep sense of doubt and powerlessness.

Can this thing really be called a helicopter?

This thing is completely the integration of helicopter and fixed-wing aircraft.

It has the functions of helicopter hovering, straight up and down, and at the same time has the flight speed and load capacity of fixed-wing aircraft.

The most important thing is that this thing is so quiet.

At this time, Li Wei took out his mobile phone and started searching for what the ion engine was.

He felt that the problem must have occurred in the ion engine.

After a search, he finally understood what the hell was going on.

"It turned out to be electric propulsion, no wonder this is quiet, how many years has this technology been ahead?

Riding the Nighthawk helicopter made Li Wei feel as if he had traveled to the future.

Just such an advanced ion thruster is not something that can be produced by current technology at all.

At this time, he was also convinced of a speculation circulating on the Internet.

This Kyushu must have acquired non-Bluestar extraterrestrial technology.

Otherwise, these advanced technologies simply cannot be explained.

A distance of more than 200 kilometers, for a helicopter flying at a speed of more than 700 kilometers per hour.

It took less than 20 minutes to arrive at the Baidabo military base.

"Look, this...this...what are those?"

Everyone looked down from the window and saw that they were in the sky above a huge military base at the moment.

This military base is very large, and almost all buildings are assembled using movable and modular components.

A large-scale building complex was formed in this desert.

Of course, this is not the point, because these things are purchased in Xia Kingdom.

The focus is on this unit below.

Looking down from the top, I saw rows of soldiers wearing dark gray thundercloud power armor patrolling and training.

All kinds of weapons are also placed on the ground.

For example, the pacifier self-propelled artillery in the quadruped state, the wave energy self-propelled railgun, the future tank X1 in the mecha state, the rocket angel robot in the dormant state, etc.

In the middle of the camp there are four strangely shaped vehicles.

They have umbrella-like structures at the top that emit soft blue beams of light toward the sky.

These four oddly shaped cars are, of course, mobile mini-crack generators.

"Are we crossing over?"

Li Wei's face was full of shock, and it took a long time to hold back such a sentence.

The faces of the others could not hide the shock and horror on their faces.

It was as if he had seen a ghost.

At this time, the Nighthawk helicopter was just stable.

Lin Hong untied the safety lock and stood up. He opened his hands and said to everyone, "Welcome to the camp of the first brigade-level battle group of the Red Police Corps."

"Next, let me personally act as a guide and lead everyone to observe our troops."

Li Wei turned to look at Lin Hong, and asked with a pale face, "Is what we see in front of us true?"

Obviously, the impact of this scene far exceeded the Nighthawk helicopter.

Because what he saw was completely beyond his cognition.

When the pictures in science fiction movies are brought into reality, it is still difficult to accept. 0.2

That's how they are now.

Lin Hong nodded as a matter of course, and said, "Of course, can it be true that what you see with your eyes can be fake? Could it be that you think what you are seeing now is an illusion? 35

Li Wei showed a bitter smile.

"Does this make any difference to us from an illusion?"

At the same time, he thought to himself: "So this is the real standing of Kyushu, and this is their trump card for daring to be hard-headed Ying-chan."

"No wonder, no wonder, this time Yingjiang loses no wrong, Kyushu has completely surpassed all countries in terms of technology and can only be friends, not enemies.

A deep sense of powerlessness filled his heart.

The technology gap has grown to the point where it cannot be bridged.

Next, let him take a good look at how advanced the ground troops in Kyushu are.

When the group got off the Nighthawk helicopter, they looked at everything around them with amazed eyes.

Just like Grandma Liu entered the Grand View Garden, she was full of curiosity about everything around her.

At this time, a small group of soldiers wearing Thundercloud power armor trotted over.

This also made everyone's eyes temporarily converge on them.

PS: I have something to do at night, so I missed a chapter and resumed the normal update today.

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