City: I Am Perfect And Arrogant, The Heroine Cries For Control

Chapter 82: Jiang Pengfei, Who Went To The Doctor In A Hurry, The Care Of The Two Daughters

"It's not Zhang Anren.

Jiang Nansun shook his head, opened the information book for the postgraduate entrance examination, found the place he saw in the morning, and casually replied to her father.

Of course I knew it wasn't Zhang Anren.

Can Zhang Anren afford a luxury sports car worth millions?

Jiang Pengfei thought so in his heart, but he didn't show it on his face.

He frowned deliberately, and asked his daughter like an old father caring about his daughter: "Nan Sun, didn't you go out yesterday to find Zhang An and the others?"


Jiang Nansun shook his head, and said directly: "Dad, don't mention Zhang Anren to me, okay?"

"What's wrong?"

His daughter's attitude was beyond Jiang Pengfei's expectations.

This made him feel a little curious and puzzled.

Doesn't my daughter have a crush on that Zhang Anren?

He brought Zhang Anren to see him two days ago.

Why today......

"Are you having a conflict with Zhang Anren?"

He asked pretending to be concerned.


Jiang Nansun shook his head again, and said: "I have nothing to do with Zhang Anren, it's just ordinary friends, what conflicts do I have with him?"

normal friend?

If it's an ordinary friend relationship, then two days ago you took Zhang Anren to your aunt's house to measure?

Why didn't Dad see you so close to other boys?

No conflict?

Your full stomach is showing on your face.

Is this still called no conflict?

Jiang Pengfei was not stupid, from these few words, as well as his daughter's expression and attitude, he guessed that something was wrong.

However, this is something he is happy to see.

Zhang Anren?

Not his favorite son-in-law.

The daughter had a problem with Zhang Anren in her heart.

This actually made him feel very happy, when Fu Yi 1 | understood.

"Oh, Nansun, read a book, don't make yourself too tired, go to rest when you have time to rest.

"Got it, Dad."

"En." 26 Jiang Pengfei hummed, opened the door and left the study.

He wanted to ask his daughter about the identity of the person who sent her back last night, and what was his relationship with her.


Feel the attitude of your daughter.

Jiang Pengfei felt that it was a little too anxious to ask now.

Daughter has grown up.

Has her own thoughts and temper.

Can no longer treat her like I did when I was a child.

If it sparked conflicts between father and daughter like last time, that would be bad.

My daughter met a friend who drove a million-dollar sports car.

This made him see an opportunity.

what chance?

A chance to turn him around!

He has lost too much in stocks, and if he doesn't think of a way to save it, he knows that he will fall into the abyss.


He was thinking of ways to borrow money from his mother.

It's just that the words came to my lips, but I didn't know how to speak.

Although he didn't know how his daughter was related to the friend who sent her back last night, Jiang Pengfei really decided to ask someone to borrow money.

It can be regarded as urgent medical treatment.

Hey. "

Hearing the sound of footsteps gradually going away, Jiang Nansun sighed heavily in her heart, but she didn't react much at first.

But when her father left, she suddenly realized something belatedly.

It is estimated that her father saw Su Han driving her back in a sports car last night, and now it is on Su Han.

They are all in their fifties.


How can you be so naive?

Jiang Nansun doesn't understand, really, really doesn't understand.

Thinking of her father's recent abnormal behavior, she suddenly began to feel a little worried.

She was stunned.

It wasn't until more than half an hour passed that I reorganized my emotions and read the book seriously.

Xinzhonglei Clothing Wholesale Market.

in the company.

Su Han sat face to face with a girl in her twenties.

"Xu Li, right? I've read your resume. You have experience in customer service in an online shop, and you also have certain PS skills, which are very in line with our company's requirements."

"If you can, you can come to work in the company tomorrow."

Su Han put down her resume and said to the girl sitting opposite her.

"thank you boss."

Xu Li said thank you gratefully.

