City: I Can Reshape Garbage And Dominate The World

Chapter 54: Real Tiger Vs. Real Tiger, Two Tigers Fighting!

"Jiang Ming, where did you get this big-brained tiger?

Xue Wenxi asked curiously while wiping the realistic tiger.

"It was given by someone else. Their family is a descendant of the ancient Mohist family."

"Because I helped them, and in order to thank me, I gave this family's ancestral machine beast to me.

Jiang Ming said slowly.

This is the rhetoric arranged by the system.

"Wow, I didn't expect that there are still descendants of the Mo family."

"However, it is indeed an ancestral possession of the Mo family. This machine beast is too lifelike."

Xue Wenxi surrounded the realistic tiger and kept watching.

"It's not just as simple as being realistic. You'll know when you get to the suburbs."

Jiang Ming said and took out a piece of white cloth.

Cover it with a realistic tiger.

This is to avoid scaring others.

"Let's go, get him a car, and we'll go to the countryside."

Jiang Ming said and pressed a power button.

The big tiger followed Jiang Ming and walked away.

Not to mention, this machine beast is very smart.

When Jiang Ming walks, it follows him. When Jiang Ming walks into the elevator and stops, it follows him.

Jiang Ming didn't know what the ancient machine beasts were like.

But this machine beast is almost as if it has an intelligent system installed.

Able to know one's own thoughts clearly.

It is indeed produced by the system!

When he came downstairs and opened the trunk, Jiang Ming asked the big tiger to jump up on his own and then lay there without moving.

Of course, the white cloth still needs to be covered.

Driving on the road, if someone doesn't know this, he sees a big tiger in his car.

Or he was too frightened to know what to do and had a car accident.

Or call the police and say that you are smuggling animals.

No matter which one it is, that's not what Jiang Ming wants to see.

Because in that case, my day off today may be completely wasted.

"Let's go to the countryside!"

Jiang Ming said, driving Xue Wenxi to the suburbs.

"Let's go, let's go and ride the big-brained tiger!"

Xue Wenxi also sat in the passenger seat happily.

Hangzhou Zoo is the earliest zoo in Hangzhou.

Here, there are a variety of animals for people to visit.

"Hey, what's going on? Why is there one less tiger today?"

When the tiger breeder came to where the tiger was with several barrels of meat, he immediately frowned.

In the past, when dinner was served, the tigers would always swarm us.

But today, the breeder discovered that one was missing.

Could it be that he was sleeping in a cave?

The breeder guessed.

"This is the keeper. There is one less tiger dining outside. Go and see if there is another one in the cave that has not come out."

The keeper took out the walkie-talkie and said to the person who was looking after the tiger.

The place where the tiger was was a deep pit surrounded by walls.

About five meters high.

And underneath, there's a valve.

Every day during the day, this valve will open and let the tiger out for the audience to enjoy.

At night, this valve will close.


A voice came from the intercom.

Not long after, there was a panicked voice.

"Keeper, how many tigers do you have over there?"

"I checked in the cave and found that there are no tigers left."

"It's impossible. We have a total of five tigers, and only four are outside now."

"Damn, things are getting serious. There's a tiger in the hospital."

"Quick, go check the surveillance camera and see how that tiger disappeared."

At this time, the zoo staff and the tiger keeper were completely panicked.

Then, the zoo's surveillance video was immediately retrieved.

Then they discovered that at midnight last night.

The valve broke somehow.

It was actually lifted up by the tiger using its forelimbs.

"How could the valve be broken? It shouldn't be. The valve was still fine this morning.

The staff members' faces turned ugly when they saw this scene.

This is a failure in their work.

"Oops, the tiger escaped.

Then, something happened that no one expected.

Coming out of the valve were two tigers.

One of the tigers, for some reason, stepped on the body of its companion.

At the same time, the tiger that was stepped on subconsciously struggled and stood up. A tiger stood up, at least 2 meters high.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the tiger suddenly jumped, stepped on the head of its companion, and jumped out of the five-meter-high wall.

Then, they clearly saw the tiger running out of the zoo.

"Damn it, the tiger has escaped. Go call the police!"

The staff who saw this scene didn't know that the tiger had already run out of the zoo.

Next, there is nothing they can do.

Because they need the assistance of the police, they need to start from the gate of the zoo and follow the surveillance to find out where the tiger has gone.

