City: I Can Reshape Garbage And Dominate The World

Chapter 98 I Always Feel Like I Missed 100 Million!

The Internet is exploding!

Especially Hangzhou and Zhejiang Province, where Hangzhou is located, are all exploding.

Because, an unprecedented and truly top scorer in the college entrance examination appeared.

"Oh my god, this year's top scorer in the college entrance examination actually scored 750 points. This guy is a fighter among top academics.

"Yes, this year's college entrance examination questions are more difficult. I only scored more than 500 points. I really don't know how this top scorer got the top spot."

"Haha, you are already very good with more than 500 points in the exam. You may be able to pass the second exam, but we poor students have more than 200 points.

"Emmm...more than 200 points is still high, but more than 100 points pass by silently."

"More than 100 points is pretty high, and double digits pass by silently."

"Is that a joke upstairs? I believe it's more than 100 points, but your damn double digits are too exaggerated~ aren't you?"

Chatting on the Internet - chatting, it went wrong.

From the beginning, it shocked the top scorer in the college entrance examination, and then, those weirdos with ultra-low scores.

Fortunately, not long after, the crooked building was forcibly straightened.

In short, everyone is curious about this 750-point number one pick.

Many people are shouting: Where is the media? Go and interview the No. 1 pick. We want to know the information about the best No. 1 pick in history and see how he studied.

Hangzhou No. 2 Middle School.

"Haha, everything is all thanks to your leadership. If you hadn't arranged Jiang Ming to our school, our school would not have received such an outstanding student.

"Yes, yes, Jiang Ming's head teacher Chen Shuangwei deserves a lot of credit. I will promote her. She is indeed a good teacher."

"Then I won't disturb the leader."

Wang Jianchun hung up the phone respectfully, the joy on his face not diminishing at all.

"Principal, Jiang Ming's grades are so excellent. How much scholarship should we give to Jiang Ming this time?"

The dean asked from the side.

Only then did he realize that Jiang Ming's background was so great and that he was brought in by a superior leader.

No wonder the principal was so decisive about Xu Haiqiao and Zhao Hai.

Completely merciless.

Now he knows a little bit.

"I don't think I should be too stingy. After all, I am the top scorer in the college entrance examination with an unprecedented perfect score."

Wang Jianchun is also thinking about the amount of this scholarship.

In the past, their school has not produced top students in the college entrance examination, but it is similar to those from other schools.

The amount is between 200,000 and 300,000.

However, Jiang Ming is different. He not only won first place in the Provincial Mathematics Olympiad before, bringing glory to the school.

He is the top scorer in the college entrance examination with an unprecedented perfect score. If he were given 300,000 yuan, he would be a bit too petty.

"That's the truth, then how about we give 500,000?"

The dean suggested.

500,000, which can be said to be a high scholarship that has never been given by Hangzhou No. 2 Middle School or even other high schools.

Almost twice as much as before.

It can be said that the dean is very sincere.

"Well, let's set it at five hundred thousand."

Wang Jianchun thought about it and thought it was quite suitable, so he finally decided on a high scholarship.

Wang Jianchun didn't know that when he set the 500,000 scholarship.

The Education Bureau has also set a scholarship of 500,000 yuan for Jiang Ming.

All of this is the result of the seniors.

First, he is grateful for the life-saving grace given to his family.

Secondly, it is naturally because Jiang Ming has brought glory to Hangzhou and even the entire province.

Adding up the two 500,000 yuan is a scholarship of 1 million yuan.

This figure can be said to be very impressive. You must know that even if an ordinary worker can save 50,000 yuan a year, it will take 20 years to save enough money.

As for Jiang Ming, he easily won the 1 million scholarship.

It can be said that Jiang Ming achieved what most people achieved in 20 years by passing the college entrance examination.

It can also be seen from this point that the college entrance examination changes destiny is by no means just talk.

Now there is a scholarship of 1 million yuan, and the future will definitely be more brilliant.

Although, Jiang Ming himself is not short of the 1 million.

But this 1 million is an honor no matter what.

"Without further ado, we will go to Jiang Ming's home immediately to deliver the 500,000 scholarship.

Finally, Wang Jianchun said impatiently.


The dean nodded.

As they talked, the two people withdrew 500,000 in cash and prepared to go to Jiang Ming's home.

However, before that, they suddenly received a call from the Education Bureau.

He said that there was also a reward of 500,000 yuan and asked them to give it to Jiang Ming on behalf of the Education Bureau.