She didn't expect that the application would be so smooth.

With just a few words, she successfully applied for the job.

She was also doing related customer service work in a company before, but the salary and benefits were not very good, only more than 4,000 yuan a month.

In an international metropolis like Shanghai.

With this salary, it was really difficult for her to support herself.

And now what about this company?

The basic salary is 5,000 yuan a month, 800 yuan for full attendance, 600 yuan for meal allowance, 15 yuan an hour for overtime work, and the benefits are particularly good.

In addition to these favorable conditions.

Can provide accommodation!


You heard me right!

Yes, accommodation will be provided!

After seeing this recruitment advertisement on the recruitment software yesterday, she was moved and sent her resume immediately.

She thought it would be difficult to apply for a job, but the result was beyond her expectation.

This made her very excited.

"Boss, where is the dormitory? If possible, I want to move here today." Xu Li resisted the excitement in her heart and asked Su Han respectfully.

The attitude is really respectful.

She has been out of society for several years, but she has never met such a good boss as Su Han.

She was very grateful, and then unconsciously, she had more respect, respect from the heart.


Su Han pointed to the outside and said with a smile: "The dormitory is next to our company, next door, you can go and have a look now, the door is open.

Provide dormitories for employees.

This was planned by Su Han early on.


With three wealth gathering formations, his online store business will definitely explode.

Too many orders.

If the accommodation of the employees is not resolved, and they are still running back and forth every day, it will undoubtedly delay the speed of his earning money.

Anyway, renting a house here is also cheap, and it doesn't cost a few dollars a month.

Moreover, the market management side also has corresponding subsidies and exemption policies, so it will not cost a lot of money.

If you want the horse to run, you must feed the horse enough grass.

The dormitory is arranged here in the company. Firstly, it can help to take a look around the company. Secondly, it can facilitate the travel of employees and stimulate their enthusiasm for work.

Thereby making more money for him!

Why does he still pay employees 15 yuan an hour for overtime work? The purpose is also for this.

There is only one word to describe his approach.

That is——

The employees will earn, but as the boss, he will earn even more, and he will never lose money!

"Is it next door? Really? That's great, boss, then I'll go over and have a look first."

Xu Li said happily.


Su Han waved his hand at her, and called softly: "Feng Dan.

When Xu Li walked out, another girl came in to apply for the job.

before coming.

Su Han has already made appointments with these people.

At one o'clock in the noon, the applicants are concentrated, so there are more people coming, and they are all waiting outside.

In the face of these job seekers, Su Han will not only read their respective resumes, ask them some relevant questions [at the same time, he will also use the skills of perception and mind to capture and control their emotions.

Once there are people who steal, rape and play tricks.

So sorry.

His company is not a philanthropic one, so it is impossible for him to come in casually.

"How is it, Miss Xiaoli, have you applied for the job yet?"

As soon as Xu Li walked out of the boss's office, a friend of hers immediately questioned her, and other job seekers also looked at her.

A company with such good benefits.

Ordinary girls like them very much hope that they can successfully apply for the job.

"I've applied for the job. The dormitory is next to our company. I'll go over and have a look now." Xu Li said happily, holding her good sister's hand.

"Really? The dormitory is next door to the company? Is it so good?"

Her good sister suddenly smiled in surprise.

other job seekers.

There were also expectant smiles on their faces.

The dormitory is next door to the company.

This benefit is simply too good.

In the future, you don't have to get off work hard to and from work.

Shopping here is also cheap, and there are meal subsidies and other subsidies. How much money can I save in a month?

It's much better than where they used to work.

"Yeah, Xiaoyu, do you want to go and have a look together?"

Xu Li asked with a smile.

"No, I'll apply for the job first. If I don't get the job, wouldn't it be a waste of joy?"

Said her good friend.

"Okay, then I'll go and have a look first."

Xu Li nodded, and added before leaving: "The boss is very easy-going, he doesn't put on airs at all, he's easy to talk to, and he's also very handsome."