But don't touch anyone.

Otherwise, if a human life is lost, their zoo will suffer.

When the police learned that a tiger had escaped from the zoo, they immediately took it seriously.

He quickly started checking the tiger's traces according to the information provided by the zoo.

There was chaos over there at the zoo.

Jiang Ming drove the car to the outskirts of Hangcheng.

Here, it has not yet been developed and retains an idyllic environment.

The scenery is also extremely charming.

"I want to take pictures! I want to take pictures! I want to take pictures!"

After getting out of the car, Xue Wenxi couldn't wait to take a photo with the machine beast.

"Okay, it's up to you!"

Jiang Ming said, taking off the white cloth, and then let the realistic tiger get out of the car.

There are no other people around, so you can play whatever you want.

"Jiang Ming, please help me take pictures."

Xue Wenxi said and handed the phone to Jiang Ming.

Then, he put his right hand around the neck of the realistic tiger, put his whole face on the tiger's head, and made a V for victory with his left hand.


When Jiang Ming saw this, he took a photo of this lovely scene with his mobile phone.

"Jiang Ming, can you ask the big-brained tiger to open his mouth?"

Xue Wenxi then asked.


Jiang Ming nodded.

Then, under Jiang Ming's control, the big tiger opened its bloody mouth.

"Hehe, so scared!"

Xue Wenxi said, placing her entire head in the mouth of the simulated tiger.

Then he continued to force Scissorhands with a smile.

"You are really naughty!"

When Jiang Ming saw this scene, he suddenly couldn't laugh or cry.

However, of course my girlfriend’s request must be fulfilled.

Next, Xue Wenxi opened her mind and took several photos in succession. In the eyes of others, they were completely suicidal photos.

After all, this tiger is so lifelike.

Without knowing it, up close, it feels like it is a real tiger.

Especially when taking photos.

After taking dozens of photos of one face.

Xue Wenxi's enthusiasm for taking pictures finally subsided.

Then, Xue Wenxi selected nine pictures that looked the deadliest and funniest and sent them to Moments.

I even edited a message like this: I went to the countryside with my boyfriend today and spent time with Brain Tiger. I was really happy.

After editing is complete, click Send!

The next moment, people who had been paying attention to Xue Wenxi's updates immediately received an update notification from her circle of friends.

"Damn it, what are you doing, Mrs. Ming? Feeding yourself to a tiger?"

When Jin Linghui saw this group of photos, he was almost frightened.

The whole head was stuck into the household registration.

This is not the way to seek death.

"Xiao Xi, how could you do such a dangerous thing? Where is your boyfriend? Why didn't he stop you at this time?

Although Qin Feng's confession was rejected, he has been silently paying attention to Xue Wenxi's circle of friends.

When they saw Xue Wenxi making such a dangerous move, everyone was frightened.

At the same time, I couldn't help but complain about Jiang Ming in my heart.

As a boyfriend, my girlfriend did such a dangerous thing and didn't stop her.

Qin Feng was so disappointed with Jiang Ming.

Originally, he was ready to give up.

However, at this time, he felt that handing over Xue Wenxi to Jiang Ming was a wrong decision.

Such a person does not deserve Xue Wenxi at all.

"My dear, Wen Xi, you two really dare to play. You don't run away when you encounter a tiger, but you are still in the mood to take pictures?"

"And if you take pictures, just take pictures. You actually make such a dangerous move. Are you trying to kill yourself?"

"Especially in that picture, your head is in the tiger's mouth. Aren't you afraid that if it clicks, your head will be gone?"

Jiang Wenyue was also frightened.


Xue Wenxi is not usually such a bold person, nor does she know how to play such exciting games.

This is totally seeking death, okay?

Next, not only classmates, but also other friends of Xue Wenxi left messages.

Some people even directly chatted with her via private voice.

Many people are blaming Jiang Ming, saying that he cannot take care of his girlfriend.

"Oops, it seems like you've gone too far."

Xue Wenxi saw the messages from various relatives, friends and classmates in her circle of friends, and Changshi stuck out her tongue in embarrassment.

"Fortunately, my aunt and uncle didn't see it, otherwise, I would have been scolded by them today.

When Jiang Ming saw this, he shook his head in confusion.

But is there any way to choose a girlfriend by yourself?

Even if you cry, you must continue to pamper her.

