City: I can evolve animals crazily

Chapter 309 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

The 310th chapter still has an essential gap

The 310th chapter still has an essential gap

So each other is thinking about each other's shortcomings or each other's strengths and weaknesses. They didn't like each other's shortcomings. On the contrary, they would still blame each other. They would feel that their own shortcomings made each other unhappy. They have not considered telling each other some of their suggestions, perhaps the effect will be better. They never did it without them.

In their bones, they still hope to pay more for each other. Only in this way can they feel safe enough. In fact, they don't know each other about this, in fact, both of them feel insecure.

Because they have suffered a lot of injuries as they grow up, they are more like hedgehogs in the area of ​​feelings. While protecting themselves, they have actually quietly hurt each other 797.

But they didn't do it on purpose, but imperceptibly, they took what they felt was right. Do it as usual, but don't know that doing it this way may also hurt the other person. So whether it is Chen Feng or Zhang Wenyu, in fact, both of them need a buffer period at this stage. They need a good transition. Otherwise, it will be difficult for them to match each other.

Because marriage is not the same as love, marriage is not just their individual, not just the two of them, but the union of their two families. So for this point, neither Chen Feng nor Zhang Wenyu have considered this.

So when Bai Susu goes to their home again, he will think of you more Chen Feng Wei Center. That's also because Chen Feng is considered Bai Susu's dormancy, so he will only have as much as Chen Feng.

In fact, for Bai Susu, Chen Fengyuan is more strictly speaking, Xiao Ge and Chen Feng are equivalent to his looking for a benefactor and his parents.

In fact, even Bai Susu’s parents are not right Chen Feng Bai Susu, so Bai Susu is willing to entrust everything to Chen Feng, even if Chen Feng is wrong, even if Chen Feng is willing to abandon her , Give up her, she will not blame Chen Feng.

He would feel that he was wrong, so Chen Feng would abandon him, at least among the daughters of the small row (beab), he would feel that it was because of his shortcomings that Chen Feng would abandon him, even if One day he can't keep up with Chen Feng's footsteps. He won't complain about Chen Feng at all.

On the contrary, he would feel that why he is so unbelievable, why do he want to drag him down Big Brother Chen Feng, why do you want to drag him back?

Of course, this is also the difference between Bai Susu and Zhang Wenyu, and Zhang Wenyu is relatively rational at present, while Bai Susu is more perceptual. Bai Susu will consider Chen Feng more, so she is really not strong, she is more and more. Chen Feng, Zhang Wenyu's current situation, he will still give priority to himself, and then consider Chen Feng.

So from this perspective, Chen Feng's choice of Zhang Wenyu was indeed wrong, because no man could accept it, but women gave priority to themselves, so Zhang Wenyu lost, and it was completely out of the question.

Of course, this is not what she deliberately did like this, she actually didn't want to do this, but her current situation can only be like this.

Because there is no other way, the most important point is that he also understands that these problems are incorrect, but she has no way to change.

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