City: I Can View The Script Of Life

Chapter 152: My Little Friend, You Are Very Motivated!

"My little friend, you are very motivated.

Liu Chengbo narrowed his eyes. He didn't expect Su Yi to be so domineering!

His estimated price for this stone was 5 million. As long as he got it within 5 million, it wouldn't be a big loss. But he didn't expect that the price the other party called out for the first time happened to be exactly this!

Is it so good in the other person's eyes?

Based on his many years of experience, he can judge that this stone must be a piece of jadeite with an ice-waxy texture. However, he cannot accurately judge the water and color. But based on the price of ordinary jadeites, as long as the actual jadeite quality is The size is half the size of this stone, which is worth almost 5 million!

As for whether there will be better water species inside.

Of course it's possible, but you can't gamble like that.

If you buy every stone based on the cost that it may contain glass, imperial green, or emerald, then you will only lose all your money!

Such high-quality jade is rare!

Therefore, every jade expert's quotation for jade must be conservative. It may be falsely low, but it is rarely falsely high.

The 500.27 million that Su Yi quoted this time was right on his bottom line, which put him in a bit of a dilemma.

I didn’t expect such a young guy to have such good vision??

"What's wrong? Mr. Liu, do we want to increase the price?" Wang Mingyuan asked secretly.

His purpose today is to severely suppress Changtian Group, so naturally he has to suppress the price Su Yi offers.

But he saw that the expression on Liu Chengbo's face was not very good.

Liu Chengbo shook his head and said:

"There is a high probability that this stone is a piece of ice jade, but I see that there are large signs of collapse on the surface of the stone, and the size of the jade inside is not very large. 5 million is my estimated price, so I am so surprised."

Wang Mingyuan frowned and said:

"Five million? Is it possible that it is higher than this number?"

"Of course it is possible. Everything is possible when betting on rough stones. If there is a piece of glass with imperial green inside, even a small piece can be sold for 50 million, but the probability is not high. You can increase the price if you want. You are your freedom.

"No, I naturally listen to Mr. Liu's opinion when it comes to jade. Mr. Liu is the number one in our Jiangnan jade industry. w

Wang Mingyuan heard a hint of dissatisfaction in Liu Chengbo's tone, and quickly flattered him.

Liu Chengbo turned his head and did not speak.

With a price of 5 million, naturally no one would bid.

Su Yi also successfully photographed this stone.

Then came the No. 9 stone. The two competed and finally sold it for 2.2 million.

Stone No. 10 was sold for 5.5 million after slightly raising the price.

The first round of auction is over, and what follows is the most exciting stone cutting!!

There was nothing in the first No. 7 stone, it was just a piece of waste stone, resulting in a loss of 1 million.

In the No. 9 stone is a pretty good bean jadeite. Although the value is not high, it has paid back.

As Su Yi saw in stone No. 10, it was a large piece of ordinary waxy jadeite worth only about 3 million, which seemed to be a lot.

Finally, we came to the most critical stone No. 8. The reason why we put it last is because this stone has the most people competing for it, and the price is also astronomical.

Stone No. 8 is only the size of a basketball, so the jadeite inside is destined not to be too big.

But when the stone cutter cut along the edge, he immediately saw the green color with the first cut!!

"It's green! It's actually green!"

"Yes, and with this color, it's still ice cream!!"

Liu Chengbo's face looked a little ugly at this time. Just based on the direction he could see now, the value of this jadeite was at least 9 million!

If the color is higher, tens of millions is not impossible!

Finally, after nearly ten minutes of cutting and polishing, a piece of jade larger than a fist appeared in front of everyone!

"Ice type, Zhengyang green, the water head is also very good, this jade is worth a lot of money!!"

"It's worth at least 10 million."

*10 million is less. If you put it up for auction, you might be able to sell it for 15 million! Such a big piece of jade can be used to make two or three small ornaments..."

Everyone was talking a lot, and there was no doubt that Su Yi won this round.

Although today is not said to be a competition, there will definitely be comparisons among everyone.

After the person who took the photo of the jade put away the jade, someone else picked out the next stones again. In the end, no one wanted the remaining two pieces of wool, so they were taken away.

Liu Chengbo also took action to obtain the No. 4 stone, and finally offered a piece of jade worth 800,000 yuan, which was a small profit and earned ten points of face.

Immediately afterwards, the second batch of jadeite was brought up.

This batch of jadeite is even smaller, with only five in total.

Su Yi had already checked the scripts of everyone present before. After a normal auction, Su Yi had the answers and could quote the most valuable stone in each round without even looking at it.

"I want number 4."

Su Yi was the first to speak again. At this time, there was less than ten minutes before the stones were brought up!

Several other experts, including Liu Chengbo, were observing the stones carefully, but Su Yi reported what he wanted in one go!

Liu Chengbo frowned, is this kid really that awesome?

He walked to Stone No. 4, knocked it carefully, and then took out a magnifying glass to study it carefully.

After five minutes, he concluded that there was indeed good material in this stone, and it was not cheap!

It might be another ice species! It’s worth around 10 million!

Is this guy really that powerful??

Picked the most valuable item twice?

"Mr. Liu, how about this time?"

Wang Mingyuan stepped forward again and asked. 707 Liu Chengbo thought for a moment and said:

"The base price is 1,000, and the maximum is 2,000. You can call it as you like. At least it contains ice."

After receiving Liu Chengbo's reply, Wang Mingyuan nodded.

This time Liu Chengbo was on the safe side and did not say that the price of death was 1,000. What if this stone dish also comes out with a better product? No one can say for sure.

Soon, everyone made their selections one after another. Since there were only 5 stones in total, someone chose each stone.

Among them, the number of people who chose stone No. 4 was the most, with 9 people choosing it.

Only one person could choose No. 1 and No. 2 stones, and they all took them away at the lowest price.

When it came time to get the No. 4 stone, the person in charge quoted the base price, which was also 5 million.

This No. 4 stone also has the highest basic price among this batch of stones!

Obviously, even they think that this stone cuisine should have good products, but what they are, they can't tell with their eyes.

This time it was Wang Mingyuan who struck first. Before Su Yi could speak, he shouted out the price:


"I offer 7 million.

At this time, Fang Wenbing also raised his hand to quote.

Not to be outdone, Wang Mingyuan shouted 9 million, and then Fang Wenbing raised the price to 10 million!

Su Yi was stunned for a moment, then sent his troops out.

Could it be that the imperial green jade worth 500 million is in this stone?

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