Hear this sentence.

Everyone immediately relaxed a lot.

If you meet an easy-going, easy-to-talk boss, the chances of applying are much greater.

Still handsome?

"I don't know if the boss is single?"

Several girls secretly had other thoughts in their hearts.

Which girl doesn't think of spring, which girl doesn't want to find a boyfriend who is rich, good-tempered and good-natured?

They are naturally the same ah.

"Wow, so much nicer than where I used to live."

Xu Li walked to the next door and opened the door to see that she was very satisfied with the environment of the dormitory. She saw a spacious empty room like a warehouse, which was divided into small compartments by foam walls.

In each cubicle, there is another bed, a table and a simple wardrobe.

Not only the privacy is guaranteed, but also the environment is more comfortable, it doesn't look dark, Xu Li likes it right away.

She comes from a remote mountainous area. She used to live in an old house, shared with friends, not to mention damp and dark, and the monthly rent was more than 2,000 yuan.

It's far from here.

Speaking of which, Su Han also took advantage of the fact that this place used to be the staff dormitory of a certain company.

It was only withdrawn later.

However, many things are packaged and sold to market managers.

After looking around in the dormitory, Xu Li went out and waited for her good sister. If her good sister also applied for the job, then the two of them would go back and move together later.

If the good sister does not apply, then she will go back and move by herself.

She felt that a good sister should be able to apply for the job.

An honest, sensible and serious girl, the boss should not reject her.

"Su 260 Xiaoyu, your conditions meet the requirements of the company, can you come to work tomorrow?"

"Yes, yes, thank you boss."

"Luo Jing, I'm sorry, you don't meet the requirements of our company, I'm sorry, you can try another company.

"Boss, I can do anything."

"so smart?"

"Yes, boss, as long as you recruit me, you can ask me to do anything."

"Forget the winking at the bosses of other companies, I'm sorry."

It wasn't until two o'clock in the afternoon that Su Han finished the recruitment. Using the skill of sensing mind, she eliminated five or six job applicants.

Only ten employees remained.

All are women.

customer service.

It's a little bit harder to recruit girls, after all, girls are careful.

It took more than an hour to go through the entry procedures for these girls, and after giving them instructions, Su Han closed the door and left.

The dormitory door was not closed.

Ten girls will move in here.

Although the staff has been recruited, it will take at least a day for the online store to open, because the photos taken have not been processed yet.

Su Han handed over this task to a few PS employees, and arranged for them to deal with this matter tomorrow and teach others.

The customer service of an online store that doesn't know PS is not a good customer service.

After leaving the company, Su Han drove directly to I Love My Real Estate Agency, and before I knew it, it was already Wednesday.

Owners and intermediary companies are also in a hurry.

It has long been blown that he went to go through the transfer procedures.

The owner, probably because of the lack of working capital in business, is willing to reduce the house payment by another 1 million in order to allow Su Han to go through the transfer procedures as soon as possible.

The transfer was smooth.

Whether it is the owner, the intermediary company, or Su Han, everyone is happy.

He picked up a million for nothing.

Complete the account.

Su Han immediately rushed to the luxury car dealership.

The nine luxury cars he ordered should also be picked up.

Picking up the car was also very smooth. "The luxury car dealership used a special trailer to transport the nine luxury cars to Su Han's villa.

Because the battle was a bit big, there was quite a commotion.


Another day passed.

Because there were a lot of photos taken with Jiang Nansun, the company's employees had to deal with them for two full days, and they were busy on Thursday and Friday.

For this reason, the opening of Su Han's online store was delayed by only two days.


Online store officially opened!

Zhu Suosuo was very concerned about this matter, and pulled his best friend Nansun over early in the morning, both of them were more concerned about the business of this online store.

Didn't tell Su Han.

When he arrived at the company, the group found that the two women had been waiting for a long time. .

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