City: I can evolve animals crazily

Chapter 327 There is no absolute in everything, okay

Chapter 327 There is no absolute in everything, okay

I have to say that sometimes girls are really a brain-supplemented role, because Chen Feng doesn't know these things at all for Chen Feng. In fact, what she just said is serious because he is not in this state, because he has been thinking about the previous things, so he thinks that these things should belong to the growth and transition of "August One Zero", so he did not consider Zhang Wenyu Will shoot him.

And the most important point is that she has long felt that Zhang Wenyu is not in shape today. But what he didn't expect was that Zhang Wenyu was apologizing. He actually apologized. He would do it directly with him, and he would still hit him with something, which made Chen Feng very speechless.

However, in Zhang Wenyu's view, all this is actually very embarrassing, because Zhang Yuxin's bedroom is very broken, so proactively apologizing to a person, the key is that the person is not online yet, as if not in a state.

This makes Zhang Wenyu very top, and the most important thing is that compared with the stone just now, he can easily hit Chen Feng's head with such a drop, which makes him very broken, and he simply feels this. Everything is incredible. You have to know that others don't know about Chen Feng, but he knows it very well.

So I have to say that Chen Feng was not intentional. Zhang Wenyu didn't believe it, but Zhang Wenyu also felt that Chen Feng would not be so stupid, so Zhang Wenyu at this moment was trapped in an instant. He didn't know what happened. , He felt as if he could hit someone with just a single throw. Is it because his metal technology has improved, or is it because Chen Feng's older brother is out of state and regressed?

All of this can only constantly present politics in the old Zhang Wenyu's mind. He felt that when Chen Feng was hit just now, he felt that his heart was almost melted, and he felt that he shouldn't hurt Chen Feng like this. But thinking of Brother Chen Feng, even now he still hasn't come back to his senses, what does this show?

This shows that it seems that all this was not due to him just now, but I don't know what happened or what happened, but no matter how easily I hit him so easily, it seems that he is indeed not very good, and the most important thing is. I'm still a girl anyway

In this way, Zhang Wenyu was very sad and sad, so he thought of here that he took the initiative to run to Chen Feng. He hoped that Chen Feng could forgive him. He didn't want Chen Feng to think he was a violent maniac, or deliberately bully him. Or something, he didn't want Chen Feng's heart, she was a very embarrassing and unbelievable image.

"How about you with a big brother? I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I just wanted to tease you and scare you, but I didn't expect that you didn't avoid it just now. I'm sorry, I didn't mean it.

Obviously, for Zhang Wenyu, Chen Feng's head is still bleeding at this moment. And even though 0.1 Chen Feng has recovered at this moment, it is for Zhang Wenyu.

She felt that the ultimate decision maker or the ultimate cause of this matter was because he at least in Chen Feng's opinion, this matter was completely his responsibility, and he should bear this responsibility and should bear the pot.

"It's okay, it's okay, I'm not hiding, and it's not my honor that you hit me? Right?"

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