"Okay, okay, let me vindicate you. You are helping me take a short video to prove that this is just a machine beast, not a real tiger."

0Please give me flowers…………

Seeing this, Xue Wenxi knew that this matter must be clarified as soon as possible.

Otherwise, what if my parents see it and think Jiang Ming is too unreliable?

The trust that was finally built cannot be lost just like that.

"Hehe, you are all scared by me, this is actually not a real tiger, but a simulated big tiger.

"It is a kind of mechanical beast of the ancient Mohists. It looks lifelike and very realistic. w

"Actually, it's made of wood."

"If you don't believe me, I'll knock it out for you."

"Cry Cry Cry Cry!!!"

"Did you hear it? It's the sound of wood."

After some operations, Xue Wenxi recorded this video.

Then edited one

:The truth about the photos of me committing suicide.

Then clicked send.

"Damn it, such a lifelike tiger is actually a machine beast made of wood. I can't believe it."

Jiang Wenyue has been paying attention to Xue Wenxi.

He even edited a lot of private messages and sent them to Xue Wenxi.

However, when she saw this short video, she was speechless.

They worried in vain.

This is not a real tiger at all, but a machine beast made of wood.

But this is too realistic.

Upon seeing this, Jin Linghui and other classmates also left messages below.

It was nothing more than bursts of exclamations.

By the way, I hope I can also see what this ancient machine beast looks like.

As for Qin Feng, he fell into silence after seeing the news.

The confidence that I had just raised was shattered again?

No, no!

I can't just give up.

They are not married yet.

I still have a chance!

When Xiaoxi goes to college, I must let him know how good I am.

I won’t explain it any worse than this!

Xiaoxi, I'm waiting for you in Qinghua.

"You, you, almost scared people to death.

Jiang Ming saw the message in Xue Wenxi's circle of friends and shook her head helplessly.

"Hehe, isn't this a sudden thought? Who knew their reaction would be so stupid?"

Xue Wenxi stuck out her tongue in embarrassment.

"Dear, I want to ride a tiger, you help me take a video.

Then Xue Wenxi said with a smile.


Jiang Ming said, letting Xue Wenxi sit on the back of the realistic tiger.

Then, he ordered it to run across the countryside.

"Haha, fight!"

Xue Wenxi, a scholar at least, cheered on the big tiger.

As for Jiang Ming, he recorded this scene with his mobile phone.

"Be careful, don't fall."

Seeing Xue Wenxi so happy, Jiang Ming reminded from the side.

Fortunately, the realistic tiger does not run very fast.

In addition, Xue Wenxi held the big tiger's skin tightly with both hands, which was relatively stable.

Xue Wenxi came back after getting up for a while.

Then sit on the back of the big tiger with Jiang Ming.

Jiang Ming sat in the back and Xue Wenxi sat in the front.

Then, Jiang Ming held Xue Wenxi in her arms and let the big tiger walk slowly among the fields.

It's a pity that there is no one else.

Otherwise, you can record this sweet scene with your mobile phone.

"Hey, if I had known earlier, I would have just waited for a drone to come over and let the drone take pictures."

Jiang Ming said with some hindsight.


However, just when two people were riding a big tiger for a walk in the countryside.

A domineering tiger roar came from not far away.

When Jiang Ming heard this, his expression changed and he looked at the direction where the sound came from with some surprise.

There, a big, living tiger slowly walked out.

A pair of ferocious eyes were staring at them.

The bloody mouth opened wide, and saliva fell to the ground drop by drop.

Obviously, he was very hungry and ready to eat.


When Xue Wenxi saw this, her face instantly turned extremely pale!

She never imagined that she and Jiang Ming just went out to ride a simulated tiger, and ended up encountering a real tiger.

"Don't be afraid, I'm here!"

Jiang Ming took a deep breath. At this time, he couldn't panic!

If even he panics, what will Fu Wenxi do?

Moreover, this machine beast not only has appreciation ability, but also has extremely powerful combat power.

In addition, Jiang Ming has been practicing Bajiquan for nearly a month now.

The terrifying strength of his body also reached 500 kilograms.

Joining forces with the realistic giant tiger may not be impossible to deal with this giant tiger.

It's really exciting. Is this a battle between two tigers, a simulated big tiger VS a real tiger?

Please subscribe!! Soil!.

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