Afterwards, Wang Jianchun had no choice but to go to the Education Bureau and get another 500,000 scholarship.

In this way, one million cash will go to Jiang Ming's house.

However, Wang Jianchun didn't know that Jiang Ming had moved away long ago.

"Son, our old house was surrounded by a group of reporters."

At Jiang Ming's house, Jiang Han said to his son with a smile.

On the TV, a news was being broadcast, and it was broadcast live.

It was the scene where countless reporters wanted to interview Jiang Ming.

Unfortunately, when they arrived, they discovered that Jiang Ming had already moved.

As for where he moved, no one knows.

Because when Jiang Ming and the others moved, they said it was a villa.

The location has never been revealed.

"Fortunately we moved early, otherwise we wouldn't have even thought of going out today."

Jiang Ming said with lingering fear after seeing this scene on TV.

The huge crowd of reporters surrounded the entire community.

It's so scary.

"Hehe, who made your results so outstanding? Everyone wants to interview you.

Xue Wenxi snickered from the side.

"My grades are too good, it's my fault!"

Jiang Ming raised his hands and rolled his eyes helplessly.

This helpless look made Xue Wenxi smile even more joyfully.

"Jingle Bell……………"

At this moment, Jiang Ming's cell phone rang.

Jiang Ming took a look and found that the call was from their principal, Wang Jianchun.

"Principal, what's the matter?"

Jiang Ming's doubtful question.

"Classmate Jiang Ming, have you moved?"

Wang Jianchun was helpless, so he and the dean brought a scholarship of 1 million to him.

Only when we arrived did we find out that Jiang Ming had moved.

"Well, it's been almost half a month since we moved."

"Principal, I'll send you a position on Weixin. Just come over."

Jiang Ming was stunned at first. He didn't expect that he actually had a scholarship of 1 million yuan.

But he also knew that it was definitely not a one-person unit in the school.

He didn't say anything about not wanting the 1 million.

Although he is very rich now, hundreds of millions.

However, it does not mean that he can abandon 1 million.

After all, it was money earned through hard work through the college entrance examination, so how could I not want it.


On Wang Jianchun's side, after hanging up the phone, he waited for Jiang Ming's positioning.

But Wang Jianchun didn't know that a sharp-eyed reporter had already noticed him.

Although Wang Jianchun was sitting in the car, he recognized Wang Jianchun as the principal of Hang No. 2 Middle School.

What is the principal of Hang No. 2 Middle School doing here?

He must be looking for Jiang Ming, the top scholar in their school.

Obviously, even the principal didn't know that Jiang Ming had moved.

But it doesn’t matter. Jiang Ming doesn’t know now, but that doesn’t mean he won’t know in the future.

"Quick, let's get back to the car. I know how to find classmate Jiang Ming."


The reporter said to the cameraman who was following him.

He was so excited in his heart. If he found Jiang Ming first, he would definitely get a promotion and a salary increase immediately.

Because it represents exclusive news.

Everyone knows how profitable exclusive news can be.

"What, do you know how to find classmate Jiang Ming?"

Unfortunately, his voice was a bit loud, and a colleague next to him heard it and immediately exclaimed.

Then the next moment, all the reporters looked over.

"Quickly, tell me where classmate Jiang Ming has moved."

"Damn it, it's true or false, how did this guy know?"

"In short, don't worry about so much. I'd rather believe it or not. We should just follow him.

Some reporters stared at this reporter with burning eyes.

"Damn it, it's exposed."

This memory of recognizing Wang Jianchun wants to give himself a big mouth for making you speak so loudly.

Well now, you don’t have to think about being exclusive.

However, he was too lazy to pay attention to other reporters and urged the photographer to get in the car.

Following Wang Jianchun's car, he left the community.

"Damn it, you're such a fool, you're actually driving. How the hell do you want us to follow you?"

When they saw this reporter driving away, those reporters who did not have cars beat their chests one by one.

I could only watch him leave.

As for taking a taxi.

Sorry, there is no way there are taxis in the community.

By the time they walked out of the community, they no longer knew where to look.

"Haha, fortunately we have a car."

Of course, there are also many reporters who have cars.

Immediately, they ran back to their cars quickly, started their cars and followed.

Only those reporters without cars were left, staring at each other.

At this time, their hearts were desolate.

I always feel like I missed out on 100 million!

That’s all money!

Seek automatic, group complete! Yu!.

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