Because of this, Xie Ziqin can directly threaten his own foundation.

What Jiang Ming hates most in his life is others threatening him.

If it weren't for his partner to trust him, Jiang Ming would never have brought him into his and Xue Wenxi's house.

Because that is the most fundamental part of yourself.

And he also has his own weakness, Xue Wenxi.

Once discovered by a theoretical enemy like Xie Ziqin, his own lair may be destroyed.

Jiang Ming didn't want to be discovered at all, but there was nothing he could do.

After Xie Zhongning was brought to the villa, Jiang Ming looked at his face and couldn't tell whether he was disgusted or happy.

Because the first thing Xie Zhongning did when he entered the house was to pat himself on the shoulder.

Jiang Ming thought he was disgusted with the air or dust in the living room, so he raised his eyes and asked him:

"Why...have you still felt wronged by coming to me?"

But that Xie Zhongning's face didn't have such an expression, instead it was calm with a little excitement.

Jiang Ming was confused.

Xie Zhongning shook his head and said, "No, Brother Jiang! I like it here very much."

"It's just that I'm afraid of dirtying the place here."

Jiang Ming looked confused. From the looks of it, Xie Zhongning didn't look like he was born into a rich family.

Rather like an ordinary child.

Seeing Jiang Ming's doubtful look, Xie Zhongning also smiled and said frankly:

“I didn’t live in the house my brother and my father shared, but my dad threw me out.

"I live in a small house with my mother, and even my brother pays monthly rent."

Jiang Ming suddenly realized that he had been controlled by his brother since he was a child.

It's not like he's in control, at least he seems happy.

If you are happy, you can replace "control" with the word "accompanying".

Jiang Ming also understood why Xie Zhongning relied on his brother so much.

It turned out to be such a reason.

Let me ask you, don't you like that you have had a brother who was so kind to you since you were a child?

This Xie Ziqin was just playing the emotional card.

Glancing at Xie Zhongning and seeing the nostalgic look on his face, Jiang Ning knew that Xie Ziqin's plan was successful.

This emotional card that has been cultivated since childhood is played well.

But it must have been ruined by that woman.

Jiang Ming finally knew what Xie Ziqin was thinking.

Probably because he hoped that he could successfully inherit Xie Feng's legacy, that's why he put so much effort into it.

However, none of the women he selected could become a stepping stone on his road to success.

Instead, it becomes a stumbling block.

Because Jiang Ming knew that Xie Zhongning had actually followed Xie Ziqin when he was a child.

When the woman didn't show up, even if Xie Ziqin gave Xie Zhongning an agreement on share transfer rights, he would sign it without hesitation.

But later Xie Zhongning finally woke up. Although he still relied on his brother, he would not escape from his own rational thinking.

"What about your mother? How is she?"

Jiang Ming felt that Xie Ziqin must have another plan for playing the emotional card this time, instead of just making Xie Zhongning feel dependent.

It can even be said that this sense of dependence is just Xie Zhongning's own vague idea.

And Xie Ziqin didn't even have such thoughts at all.

"My mother...she died of illness when I was very young."

“Fortunately, my brother was there that day and took my mother to the hospital with me.

When Jiang Ming mentioned this, Xie Zhongning was originally a little happy, but the more he thought about it, the more something was wrong.

Wait a minute, this thing seems a bit strange. Why did his brother show up that day?

Why did my mother suddenly pass away on that day?

Everything seems to be pointing at one person.

Only then did Xie Zhongning suddenly wake up.

Jiang Ming, who woke him up, shook his head helplessly and said, "You are still too pure.

The son of the richest man is such a pure child. What do the media think?

Jiang Ming suddenly understood why Xie Zisu was so interested in Xie Zhongning when he was a child.

The focus is not on his innocent brother, but on the stepmother who was kicked out.

Because according to the law, the stepmother has certain rights to shares.

And their father, the richest man, will definitely have to hand over some shares to the stepmother because of the media comments.

So that became a motivation for him.

The reason why he is so kind to the mother and son is probably because this stepmother has a similar love for him.

In order to strengthen himself, Xie Ziqin wanted to be able to compete with his younger brother.

In order to enjoy the absolute ownership of the company, as the elder brother, he "...had to" use his smooth disguised face to deal with the mother and son.

Then he deceived the stepmother's trust and asked her to transfer all the shares to him.

Because Xie Zhongning was still a child at the time, there was no talk of inheriting the shares.

Although Xie's father might still have some favor for him at that time.

But how could Xie Ziqin let go of his good brother at that time?

Xie Ziqin gradually cultivated his younger brother into an ignorant and ignorant playboy.

But I graduated from a prestigious university, and even double majored in Ph.D.

No matter who mentions this difference, they will shake their heads!

So what Xie Ziqin did first was to be much, much better than his younger brother.

Then use other people's words to belittle that younger brother.

At the end is the harvest.

This is a good hand, and (Nuo Qian's) played it perfectly.

Jiang Ming feels that this kind of thing cannot be said to be good or bad.

But Xie Ziqin had a lot of ideas.

But as the eldest son of the richest man in Hangzhou, how could he not put more thought into it?

Xie Zhongning was already stunned on the spot, as if he couldn't believe the reality of this matter.

He felt that everything was caused by that woman, but he didn't expect that his brother was the mastermind behind directing that woman to do things.

His world view collapsed instantly.

Jiang Ming patted his shoulder comfortingly and asked him to sit down and chat slowly.

"I told you a long time ago, that brother of yours doesn't look like a good guy."

"I'm just reminding you a few words to make you see the facts clearly.

"Now you can decide whether you want to cooperate with me or not."

Jiang Ming knew that Xie Zhongning was also very defensive. .

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