City: I Can View The Script Of Life

Chapter 117 More Than 4 Billion, Endless Hell

However, Qi Si's idea was quickly shattered!

"Two hundred and fifty-five million!"

But this time, Su Yi specifically reminded Huang Xian'er and asked her to increase the amplitude a little smaller.

After all, it was obvious that Qi Si had no energy left!

If you add too much, you are just giving money to the organizer!

After Huang Xian'er called out the price, as expected, no one bid again! Qi Si could only secretly sigh that it was a pity!

No one bid, and in the end, the Buddha head was bought by Huang Xianer for 255 million! After all, it was a small profit!

After all, this thing is worth 300 million!

Next, there were several products in a row. The competition was not very fierce and the prices were not high. The highest price was over 10 million!

“Next, let’s move on to the last item in today’s auction!”

"This product is somewhat special. It is not an antique, but for many of the bosses here, it may be a rare good thing!"

"It is, Chengxi Hotel!"

Following the host's introduction, many people stood up excitedly!

Not for anything else, because this Chengxi Hotel is so famous!

He was the largest gang gathering place in Chang City before the crackdown on 27!

Chengxi Hotel is also known as Xilongwang Hotel!

This Xilong King is another boss of an underground group!

All this time, relying on dark means, half of the sky in Chang City has been held up!

And this Xilongwang Hotel is the image of this underground group! It represents the dark forces of Chang City!

There used to be a saying in Chang City: If the Chengxi Hotel does not collapse, the sun will not rise in Chang City!

Of course, the so-called Chengxi Hotel does not fall down does not mean that the Chengxi Hotel needs to be demolished!

As long as it no longer belongs to the evil forces, it will be considered defeated!

Two years ago, Changshi launched a thunderous attack on these evil forces and uprooted the entire group in one fell swoop!

Therefore, Chengxi Hotel has become ownerless, waiting for someone to take over!

However, even though the group collapsed, no one dared to accept this huge hotel!

I just didn’t expect that this hotel would be auctioned on this occasion!

"Everyone knows that this Chengxi Hotel covers an area of ​​more than 5,000 square meters and has 58 floors. It was once the king of buildings in the city!"

"In addition, Chengxi Hotel has now become a key development area in Changsha. In the future, the appreciation space of Chengxi Hotel can be imagined!"

The host was chatting away, and the people sitting down looked at each other.

"The place is a good place, but who can afford this hotel? The price is sky-high?"

"Yes, conservatively estimate, it will take 10 to go up!"

"1 billion? I'm afraid it's at least 2 billion. When that building was built, it was contracted by an uncle of mine. At that time, the Xilong Wang family was really willing to spend money. All the materials used were the best, and the supervision was very good. Strictly speaking, it is said that the cost of building materials alone for this building has reached more than one billion! This does not include labor and other expenses."

"Hiss...then I guess I can't get even 2 billion!"

"It's hard to say. After all, who dared to take this building in the first place? I heard that the relevant departments spent a lot of effort on this building. All the famous companies in the Chang City have visited this building. However, no one is willing to take over because they are afraid of retaliation from some people under the Xilongwang Group who have slipped through the net. You know, that group of people are all desperadoes and have nothing to fear!"

"It's been two years. We've caught everyone who should be caught. Is everything going to be fine?"

"It's hard to say. Who dares to take risks on such a thing?"

These people were having heated discussions and seemed to still have lingering fears about this building.

Even Wang Mingyuan, the current underground king of Chang City, frowned deeply, wondering what he was thinking about.

"There is also relevant support for the auction of this building. We have joined forces with major banks to provide installment services for this building! No matter what the final transaction price of this building is, you only need to pay 100 million as a down payment! The rest is The part is divided into 10 years, and you can pay 10% every year!”

This sentence from the host can be said to have caused an uproar!

You only need to pay 100 million to temporarily own this building!

You know, no matter what the risks behind this building are, if you own this building, you have already half-stepped into the top circles of Changcheng City!

With half a foot left, it all depends on the future management!

If you manage well and are not retaliated by people from the Xilongwang Group, then congratulations, you have successfully become a first-class entrepreneur in the Changcheng City!

If the management is not good, sorry, it may be short-lived and never recover!

After all, one-tenth of the final payment every year [that's all it takes to make you breathless.

What's more, there are also management fees for the entire building, water and electricity bills, and so on.

However, the temptation of a down payment of 100 million has really aroused the gambler mentality of many people!

"The starting price of the Chengxi Hotel is 2 billion. Every increase in price will not be less than 100 million, and can only be an integral multiple of 100 million!"

As the host finished speaking, many entrepreneurs with a gambler mentality raised their cards one after another!

After all, this is an excellent opportunity for a carp to leap over the dragon's gate! Even if it is a stepping stone to the endless hell!






This competition is really fierce. In the blink of an eye, the price has reached 3 billion.

The key is, it hasn’t stopped yet...





It wasn't until the price reached 4 billion that these people slowly calmed down, and some people began to give up.

After all, 4 billion, even if it is taken, nearly 400 million will have to be repaid every year in the future!

This number is not low. Even if the entire hotel operates with full rooms throughout the year, its profit may not reach 400 million!

Think about it, 400 million, 365 days a year, at least a profit of more than 1 million a day. Even if it is 1 million. According to the average daily net profit of one room of 300 days, 333 rooms are needed.

As for the entire Chengxi Hotel, excluding offices and restaurants, there are only 40 floors actually used as a hotel, and some of the floors are presidential suites, large suites, etc.

Actually converted into ordinary houses, there are only more than 3,000 units.

In other words, unless the room is full every day, it is impossible to repay the 400 million per year!

Moreover, in this situation, which is similar to a mortgage in itself, it will be difficult for the bank to give you another loan!

In this way, if there are more than 4 billion, it will basically be an endless hell!

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